1,604 research outputs found

    parameters affecting the sustainability trade off between production and use stages in the automotive lightweight design

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    Abstract Nowadays, lightweight materials and design is one of the means carmakers employ to reduce CO2 emissions according to EU's goals and sustainability principles. In this paper, a comparative analysis between alternative design solutions for Electric Vehicles (EVs) components was carried out using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Costing (LCC) methodologies to evaluate the trade-off between impacts from production and use stages. This work is part of the activities of the ENLIGHT European Green Vehicles project, where the objective was to advance highly innovative lightweight material technologies for application in EVs structural parts. The purposes of the study are: i) to evaluate the parameters influencing the trade-off from the environmental and economic perspective; ii) to combine LCA and LCC results interpretations. The results stressed that the trade-off becomes much more sensitive when innovative materials and technologies are applied to EVs lightweighting

    Design of a Digital-Based, Multicomponent Nutrition Guidance System for Prevention of Early Childhood Obesity

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    Interventions targeting parenting focused modifiable factors to prevent obesity and promote healthy growth in the first 1000 days of life are needed. Scale-up of interventions to global populations is necessary to reverse trends in weight status among infants and toddlers, and large scale dissemination will require understanding of effective strategies. Utilizing nutrition education theories, this paper describes the design of a digital-based nutrition guidance system targeted to first-time mothers to prevent obesity during the first two years. The multicomponent system consists of scientifically substantiated content, tools, and telephone-based professional support delivered in an anticipatory and sequential manner via the internet, email, and text messages, focusing on educational modules addressing the modifiable factors associated with childhood obesity. Digital delivery formats leverage consumer media trends and provide the opportunity for scale-up, unavailable to previous interventions reliant on resource heavy clinic and home-based counseling. Designed initially for use in the United States, this system’s core features are applicable to all contexts and constitute an approach fostering healthy growth, not just obesity prevention. The multicomponent features, combined with a global concern for optimal growth and positive trends in mobile internet use, represent this system’s future potential to affect change in nutrition practice in developing countries

    Electrochemical Monitoring Of Electrogalvanizing Solutions

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    The corrosion resistance of steel is vastly improved when a zinc cathodic protective layer is applied. In recent years there has been renewed interest in producing this galvanized coating electrolytically. As with many deposition processes, the control of the operating parameters is very important in order to produce good quality zinc coatings. The homogeneity, ductility and smoothness of the zinc layer are critical. These factors are usually influenced by the electrochemical nature of the solution and organic additives are often used to assist in control. Studies on the polarization behavior of solutions for electro galvanizing electrolytes were made. Cyclic voltammetry techniques were used to develop methods which might be applicable in monitoring the active organic content of liquor ice in solution. The morphologies and orientations of the zinc were studied using SEM and X-ray diffraction techniques. © 1986 Chapman and Hall Ltd

    Need for Early Interventions in the Prevention of Pediatric Overweight: A Review and Upcoming Directions

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    Childhood obesity is currently one of the most prevailing and challenging public health issues among industrialized countries and of international priority. The global prevalence of obesity poses such a serious concern that the World Health Organization (WHO) has described it as a “global epidemic.” Recent literature suggests that the genesis of the problem occurs in the first years of life as feeding patterns, dietary habits, and parental feeding practices are established. Obesity prevention evidence points to specific dietary factors, such as the promotion of breastfeeding and appropriate introduction of nutritious complementary foods, but also calls for attention to parental feeding practices, awareness of appropriate responses to infant hunger and satiety cues, physical activity/inactivity behaviors, infant sleep duration, and family meals. Interventions that begin at birth, targeting multiple factors related to healthy growth, have not been adequately studied. Due to the overwhelming importance and global significance of excess weight within pediatric populations, this narrative review was undertaken to summarize factors associated with overweight and obesity among infants and toddlers, with focus on potentially modifiable risk factors beginning at birth, and to address the need for early intervention prevention

    Metabolic enhancers supporting 1-carbon cycle affect sperm functionality: an in vitro comparative study

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    The sperm plasma membrane is a sensitive target to oxidative stress. The most representative reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavengers in the genital tract, hypotaurine and glutathione, require, for their synthesis, cysteine whose availability is associated with the 1-carbon cycle (1-CC). Human, bovine and ascidian spermatozoa were incubated with compounds supporting the 1-CC (Vitamin B6, Methylcobalamin, 5 Methyl Tetrahydrofolate, Zinc Bisglycinate and N-acetyl-cysteine) (TRT) and compared to the effects induced solely by N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC). In control groups (CNTRL), spermatozoa were incubated with medium alone. After 90 and 180 minutes of incubation, the mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨM) in TRT and NAC was significantly (P < 0.01) higher than in CNTRL. At H2DCFDA evaluation, ROS production differed between species whereas, at 2-OH Ethidium, it significantly decreased in bovine TRT group. Intracellular pH (pHi) did not significantly vary in relation to treatment. In ascidian spermatozoa, the NAC supplementation decreased external pH, which in turn brought to a pHi lowering. Buffering seawater with NaHCO3 reversed the beneficial effects of N-acetyl-cysteine supplementation. In conclusion, both fully supporting the 1-CC and treatment with N-acetyl-cysteine alone improved kinetics, ΔΨM and ROS production in mammalian sperm demonstrating for the first time the direct in vitro effects of these compounds on sperm functionality

