40 research outputs found

    Visceral leishmaniasis cyclical trends in Bihar, India – implications for the elimination programme. [version 1; referees: 1 approved, 2 approved with reservations]

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    Background: Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a vector-borne disease of public health importance in India, with the highest burden of disease in the states of Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh. The disease is currently targeted for elimination (annual incidence to less than one per 10,000 population) using indoor residual spraying, active case detection and treatment. Historically the disease trend in India has been regarded as cyclical with case resurgence characteristically occurring every 15 years.  Understanding this pattern is essential if the VL elimination gains are to be sustained. To better understand the cyclical trends, annual climatic indicators including rainfall, temperature and humidity over time were compared with annual VL case incidence data.  Methods: Annual climate data (rainfall, average and maximum temperature and specific humidity) from 1956-2004 were used to identify potential factors influencing VL incidence.  Months relevant to the VL life-cycle were identified and defined (Monsoon, Sand-fly Peak, Pre-Sand-fly Peak and Annual) for analysis. The Kruskall-Wallis test was used to determine significant difference between categorical rainfall and VL incidence, whilst univariate negative binomial regression models were used to determine predictors of disease incidence. Results: The negative binomial regression model showed statistically significant associations (p 0.05).  Conclusion: The VL programme in Bihar has made significant progress in adopting best practices for improved treatment and vector control, with the aim to achieve VL elimination.  However, open access granular programme data for indoor residual spray activities and case detection is required to fully understand the role of climate in disease transmission and potential resurgence

    Adaptation of a malaria surveillance system for use in a visceral leishmaniasis elimination programme.

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    Background: Successful public practice relies on generation and use of high-quality data. A data surveillance system (the Disease Data Management System [DDMS]) in use for malaria was adapted for use in the Indian visceral leishmaniasis elimination programme. Methods: A situational analysis identified the data flows in current use. Taxonomic trees for the vector of visceral leishmaniasis in India, Phlebotomus argentipes, were incorporated into the DDMS to allow entry of quality assurance and insecticide susceptibility data. A new quality assurance module was created to collate the concentration of DDT that was applied to walls during the indoor residual spraying (IRS) vector control programme. Results: The DDMS was implemented in Bihar State and used to collate and manage data from sentinel sites in eight districts. Quality assurance data showed that DDT was under-applied to walls during IRS; this, combined with insecticide susceptibility data showing widespread vector resistance to DDT prompted a national policy change to using compression pumps and alpha-cypermethrin insecticide for IRS. Conclusions: The adapted DDMS centralises programmatic data and enhances evidence-based decision making and active policy change. Moving forward, further modules of the system will be implemented, allowing extended data capture and streamlined transmission of key information to decision makers

    Knockdown resistance mutations predict DDT resistance and pyrethroid tolerance in the visceral leishmaniasis vector Phlebotomus argentipes

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    BACKGROUND:Indoor residual spraying (IRS) with DDT has been the primary strategy for control of the visceral leishmaniasis (VL) vector Phlebotomus argentipes in India but efficacy may be compromised by resistance. Synthetic pyrethroids are now being introduced for IRS, but with a shared target site, the para voltage-gated sodium channel (VGSC), mutations affecting both insecticide classes could provide cross-resistance and represent a threat to sustainable IRS-based disease control. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:A region of the Vgsc gene was sequenced in P. argentipes from the VL hotspot of Bihar, India. Two knockdown resistance (kdr) mutations were detected at codon 1014 (L1014F and L1014S), each common in mosquitoes, but previously unknown in phlebotomines. Both kdr mutations appear largely recessive, but as homozygotes (especially 1014F/F) or as 1014F/S heterozygotes exert a strong effect on DDT resistance, and significantly predict survivorship to class II pyrethroids in short-duration bioassays. The mutations are present at high frequency in wild P. argentipes populations from Bihar, with 1014F significantly more common in higher VL areas. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:The Vgsc mutations detected appear to be a primary mechanism underlying DDT resistance in P. argentipes and a contributory factor in reduced pyrethroid susceptibility, suggesting a potential impact if P. argentipes are subjected to suboptimal levels of pyrethroid exposure, or additional resistance mechanisms evolve. The assays to detect kdr frequency changes provide a sensitive, high-throughput monitoring tool to detecting spatial and temporal variation in resistance in P. argentipes

    "The fruits of independence": Satyajit Ray, Indian nationhood and the spectre of empire

