50 research outputs found

    Determination the effect of nasal septum deviation with pneumatization of mastoid cells and its Its feasible relationship with chronic otitis media using computed tomography (CT) scan

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    BACKGROUND: The nasal septum deviation is the most common deformity of the nasal, and that can be congenital or acquired. Despite many studies exist about the impact of nasal septum deviation on chronic sinusitis and also association between chronic otitis and mastoid pneumatization; few studies exist about the impact of nasal septum deviation on chronic otitis and mastoid pneumatization. AIM: The aim of this study was to evaluate the associations of nasal septum deviation and mastoid pneumatization and chronic otitis. METHODS: In this study review, all CT scans of PNS and Mastoid View in the imaging section from Imam Ali hospital in 2016-2017 years and cases of nasal septum deviation were enrolled. The nasal septum deviation was recorded, and the degree of nasal septum deviation in the coronal plane that showed the maximum deviation of the nasal septum was recorded. The volume of the mastoid cells automatically and directly was calculated using three diameter measurements (2 coronal diameters and 1 axial diameter) by the program. The software of SPSS 22 was used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: There was no relationship between nasal septum deviation severity and incidence of mastoid pneumatization in patients with nasal septum deviation (P > 0.05). There was relationship between nasal septum deviation severity and chronic otitis in patients with nasal septum deviation (P < 0.05). In patients with moderate and severe intensity of nasal septum deviation, the volume of mastoid air cells in deviation side was lower than the front side (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Based on the results of the CT scan, in patients with moderate and severe nasal septum deviation intensity, the volume of mastoid air cells in deviation side was lower than the front side. Also, there was a relationship between nasal septum deviation severity and chronic otitis

    The Relationship between Dietary Diversity at Third Trimester of Pregnancy and Newborns\' Anthropometric Indices at Birth

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    Background: Due to the importance of nutrition during pregnancy and its role in future generations' health, the study tried to determine dietary diversity and its relationship with newborns' anthropometric indices at birth. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 400 pregnant women (28-40 weeks of pregnancy) whom were referred to the health centers in Zahedan were studied in 2016. To assess the usual dietary intake, food frequency questionnaire and the 24-hour recall were used. Dietary diversity was calculated based on the score 8 of food groups using food pyramid of Food and Agriculture Department, and Kant method. Newborns' anthropometric indices were measured by the standard and analyzed by using descriptive statistics and analytical tests. Results: The mean (± Standard deviation) of the total score of dietary diversity was 2.60 ± 0.73 and the highest diversity was seen in the dairy group (0.45 ± 0.19) and the lowest diversity of food was observed in grains group (0.20 ± 0.10). There was a significant difference between various groups of birth weight at the score of dietary diversity and it was significantly increased by rising family's incomes. The linear regression analysis has shown that the variables including; weight at the beginning of pregnancy, a variety of dairy products, vegetables and total dietary diversity could be considered for predicting birth weight. Conclusion: The study has shown that there was a significant correlation between the score of dietary diversity and newborns' anthropometric indices at birt

    بررسی رابطه تنوع غذایی، فعالیت بدنی و ساعت خواب مادر باردار با مشخصه های هنگام تولد در مراجعین به بیمارستان تامین اجتماعی شهر زاهدان در سال 1395

