36,714 research outputs found

    How CMB and large-scale structure constrain chameleon interacting dark energy

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    We explore a chameleon type of interacting dark matter-dark energy scenario in which a scalar field adiabatically traces the minimum of an effective potential sourced by the dark matter density. We discuss extensively the effect of this coupling on cosmological observables, especially the parameter degeneracies expected to arise between the model parameters and other cosmological parameters, and then test the model against observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies and other cosmological probes. We find that the chameleon parameters α\alpha and β\beta, which determine respectively the slope of the scalar field potential and the dark matter-dark energy coupling strength, can be constrained to α<0.17\alpha < 0.17 and β<0.19\beta < 0.19 using CMB data alone. The latter parameter in particular is constrained only by the late Integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect. Adding measurements of the local Hubble expansion rate H0H_0 tightens the bound on α\alpha by a factor of two, although this apparent improvement is arguably an artefact of the tension between the local measurement and the H0H_0 value inferred from Planck data in the minimal Λ\LambdaCDM model. The same argument also precludes chameleon models from mimicking a dark radiation component, despite a passing similarity between the two scenarios in that they both delay the epoch of matter-radiation equality. Based on the derived parameter constraints, we discuss possible signatures of the model for ongoing and future large-scale structure surveys.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure

    On the Kinetic Roughening in Polymer Film Growth by Vapor Deposition

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    This is a Comment on a recent publication: Y.-P. Zhao et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 3229 (2000). In the Letter, the authors report on an experimental investigation of polymeric (p-xylene) thin film growth and propose a new universality class not previously known. Here, we point out that the critical exponents reported in the Letter are consistent with the critical exponents of Das Sarma-Tamborenea growth model.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure include

    Magnetocaloric properties of nanocrystalline La0.125_{0.125}Ca0.875_{0.875}MnO3_{3}

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    Some recent experimental studies show the invisibility of antiferromagnetic transition in the cases of manganites when their particle size is reduced to nanometer scale. In complete contrast to these cases, we have observed the signature of antiferromagnetic transition in the magnetocaloric properties of nanocrystalline La0.125_{0.125}Ca0.875_{0.875}MnO3_{3} of average particle size 70 and 60 nm similar to its polycrystalline bulk form. The system exhibit inverse magnetocaloric effect in its polycrystalline and nanocrystalline form. An extra ferromagnetic phase is stabilized at low temperature for the sample with particle size 60\sim 60 nm.Comment: 3 Figure

    Bulk Higgs and Gauge fields in a multiply warped braneworld model

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    We readdress the problems associated with bulk Higgs and the gauge fields in a 5-dimensional Randall-Sundrum model by extending the model to six dimensions with double warping along the two extra spatial dimensions. In this 6-dimensional model we have a freedom of two moduli scales as against one modulus in the 5-dimensional model. With a little hierarchy between these moduli we can obtain the right magnitude for WW and ZZ boson masses from the Kaluza-Klein modes of massive bulk gauge fields where the spontaneous symmetry breaking is triggered by bulk Higgs . We also have determined the gauge couplings of the standard model fermions with Kaluza-Klein modes of the gauge fields. Unlike the case of 5-dimensional model with a massless bulk gauge field, here we have shown that the gauge couplings and the masses of the Kaluza-Klein gauge fields satisfy the precision electroweak constraints and also obey the Tevatron bounds.Comment: 15 Pages, Late

    Exploration of Finite 2D Square Grid by a Metamorphic Robotic System

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    We consider exploration of finite 2D square grid by a metamorphic robotic system consisting of anonymous oblivious modules. The number of possible shapes of a metamorphic robotic system grows as the number of modules increases. The shape of the system serves as its memory and shows its functionality. We consider the effect of global compass on the minimum number of modules necessary to explore a finite 2D square grid. We show that if the modules agree on the directions (north, south, east, and west), three modules are necessary and sufficient for exploration from an arbitrary initial configuration, otherwise five modules are necessary and sufficient for restricted initial configurations

    Magnetic-field-induced chiral hidden order in URu2Si2

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    Two of the most striking and yet unresolved manifestations of the hidden order (HO) in URu2Si2, are associated on one hand with the double-step metamagnetic transitions and on the other with the giant anomalous Nernst signal. Both are observed when a magnetic field is applied along the c-axis. Here we provide for the first time a unified understanding of these puzzling phenomena and the related field-temperature (B-T) phase diagram. We demonstrate that the HO phase at finite fields can be explained with a chiral dxy+idx2-y2 spin density wave, assuming that the zero field HO contains only the time-reversal symmetry preserving idx2-y2 component. We argue that the presence of the field-induced chiral HO can be reflected in a distinctive non-linear B-dependence of the Kerr angle, when a Kerr experiment is conducted for finite fields. This fingerprint can be conclusive for the possible emergence of chirality in the HO.Comment: 8 pages and 9 figures main text + 6 pages supplementary material. Philosophical Magazine: Special Issue: Focused Issue on Hidden Order in URu2Si2 (May 2014

    Neutrino Masses and Mixings in a Minimal SO(10) Model

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    We consider a minimal formulation of SO(10) Grand Unified Theory wherein all the fermion masses arise from Yukawa couplings involving one 126 and one 10 of Higgs multiplets. It has recently been recognized that such theories can explain, via the type-II seesaw mechanism, the large \nu_\mu - \nu_\tau mixing as a consequence of b-tau unification at the GUT scale. In this picture, however, the CKM phase \delta lies preferentially in the second quadrant, in contradiction with experimental measurements. We revisit this minimal model and show that the conventional type-I seesaw mechanism generates phenomenologically viable neutrino masses and mixings, while being consistent with CKM CP violation. We also present improved fits in the type-II seesaw scenario and suggest fully consistent fits in a mixed scenario.Comment: 27 pages, 13 eps figures, revtex4; references added, some minor correction

    Motion of a random walker in a quenched power law correlated velocity field

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    We study the motion of a random walker in one longitudinal and d transverse dimensions with a quenched power law correlated velocity field in the longitudinal x-direction. The model is a modification of the Matheron-de Marsily (MdM) model, with long-range velocity correlation. For a velocity correlation function, dependent on transverse co-ordinates y as 1/(a+|{y_1 - y_2}|)^alpha, we analytically calculate the two-time correlation function of the x-coordinate. We find that the motion of the x-coordinate is a fractional Brownian motion (fBm), with a Hurst exponent H = max [1/2, (1- alpha/4), (1-d/4)]. From this and known properties of fBM, we calculate the disorder averaged persistence probability of x(t) up to time t. We also find the lines in the parameter space of d and alpha along which there is marginal behaviour. We present results of simulations which support our analytical calculation.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Physical Review