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    Challenging the longstanding consensus that Satyajit Ray's work is largely free of ideological concerns and notable only for its humanistic richness, this article shows with reference to representations of British colonialism and Indian nationhood that Ray's films and stories are marked deeply and consistently by a distinctively Bengali variety of liberalism. Drawn from an ongoing biographical project, it commences with an overview of the nationalist milieu in which Ray grew up and emphasizes the preoccupation with colonialism and nationalism that marked his earliest unfilmed scripts. It then shows with case studies of Kanchanjangha (1962), Charulata (1964), First Class Kamra (First-Class Compartment, 1981), Pratidwandi (The Adversary, 1970), Shatranj ke Khilari (The Chess Players, 1977), Agantuk (The Stranger, 1991) and Robertsoner Ruby (Robertson's Ruby, 1992) how Ray's mature work continued to combine a strongly anti-colonial viewpoint with a shifting perspective on Indian nationhood and an unequivocal commitment to cultural cosmopolitanism. Analysing how Ray articulated his ideological positions through the quintessentially liberal device of complexly staged debates that were apparently free, but in fact closed by the scenarist/director on ideologically specific notes, this article concludes that Ray's reputation as an all-forgiving, ‘everybody-has-his-reasons’ humanist is based on simplistic or even tendentious readings of his work

    Impact of IRS: Four-years of entomological surveillance of the Indian Visceral Leishmaniases elimination programme

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    BACKGROUND In 2005, Bangladesh, India and Nepal agreed to eliminate visceral leishmaniasis (VL) as a public health problem. The approach to this was through improved case detection and treatment, and controlling transmission by the sand fly vector Phlebotomus argentipes, with indoor residual spraying (IRS) of insecticide. Initially, India applied DDT with stirrup pumps for IRS, however, this did not reduce transmission. After 2015 onwards, the pyrethroid alpha-cypermethrin was applied with compression pumps, and entomological surveillance was initiated in 2016. METHODS Eight sentinel sites were established in the Indian states of Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal. IRS coverage was monitored by household survey, quality of insecticide application was measured by HPLC, presence and abundance of the VL vector was monitored by CDC light traps, insecticide resistance was measured with WHO diagnostic assays and case incidence was determined from the VL case register KAMIS. RESULTS Complete treatment of houses with IRS increased across all sites from 57% in 2016 to 70% of houses in 2019, rising to >80% if partial house IRS coverage is included (except West Bengal). The quality of insecticide application has improved compared to previous studies, average doses of insecticide on filters papers ranged from 1.52 times the target dose of 25mg/m2 alpha-cypermethrin in 2019 to 1.67 times in 2018. Resistance to DDT has continued to increase, but the vector was not resistant to carbamates, organophosphates or pyrethroids. The annual and seasonal abundance of P. argentipes declined between 2016 to 2019 with an overall infection rate of 0.03%. This was associated with a decline in VL incidence for the blocks represented by the sentinel sites from 1.16 per 10,000 population in 2016 to 0.51 per 10,000 in 2019. CONCLUSION Through effective case detection and management reducing the infection reservoirs for P. argentipes in the human population combined with IRS keeping P. argentipes abundance and infectivity low has reduced VL transmission. This combination of effective case management and vector control has now brought India within reach of the VL elimination targets

    A rare case of post-splenectomy gastric volvulus managed by laparoscopic anterior gastropexy

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    We report an extremely rare case of recurrent gastric volvulus after open splenectomy for hereditary spherocytosis. The initial episode was managed by endoscopic derotation. Later, for recurrent symptoms, she was successfully managed by laparoscopic anterior gastropexy

    Intra hepatic biliary mucinous cyst adenoma (BMCA): varied presentation and management options

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    Benign cystic neoplasms of liver comprises of 5-10% of hepatic lesions. While simple cysts are common, biliary mucinous cystic tumors (BMCT) are rare tumors. We report various presentations of benign mucinous cystadenoma (BMCA), ranging from a small well defined cystic lesion to large lesions replacing one lobe of liver or involving multiple sectors of the liver, requiring a wide  range of surgical procedures to treat such tumors. Histopathology confirmed the diagnosis of benign biliary cystic neoplasm in all the cases. Rare occurrence, potentially malignant nature of the disease and difficulty in differentiating from other cystic hepatic lesions need careful evaluation of such cases to select the optimum management option. Keywords: Intrahepatic biliary mucinous cystic neoplasm, biliary mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, cystic hepatic tumor, biliary cystadenoma