2,041 research outputs found

    Dephasing of a Qubit due to Quantum and Classical Noise

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    The qubit (or a system of two quantum dots) has become a standard paradigm for studying quantum information processes. Our focus is Decoherence due to interaction of the qubit with its environment, leading to noise. We consider quantum noise generated by a dissipative quantum bath. A detailed comparative study with the results for a classical noise source such as generated by a telegraph process, enables us to set limits on the applicability of this process vis a vis its quantum counterpart, as well as lend handle on the parameters that can be tuned for analyzing decoherence. Both Ohmic and non-Ohmic dissipations are treated and appropriate limits are analyzed for facilitating comparison with the telegraph process.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Quantum Treatment of the Anderson-Hasegawa Model -- Effects of Superexchange and Polarons

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    We revisit the Anderson-Hasegawa double-exchange model and critically examine its exact solution when the core spins are treated quantum mechanically.We show that the quantum effects, in the presence of an additional superexchange interaction between the core spins, yield a term, the significance of which has been hitherto ignored. The quantum considerations further lead to new results when polaronic effects, believed to be ubiquitous in manganites due to electron-phonon coupling, are included. The consequence of these results for the magnetic phase diagrams and the thermal heat capacity is also carefully analysed.Comment: 18 pages, Revtex, 7 postscript figure

    Landau diamagnetism revisited

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    The problem of diamagnetism, solved by Landau, continues to pose fascinating issues which have relevance even today. These issues relate to inherent quantum nature of the problem, the role of boundary and dissipation, the meaning of thermodynamic limits, and above all, the quantum-classical crossover occasioned by environment-induced decoherence. The Landau Diamagnetism provides a unique paradigm for discussing these issues, the significance of which are far-reaching. Our central result is a remarkable one as it connects the mean orbital magnetic moment, a thermodynamic property, with the electrical resistivity, which characterizes transport properties of materials.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Memory in nanomagnetic systems: Superparamagnetism versus Spinglass behavior

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    The slow dynamics and concomitant memory (aging) effects seen in nanomagnetic systems are analyzed on the basis of two separate paradigms : superparamagnets and spinglasses. It is argued that in a large class of aging phenomena it suffices to invoke superparamagnetic relaxation of individual single domain particles but with a distribution of their sizes. Cases in which interactions and randomness are important in view of distinctive experimental signatures, are also discussed.Comment: 11 pages and 19 figure

    Domain Growth in Random Magnets

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    We study the kinetics of domain growth in ferromagnets with random exchange interactions. We present detailed Monte Carlo results for the nonconserved random-bond Ising model, which are consistent with power-law growth with a variable exponent. These results are interpreted in the context of disorder barriers with a logarithmic dependence on the domain size. Further, we clarify the implications of logarithmic barriers for both nonconserved and conserved domain growth.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Retrieving qubit information despite decoherence

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    The time evolution of a qubit, consisting of two single-level quantum dots, is studied in the presence of telegraph noise. The dots are connected by two tunneling paths, with an Aharonov-Bohm flux enclosed between them. Under special symmetry conditions, which can be achieved by tuning gate voltages, there develops partial decoherence: at long times, the off-diagonal element of the reduced density matrix (in the basis of the two dot states) approaches a non-zero value, generating a circulating current around the loop. The flux dependence of this current contains full information on the initial quantum state of the qubit, even at infinite time. Small deviations from this symmetry yield a very slow exponential decay towards the fully-decoherent limit. However, the amplitudes of this decay also contain the full information on the initial qubit state, measurable either via the current or via the occupations of the qubit dots.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    A new non-perturbative approach to Quantum Brownian Motion

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    Starting from the Caldeira-Leggett (CL) model, we derive the equation describing the Quantum Brownian motion, which has been originally proposed by Dekker purely from phenomenological basis containing extra anomalous diffusion terms. Explicit analytical expressions for the temperature dependence of the diffusion constants are derived. At high temperatures, additional momentum diffusion terms are suppressed and classical Langivin equation can be recovered and at the same time positivity of the density matrix(DM) is satisfied. At low temperatures, the diffusion constants have a finite positive value, however, below a certain critical temperature, the Master Equation(ME) does not satisfy the positivity condition as proposed by Dekker.Comment: 5 page