10 research outputs found

    Ovisnost korelacijskog koeficijenta o veličini intervala faznog prostora u visoko-energijskim međudjelovanjima

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    We calculated the cumulant moments in order to find the genuine two-particle short-range correlations among the produced pions and also the correlation coefficients in order to quantify the correlations. We studied the cumulant moments and their variation with the pseudorapidity phase-space interval for nucleus-nucleus interactions (24Mg-AgBr at 4.5A GeV and 28Si-AgBr at 14.5A GeV), hadron nucleus interactions (p-AgBr at 800 GeV) and hadron-hadron collisions (p¯p at √ s = 200 GeV and √ s = 900 GeV). The analysis reveals the presence of genuine two-particle short-range correlations among the produced pions in the multi-particle production processes. It is found that the cumulant moments decrease with the increase of the width of the rapidity phase-space intervals. The decrease of cumulant moments with the increase of phase-space interval signifies that the short-range correlation decreases. We investigated the variation of the correlation coefficients in order to study the correlation effects in some more detail in the above mentioned interactions. The nature of variations of the correlation coefficients with the phase-space interval size is different for different types of interactions.Izračunali smo kumulacijske momente radi nalaženja pravih dvočestičnih kratkodosežnih korelacija među proizvedenim pionima te korelacijske koeficijente radi utvrđivanja njihovih iznosa. Proučavamo korelacijske momente i njihove promjene sa širinom intervala pseudorapiditeta u faznom prostoru za međudjelovanja jezgra-jezgra (24Mg-AgBr na 4.5A GeV i 28Si-AgBr na 14.5A GeV), hadronjezgra (p-AgBr na 800 GeV), te u sudarima hadrona (p¯p na √ s = 200 GeV i √ s = 900 GeV). Analize pokazuju prisutnost pravih dvočestičnih kratko-dosežnih korelacija među pionima proizvedenim u mnogočestičnoj tvorbi. Nalazimo smanjenje kumulacijskih momenata s povećanjem širine intervala fazno-prostornog rapiditeta. Pad kumulacijskih momenata s povećanjem fazno-prostornog intervala znači da se smanjuju kratkodosežne korelacije. Također smo istraživali promjene korelacijskih koeficijenata radi podrobnijeg poznavanja korelacijskih efekata u navedenim međudjelovanjima. Narav promjena korelacijskih koeficijenata s veličinom fazno-prostornog intervala različita je u tim međudjelovanjima

    Juvenile granulosa cell tumour in the third trimester of pregnancy

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    This case report describes the rare finding of a granulosa cell tumour in the third trimester of pregnancy. The presentation, investigation, management, histopathological findings and subsequent follow up are detailed. The difficulties associated with such diagnoses in pregnancy are explored

    Multifractality assessment in high energy nuclear collisions with levy index in self affine scenario

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    761-771Degree of multiplicity assessment with Levy stable index in the target fragmentation of 28Si-AgBr interactions at 14.5 AGeV, 32S-AgBr interactions at 200AGeV and 16O-AgBr interactions at 60AGeV in emission angle space and azimuthal angle space separately and also in two dimensional anisotropic (cos-) space has been studied. The analysis reveals that the values of Levy index lie within 1 and 2. For all the three interactions and for all the cases the values of Levy indices are different suggesting different degree of multifractality in different interactions

    Evidence of correlation between void probability and fractality of medium-energy protons in relativistic nuclear collisions

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    This paper presents a study of void probability scaling of medium-energy target protons emitted in \chem{{}^{24}Mg}-\chem{AgBr} interaction at 4.5 AGeV in terms of their emission angle (θ)(\theta). The scaling is best revealed in the phase space region for which cosθ=0.3\cos\theta=-0.3 to cosθ=0.7\cos\theta=0.7 and does not hold good for the total region of phase space. Fractal study reveals an interesting observation. A multifractal nature of the particle spectra has been observed in whole phase space whereas monofractal proton emission is evident in the phase space where the void probability scaling is valid

    Two-dimensional void probability scaling of grey tracks emitted in ²⁴ Mg-AgBr interaction at 4.5 AGeV/c

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    637-640This paper presents a very rigorous study of two-dimensional void probability scaling of medium energy target protons emitted in ²⁴Mg-AgBr interaction at 4.5 AGeV/c in terms of their emission angle (θ) and azimuthal angle φ.The study indicates that the two-dimensional void probability scaling holds good for the total region of phase space

    Three photon absorbing photocatalyst enabled defluorinative amination of fluoroarenes

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    We have developed a photocatalytic system that explores the latent potential of a new photocatalyst HATCN. The architecture of this flat molecule is well poised to pose it as a great photooxidant, that can also afford multiple redox states. The excited reduction potential of HATCN is calculated as 2.83 V which corroborates well with its strong oxidizing behavior. A large number of SNAr reactions have been conducted over a wide variety of fluororenes with varying electronic nature. The catalytic efficiency of the photocatalyst has been demonstrated by successful reaction to both electron-neutral and -poor fluoroarenes. Furthermore, the great utility of this developed protocol has been established by applying this method over a large number of building blocks of drugs and pharmaceutically important moieties. An extensive studies delineate the involvement of three photons for one catalytic cycle, that is unprecedented in photocatalysis. Furthermore, the redox modularity of the photocatalyst gives access to the oxidant and reductant behavior of the same molecule at different stages of the catalytic cycle. This discovery of novel mechanistic paradigm will translate in solving challenging photochemical processes

    Advancements in adsorption based carbon dioxide capture technologies- A comprehensive review

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    The significant increase in energy consumption has facilitated a rapid increase in offensive greenhouse gas (GHG) and CO2 emissions. The consequences of such emissions are one of the most pivotal concerns of environmental scientists. To protect the environment, they are conducting the necessary research to protect the environment from the greenhouse effect. Among the different sources of CO2 emission, power plants contribute the largest amount of CO2 and as the number of power plants around the world is rising gradually due to increasing energy demand, the amount of CO2 emission is also rising subsequently. Researchers have developed different potential technologies to capture post-combustion CO2 capture from powerplants among which membrane-based, cryogenic, absorption and adsorption-based CO2 processes have gained much attention due to their applicability at the industrial level. In this work, adsorption-based CO2 technologies are comprehensively reviewed and discussed to understand the recent advancements in different adsorption technologies and several adsorbent materials. Researchers and scientists have developed and advanced different adsorption technologies including vacuum swing adsorption, temperature swing adsorption, pressure swing adsorption, and electric swing adsorption, etc. To further improve the CO2 adsorption capacity with a compact CO2 adsorption unit, researchers have integrated different adsorption technologies to investigate their performance, such as temperature vacuum swing adsorption, pressure vacuum swing adsorption, electric temperature pressure swing adsorption, etc. Different adsorbent materials have been tested to evaluate their applicability for CO2 adsorption and among these adsorbents, advanced carbonaceous, non—carbonaceous, polymeric, and nanomaterials have achieved much attention due to their suitable characteristics that are required for adsorbing CO2. Researchers have reported that higher CO2 adsorption capacity can be achieved by integrating different adsorption technologies and employing suitable adsorbent material for that system. This comprehensive review also provides future directions that may assist researchers in developing novel adsorbent materials and gaining a proper understanding of the selection criteria for effective CO2 adsorption processes with suitable adsorbents