3,421 research outputs found

    Asymptotic analysis and spectrum of three anyons

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    The spectrum of anyons confined in harmonic oscillator potential shows both linear and nonlinear dependence on the statistical parameter. While the existence of exact linear solutions have been shown analytically, the nonlinear dependence has been arrived at by numerical and/or perturbative methods. We develop a method which shows the possibility of nonlinearly interpolating spectrum. To be specific we analyse the eigenvalue equation in various asymptotic regions for the three anyon problem.Comment: 28 pages, LaTeX, 2 Figure

    Symmetric Linear Backlund Transformation for Discrete BKP and DKP equation

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    Proper lattices for the discrete BKP and the discrete DKP equaitons are determined. Linear B\"acklund transformation equations for the discrete BKP and the DKP equations are constructed, which possesses the lattice symmetries and generate auto-B\"acklund transformationsComment: 18 pages,3 figure

    Isolated Horizon, Killing Horizon and Event Horizon

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    We consider space-times which in addition to admitting an isolated horizon also admit Killing horizons with or without an event horizon. We show that an isolated horizon is a Killing horizon provided either (1) it admits a stationary neighbourhood or (2) it admits a neighbourhood with two independent, commuting Killing vectors. A Killing horizon is always an isolated horizon. For the case when an event horizon is definable, all conceivable relative locations of isolated horizon and event horizons are possible. Corresponding conditions are given.Comment: 14 pages, Latex, no figures. Some arguments tightened. To appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    Genericness of inflation in isotropic loop quantum cosmology

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    Non-perturbative corrections from loop quantum cosmology (LQC) to the scalar matter sector is already known to imply inflation. We prove that the LQC modified scalar field generates exponential inflation in the small scale factor regime, for all positive definite potentials, independent of initial conditions and independent of ambiguity parameters. For positive semi-definite potentials it is always possible to choose, without fine tuning, a value of one of the ambiguity parameters such that exponential inflation results, provided zeros of the potential are approached at most as a power law in the scale factor. In conjunction with generic occurrence of bounce at small volumes, particle horizon is absent thus eliminating the horizon problem of the standard Big Bang model.Comment: 4 pages, revtex4, one figure. Only e-print archive numbers correctedi in the second version. Reference added in the 3rd version. Final version to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. Explanations improve

    Classical and Quantum Mechanics of Anyons

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    We review aspects of classical and quantum mechanics of many anyons confined in an oscillator potential. The quantum mechanics of many anyons is complicated due to the occurrence of multivalued wavefunctions. Nevertheless there exists, for arbitrary number of anyons, a subset of exact solutions which may be interpreted as the breathing modes or equivalently collective modes of the full system. Choosing the three-anyon system as an example, we also discuss the anatomy of the so called ``missing'' states which are in fact known numerically and are set apart from the known exact states by their nonlinear dependence on the statistical parameter in the spectrum. Though classically the equations of motion remains unchanged in the presence of the statistical interaction, the system is non-integrable because the configuration space is now multiply connected. In fact we show that even though the number of constants of motion is the same as the number of degrees of freedom the system is in general not integrable via action-angle variables. This is probably the first known example of a many body pseudo-integrable system. We discuss the classification of the orbits and the symmetry reduction due to the interaction. We also sketch the application of periodic orbit theory (POT) to many anyon systems and show the presence of eigenvalues that are potentially non-linear as a function of the statistical parameter. Finally we perform the semiclassical analysis of the ground state by minimizing the Hamiltonian with fixed angular momentum and further minimization over the quantized values of the angular momentum.Comment: 44 pages, one figure, eps file. References update

    Reflectionless analytic difference operators I. algebraic framework

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    We introduce and study a class of analytic difference operators admitting reflectionless eigenfunctions. Our construction of the class is patterned after the Inverse Scattering Transform for the reflectionless self-adjoint Schr\"odinger and Jacobi operators corresponding to KdV and Toda lattice solitons

    Discreteness Corrections to the Effective Hamiltonian of Isotropic Loop Quantum Cosmology

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    One of the qualitatively distinct and robust implication of Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) is the underlying discrete structure. In the cosmological context elucidated by Loop Quantum Cosmology (LQC), this is manifested by the Hamiltonian constraint equation being a (partial) difference equation. One obtains an effective Hamiltonian framework by making the continuum approximation followed by a WKB approximation. In the large volume regime, these lead to the usual classical Einstein equation which is independent of both the Barbero-Immirzi parameter Îł\gamma as well as â„Ź\hbar. In this work we present an alternative derivation of the effective Hamiltonian by-passing the continuum approximation step. As a result, the effective Hamiltonian is obtained as a close form expression in Îł\gamma. These corrections to the Einstein equation can be thought of as corrections due to the underlying discrete (spatial) geometry with Îł\gamma controlling the size of these corrections. These corrections imply a bound on the rate of change of the volume of the isotropic universe. In most cases these are perturbative in nature but for cosmological constant dominated isotropic universe, there are significant deviations.Comment: Revtex4, 24 pages, 3 figures. In version 2, one reference and a para pertaining to it are added. In the version 3, some typos are corrected and remark 4 in section III is revised. Final version to appear in Class. Quantum Gra

    Pre-classical solutions of the vacuum Bianchi I loop quantum cosmology

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    Loop quantization of diagonalized Bianchi class A models, leads to a partial difference equation as the Hamiltonian constraint at the quantum level. A criterion for testing a viable semiclassical limit has been formulated in terms of existence of the so-called pre-classical solutions. We demonstrate the existence of pre-classical solutions of the quantum equation for the vacuum Bianchi I model. All these solutions avoid the classical singularity at vanishing volume.Comment: 4 pages, revtex4, no figures. In version 2, reference added and minor changes made. The final Version 3 includes additional explanation
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