    Prevention of Chemotherapy-Induced Anemia and Thrombocytopenia by Constant Administration of Stem Cell Factor

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    Purpose: Chemotherapy-induced apoptosis of immature hematopoietic cells is a major cause of anemia and thrombocytopenia in cancer patients. Although hematopoietic growth factors such as erythropoietin and colony-stimulating factors cannot prevent the occurrence of drug-induced myelosuppression, stem cell factor (SCF) has been previously shown to protect immature erythroid and megakaryocytic cells in vitro from drug-induced apoptosis. However, the effect of SCF in vivo as a single myeloprotective agent has never been elucidated. Experimental Design: The ability of SCF to prevent the occurrence of chemotherapy-induced anemia and thrombocytopenia was tested in a mouse model of cisplatin-induced myelosuppression. To highlight the importance of maintaining a continuous antiapoptotic signal in immature hematopoietic cells, we compared two treatment schedules: in the first schedule, SCF administration was interrupted during chemotherapy treatment and resumed thereafter, whereas in the second schedule, SCF was administered without interruption for 7 days, including the day of chemotherapy treatment. Results: The administration of SCF to cisplatin-treated mice could preserve bone marrow integrity, inhibit apoptosis of erythroid and megakaryocytic precursors, prevent chemotherapy-induced anemia, and rapidly restore normal platelet production. Treatment with SCF increased the frequency of Bcl-2/Bcl-XL\u2013 positive bone marrow erythroid cells and sustained Akt activation in megakaryocytes. Myeloprotection was observed only when SCF was administered concomitantly with cisplatin and kept constantly present during the days following chemotherapy treatment. Conclusions: SCF treatment can prevent the occurrence of chemotherapy-induced anemia and thrombocytopenia in mice, indicating a potential use of this cytokine in the supportive therapy of cancer patients

    Stratigraphic Column of the Kope and Fairview Formations, Kentucky 445, Brent, Kentucky

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    The Upper Ordovician Kope Formation is exposed over a broad area of southwestern Ohio, southeastern Indiana, and northern Kentucky (Weir and others, 1984). Roadcuts along Ky. 445 near Brent (Figs. 2-3) and adjacent roadcuts along Interstate 275 expose a nearly complete section of the Kope Formation as well as the overlying Fairview Formation

    The function of FGF signaling in the lens placode

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    AbstractPrevious studies suggested that FGF signaling is important for lens formation. However, the times at which FGFs act to promote lens formation, the FGFs that are involved, the cells that secrete them and the mechanisms by which FGF signaling may promote lens formation are not known. We found that transcripts encoding several FGF ligands and the four classical FGF receptors are detectable in the lens-forming ectoderm at the time of lens induction. Conditional deletion of Fgfr1 and Fgfr2 from this tissue resulted in the formation of small lens rudiments that soon degenerated. Lens placodes lacking Fgfr1 and 2 were thinner than in wild-type embryos. Deletion of Fgfr2 increased cell death from the initiation of placode formation and concurrent deletion of Fgfr1 enhanced this phenotype. Fgfr1/2 conditional knockout placode cells expressed lower levels of proteins known to be regulated by FGF receptor signaling, but proteins known to be important for lens formation were present at normal levels in the remaining placode cells, including the transcription factors Pax6, Sox2 and FoxE3 and the lens-preferred protein αA-crystallin. Previous studies identified a genetic interaction between BMP and FGF signaling in lens formation and conditional deletion of Bmpr1a caused increased cell death in the lens placode, resulting in the formation of smaller lenses. In the present study, conditional deletion of both Bmpr1a and Fgfr2 increased cell death beyond that seen in Fgfr2CKO placodes and prevented lens formation. These results suggest that the primary role of autocrine or paracrine FGF signaling is to provide essential survival signals to lens placode cells. Because apoptosis was already increased at the onset of placode formation in Fgfr1/2 conditional knockout placode cells, FGF signaling was functionally absent during the period of lens induction by the optic vesicle. Since the expression of proteins required for lens formation was not altered in the knockout placode cells, we can conclude that FGF signaling from the optic vesicle is not required for lens induction