6 research outputs found

    Power-Aware QoS Enhancement in Multihop DS-CDMA Visual Sensor Networks

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    Abstract-We propose a quality-driven method for network resource allocation with transmission power control in a multihop Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access (DS-CDMA) Wireless Visual Sensor Network (WVSN). A multihop WVSN typically consists of source nodes that monitor different areas and relay nodes that retransmit recorded scenes. In order to achieve the best possible video quality at the receiver while consuming the least possible transmission power, we propose a joint optimization scheme that allocates the available resources among the nodes with respect to the imposed constraints. Moreover, we formulate a weighted bi-objective optimization problem and study the tradeoff between video quality and consumed transmission power. The simulation demonstrate that excessive transmission power is used when power control is omitted for a rather small quality gain for certain nodes

    Power–Aware QoS Enhancement in Multihop DS–CDMA Visual Sensor Networks

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    Abstract—We propose a quality–driven method for network resource allocation with transmission power control in a multihop Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access (DS–CDMA) Wireless Visual Sensor Network (WVSN). A multihop WVSN typically consists of source nodes that monitor different areas and relay nodes that retransmit recorded scenes. In order to achieve the best possible video quality at the receiver while consuming the least possible transmission power, we propose a joint optimization scheme that allocates the available resources among the nodes with respect to the imposed constraints. Moreover, we formulate a weighted bi–objective optimization problem and study the tradeoff between video quality and consumed transmission power. The simulation demonstrate that excessive transmission power is used when power control is omitted for a rather small quality gain for certain nodes

    SDN-enabled resource management for converged Fi-Wi 5G Fronthaul

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    Future mobile networks will offer high data rates based on high-capacity fronthaul. Current fronthaul design has two main components that communicate via the common public radio interface and fiber links, i.e., remote units (RUs) that implement simple signal processing and centralized baseband units (CBBUs) in high power-consuming data centers that perform complex network functions. Various functional splits between CBBUs and RUs are feasible, inducing trade-offs between centralization gains and bandwidth demands. This design lacks in capacity and flexibility, motivating the use of converged fiber-wireless (Fi-Wi) fronthaul with high-bandwidth fiber and millimeter-wave links, and splits that move functionalities to RUs reducing the delay demands. Further flexibility is offered by analog radio-over-fiber fronthaul that supports dynamic functional splitting via software-defined networking (SDN). Ensuring acceptable delay for all RUs, i.e., minimizing fronthaul grade-of-service (GoS), requires selection of CBBUs, channel bandwidth and functional splits of RUs. The split type affects fronthaul power consumption determining which fronthaul components are active and their processing power. Using a simulated annealing-based dynamic fronthaul resource allocation (DFRA) scheme, we jointly optimize GoS and power consumption in a novel SDN Fi-Wi fronthaul. Our results show that DFRA minimizes GoS and power consumption for all load levels outperforming baseline approaches

    Converged Analog Fiber-Wireless Point-to-Multipoint Architecture for eCPRI 5G Fronthaul Networks

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    5G New Radio's (NR) spectrum expansion towards higher bands, although critical towards achieving the envisioned 5G capacity requirements, creates the need for installing a very large number of Access Points (APs), which asserts tremendous capital burden on the Mobile Network Operators. Current centralization solutions such as the Cloud Radio Access Network (C-RAN) alleviate partially the costs of densification by moving the majority of radio processing functionalities from the Remote Radio Heads (RRHs) to the central Base Band Unit (BBU), but still require very high-speed Point-to-Point links between the BBU and each RRH mainly due to the digitized Common Public Radio Interface (CPRI) that is excessively inefficient for hauling broadband signals. In this article, we present a novel architecture that employs an analog converged Fiber-Wireless scheme in order to create a very spectrally efficient Point-to-Multipoint network capable of interconnecting a large number of APs, while allowing compatibility with mature Ethernet-based low-cost equipment. Preliminary simulation results show very low end-to-end Ethernet packet delay, well below eCPRI's 100 μs mark, even for fiber lengths up to 10 km, indicating the suitability of our solution for employment in 5G NR large-scale fronthaul networks.© 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works