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    زمینه و هدف وضعیت تغذیه و تنوع غذایی مادر در دوران بارداری اثرات بسیار مهم و دراز مدتی برسلامت جنین دارد. هم چنین فعالیت بدنی و خواب از عوامل مهم شیوه زندگی و تاثیر گذار بر سلامتی هستند . بنابر این در دوران بارداری سلامت مادر و جنین مرتبط با شیوه زندگی مادر خواهد بود . اما مطالعات اندکی این عوامل را با هم در دوران بارداری بررسی نموده اند از این رو این مطالعه با هدف تعیین همبستگی تنوع غذایی، ساعت خواب و فعالیت بدنی مادر در سه ماه آخر بارداری با مشخصه های هنگام تولد کودک انجام شد. روش در این مطالعه توصیفی-تحلیلی اطلاعات 400 خانم باردار که هفته 25 تا 40 بودند با استفاده از چک لیست اطلاعات عمومی و پرسشنامه های بسامد خوراک نیمه کمی، خواب و فعالیت بدنی ، هم چنین تن سنجی مادر و نوزاد جمع آوری شد. نمونه گیری به صورت خوشه ای در کلینیک های زنان و بیمارستان تامین اجتماعی زاهدان انجام شد. آنالیز داده ها با آزمون آماری واریانس یک طرفه (ANOVA)، ضریب همبستگی پیرسون، رگرسیون خطی و لجستیک و آزمون کای اسکوئر، در سطح معنی داری کمتر از 05/0، توسط نرم افزار 19SPSS انجام شد. یافته ها بین نمایه توده بدنی مادر و امتیاز تنوع مصرفی گروه های غذایی غلات، چربی و سبزی تفاوت معنی داری مشاهده شد ( 05/0 ≤p) . بیشترین امتیاز تنوع غذایی در گروه لبنیات ( 19/0±45/0) و کمترین امتیازتنوع غذایی در گروه غلات (10/0±20/0 ) بود شغل مادران با امتیاز تنوع غذایی با شغل و درامد مادر تفاوت معنی داری نشان داد(05/0 ≤p). وزن، قد و دور سر هنگام تولد نوزادان به طور معنی داری با نمایه توده بدنی مادر ارتباط داشت ( 05/0 ≤p). بین تحصیلات مادر و وزن هنگام تولد نوزاد تفاوت معنی دار ( 05/0 ≤p) ولی بین شغل مادر و درآمد خانواده با وزن هنگام تولد، هیچ تفاوتی دیده نشد ( 05/0P>). ازنظر آماری تفاوت معنی داری بین گروه های مختلف وزن تولد در امتیازهای گروه های مختلف غلات، گوشت، لبنیات، میوه، سبزی، متفرقه، نوشیدنی و امتیاز کل تنوع غذایی مشاهده شد ( 05/0 ≤p). میانگین دریافت انرژی، پروتئین و کربوهیدرات مادران در سه ماهه سوم بارداری در وزن های مختلف نوزادان در بدو تولد، تفاوت آماری معناداری نشان داد ( 05/0 ≤p). بین اختلال خواب مادر و وزن هنگام تولد نوزاد، تفاوت معنی داری دیده شد (05/0 ≤p) و درصد نوزادان متولد شده با وزن کم در مادرانی که در سه ماهه آخر دچار اختلال خواب بودند، بیشتر بود. بین میزان فعالیت نشسته، کم و متوسط در سه ماهه سوم بارداری و وزن هنگام تولد نوزادان رابطه ی معنا داری دیده نشد( 05/0P>). نتیجه گیری در این مطالعه وزن هنگام تولد نوزاد با تنوع غذایی، گرم پروتئین، چربی و کربوهیدرات دریافتی مادر در سه ماهه آخر بارداری و هم چنین با خواب و نمایه توده بدن در این ماه ها ارتباط داشت اما بین وزن هنگام تولد نوزاد با فعالیت بدنی مادر ارتباطی دیده نشد. لذا با توجه به نیازهای مادر در دوران بارداری و اهمیت آن بر سلامت نوزاد، توصیه می شود به منظور حفظ سلامت نوزادان در هنگام تولد، تنوع غذایی، خواب و فعالیت بدنی مادران باردار در برنامه مراقبت هاي معمول دوران بارداري مورد توجه قرار گیرد

    Modafinil for treatment of amphetamine/ methamphetamine dependence: The randomized double - blined clinical trial

