84 research outputs found

    Novel Targeting Approaches of Nanoparticles for Anticancers Drug Delivery: A Focused Review

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    Nanoparticles have presented a new paradigm in anticancer drug delivery to reduce adverse effects and improve therapeutic outcomes. Nanoparticle surface properties and morphology significantly affect the drug delivery to tumors while passive targeting. Conjugations with hyaluronic acid, transferrin and aptamers have shown to be effective in active targeting of anticancer drugs to tumor tissues. This review presents an overview of some credible techniques of passive and active drug delivery to tumors

    Real Time Power System and Sub Synchronous Inter Harmonics

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    Real time Power system is associated with different types of abnormalities which percolate into the system thus generating various spurious signals, which ultimately results in massive breakdown of the same. In this scope of work, we have intended to design a real time power system using MATLAB (Version7.8.0.347) (R2009a) and incorporating Continuous Wavelet Transform and also we have developed a program for effective identification of sub-harmonics, generated or carried into the system due to the power system behavioral nature

    Faktor snage nanostrukturiranog bizmut telurida određen oblicima

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    Bismuth telluride is a thermoelectric material with high figure of merit, used for cooling applications at room temperature. To investigate the effect of morphology and grain size on transport parameters, nanostructured bismuth telluride has been synthesized under different reaction conditions and characterized by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. From the measurement of electrical conductivity and thermoelectric power, power factor for different samples has been obtained. The results show that the transport parameters are critically influenced by the morphology and dimension of the samples that in turn depend on the condition of synthesis. The experimentally observed variation of electrical conductivity with the change of dimensionality of the samples from 2D to 0D, which is in line with the theoretical prediction made by other workers, is discussed. There is a variation of the power factor of the samples prepared under different conditions of synthesis.Bizmut telurid je termoelektrična tvar s visokom učinkovitošću koja se rabi za hlađenje na sobnim temperaturama. Radi istraživanja učinka oblika i veličine zrna na transportne parametre, sintetizirali smo nanostrukturirani bizmut telurid u različitim uvjetima i ispitivali rentgenskom difrakcijom, te propusnom i pretražnom elektronskom mikroskopijom. Mjerenjem električne vodljivosti i termoelektrične snage niza uzoraka odredili smo faktore snage. Ishodi analize pokazuju da transportni parametri jako ovise o obliku i veličini uzoraka, koji pak ovise o uvjetima njihove sinteze. Raspravljamo o opaženim promjenama električne vodljivosti ovisnim o dimenzionalnosti uzoraka od 2D do 0D i nalazimo sklad s teorijskim predviđanjima drugih autora. Nalazimo promjene faktora snage uzoraka pripremljenih uz različite uvjete sinteze

    Supersymmetric isospectral formalism for the calculation of near-zero energy states: application to the very weakly bound 4{^4}He trimer excited state

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    We propose a novel mathematical approach for the calculation of near-zero energy states by solving potentials which are isospectral with the original one. For any potential, families of strictly isospectral potentials (with very different shape) having desirable and adjustable features are generated by supersymmetric isospectral formalism. The near-zero energy Efimov state in the original potential is effectively trapped in the deep well of the isospectral family and facilitates more accurate calculation of the Efimov state. Application to the first excited state in 4He trimer is presented.Comment: accepte