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    Background: Using methamphetamine and its dependence is a serious public health problem worldwide. In Iran about 50 of hospital beds are occupied due to psychosis or mental disorder complications related to methamphetamine dependence, which seriously affects patients' admission to psychiatric hospitals. Objectives: The current studyaimedto evaluate the effectiveness of modafinil for treating patients withamphetaminedependence. PatientsandMethods: In the current clinical trial study, 50 male patients withamphetamineandmethamphetaminedependence, who had referred to addiction treatment clinic of Baharan psychiatry hospital in Zahedan, Eastern Iran, were studied. The participants were followed for 12 weeks. The random sampling method was used and patients were divided to two groups of modafinil receivers and placebo, based on blocks permutation. To evaluate the consumption of amphetamine/methamphetamine, urinary screening for methamphetamine was conducted in the beginning of the study and every week during the study period. The drug craving and level of dependence were measured by Visual Analogue Scale of Craving (VAS) and Addiction Severity Index (ASI), respectively. At the end of the follow-up period, data were analyzed using t-test and Chi-square test by SPSS ver. 18. Results: The mean age of the subjects was 29.5 ± 6.4 years. The results of urinary screening for methamphetamine were positive for 52.8 and 55.1 of the subjects in the modafinil receivers and placebo groups, respectively. The mean scores of drug craving were 76.2 ± 9.0 and 81.0 ± 8.2 for the modafinil receivers and placebo groups, respectively (P = 0.064). The mean of reduction in dependence level scores were 5.6±2.7 and 2.0±1.1 for the modafinil receivers and placebo groups, respectively (P = 0.001). Conclusions: The results of the current studyshowedthat modafinilwaswell-tolerated but not effective in reducing the level of consumption (number of negative urinary tests for amphetamine-methamphetamine). Modafinil was effective in reduction of severity addiction to amphetamine-methamphetamine. © 2016, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences

    The prevalence of obesity and wasting and their correlation with food intake in female junior school students in Zahedan, 2004

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    Background: By considering important role of nutrition in children and teenagers’ health, their nutritional status are determined as obesity and wasting using weight and height. The aim of this study is to evaluate the prevalence of obesity and wasting and their relationship to food intake in female students of junior schools in Zahedan. Methods: In a descriptive analytical cross-sectional study, 687 female students from junior schools were selected by multiple stage sampling method. After recording the participants’ demographic data, their weight and height were measured for body mass index (BMI) calculation according to standard method. National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) and National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (NHANES II) data and a 48-hour recall questionnaire were used. Results: Of the surveyed girls, 16.9%, 31.7% and 13.2% were wasted, under weight and stunted, respectively 8.7% and 1.7% were over weight and obese, respectively. The mean of energy intake was 1502.1±415.7 kcal/d in the students which is less than the recommended dietary allowances (RDA) and there were no balances in daily intake of protein, carbohydrate and lipids. In respect to energy and protein intake, 94.1% and 26.6% of students had deficiency, respectively. On the other hand, findings showed iron (72.1%), calcium (99.8%), phosphorus (83.6%), zinc (84.3%), vitamin A (63.8%) and B12 (66.5%) intake deficiencies. Conclusion: The female students of junior schools of Zahedan do not have a proper nutritional status according to physical state, energy, protein, and micronutrients intakes and they are at the risk of wasting and underweight. Therefore, we suggest implementation of programs for nutritional support and designing of proper patterns of food consumption to improve female junior students’ nutritional status

    Serum omentin-1, vaspin, and apelin levels and central obesity in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

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    Background: Omentin-1, vaspin, and apelin are novel adipokines which closely associate with obesity, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and inflammation. The aim of this study was to investigate the circulating levels of omentin-1, vaspin, and apelin in NAFLD patients and to clarify their relationship with biochemical parameters, abdominal obesity, and high sensitive C-reactive protein. Materials and Methods: In a case–control study, serum levels of omentin-1, vaspin, and apelin were measured in 41 NAFLD patients and 41 healthy volunteers. The study was performed in the outpatients' clinic of Imam-Ali Hospital in Zahedan, Iran, during February to July 2015. Fatty liver was confirmed by ultrasonography. The association of the adipokines with lipid profile and anthropometric parameters was assessed using multivariable linear regression models. In this model, those variables that showedP 0.05). Multiple regression analysis showed that the serum levels of apelin and vaspin correlated positively with waist circumference (WC) (P < 0.01 andP< 0.05, respectively) and low-density lipoprotein (P < 0.05 andP< 0.01, respectively) while serum omentin-1 was inversely correlated with WC (P < 0.01) and positively corrected with high-density lipoprotein (P < 0.05). Conclusion: The findings showed that among the analyzed adipokines only apelin was different in patients with NAFLD when compared to controls. Considering the multivariate regression analysis, apelin seems be more suitable diagnostic marker in predicting of NAFLD and omentin might be considered as a protective factor in occurrence of NAFLD, particularly in those with central obesity