562 research outputs found

    Forum-Selection Clauses in Consumer Clickwrap and Browsewrap Agreements and the Reasonably Communicated Test

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    Although forum-selection clauses in clickwrap and browsewrap agreements have been addressed in only a limited number of decisions, they are likely to become increasingly relevant with the growth of e-commerce. Courts that have enforced forum-selection clauses in click-wrap and browsewrap agreements have often done so without determining whether the consumer received notice of the clause. When courts have addressed notice, they have not used any uniform standard for determining adequacy of notice. Forum-selection clauses in dlickwrap and browsewrap agreements further the policies underlying the Supreme Court\u27s decisions in MIS Bremen v. Zapata Off-Shore Co. and Carnival Cruise Lines, Inc. v. Shute, and courts should be willing to enforce such clauses. Even so, courts should make adequacy of notice a threshold question before enforcing forum-selection clauses in these agreements. In determining adequacy of notice, courts should adopt the two-pronged reasonably communicated test employed by courts examining the enforceability of limitations in other adhesion contracts. First, a court should examine the physical characteristics of the clickwrap or browsewrap agreement. Second, a court should consider extrinsic factors indicating the consumer\u27s ability to become meaningfully informed of the forum-selection clause. Only if the e-vendor meets the burden of showing that the forum-selection clause was reasonably communicated to the consumer should the court enforce the clause

    Variation of blood pressure between two arms among the young people of Guwahati, Assam, India

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    Background: Aim and objective of the study was to determine whether a difference in systolic and diastolic blood pressure reading exists in between arms. To establish the mean and normal range of difference in simultaneous systolic and diastolic blood pressure measurements between the right and left arm. It is unclear to what extent inter-arm blood pressure (BP) differences may be present in younger people so that they can take precaution in relation with age.Methods: 51 male and 51 female subjects were selected randomly in age group of 18 -20 yrs. A normal mercury sphygmomanometer was used employing Korotkoff I and V. 3 readings were taken sequentially for each arm using a standard mercury sphygmomanometer with the subject sitting after resting for 10 min.Results: Mean ± SD inter-arm differences in Systolic blood pressure were 4.784 ± 6.338 mmHg in males and 2.314 ± 5.159 mmHg in females while Diastolic blood pressure were 3.451 ± 5.471 mmHg in males and 1.059 ± 5.112 mmHg in females.Conclusions: The frequency of significant inter-arm systolic and diastolic blood pressure differences suggests that the blood pressure should be taken in both arms at the initial consultation. At subsequent visits, the arm in which measurements are taken should be recorded in the case notes. The higher of the two readings should be used to guide further management decisions. The accurate assessment of blood pressure (BP) is vital for the correct diagnosis and treatment of hypertension

    Functional characterization of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein Chl1 reveals the role of sister chromatid cohesion in the maintenance of spindle length during S-phase arrest

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    BACKGROUND: Metaphase cells have short spindles for efficient bi-orientation of chromosomes. The cohesin proteins hold sister chromatids together, creating Sister Chromatid Cohesion (SCC) that helps in the maintenance of short spindle lengths in metaphase. The budding yeast protein Chl1p, which has human homologs, is required for DNA damage repair, recombination, transcriptional silencing and aging. This protein is also needed to establish SCC between sister chromatids in S-phase. RESULTS: In the present study we have further characterized Chl1p for its role in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae when cells are under replication stress. We show that when DNA replication is arrested by hydroxyurea (HU), the chl1 mutation causes growth deficiency and a mild loss in cell viability. Although both mutant and wild-type cells remained arrested with undivided nuclei, mutant cells had mitotic spindles, which were about 60-80% longer than wild-type spindles. Spindle extension occurred in S-phase in the presence of an active S-phase checkpoint pathway. Further, the chl1 mutant did not show any kinetochore-related defect that could have caused spindle extension. These cells were affected in the retention of SCC in that they had only about one-fourth of the normal levels of the cohesin subunit Scc1p at centromeres, which was sufficient to bi-orient the chromosomes. The mutant cells showed defects in SCC, both during its establishment in S-phase and in its maintenance in G2. Mutants with partial and pericentromeric cohesion defects also showed spindle elongation when arrested in S-phase by HU. CONCLUSIONS: Our work shows that Chl1p is required for normal growth and cell viability in the presence of the replication block caused by HU. The absence of this protein does not, however, compromize the replication checkpoint pathway. Even though the chl1 mutation gives synthetic lethal interactions with kinetochore mutations, its absence does not affect kinetochore function; kinetochore-microtubule interactions remain unperturbed. Further, chl1 cells were found to lose SCC at centromeres in both S- and G2 phases, showing the requirement of Chl1p for the maintenance of cohesion in G2 phase of these cells. This work documents for the first time that SCC is an important determinant of spindle size in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae when genotoxic agents cause S-phase arrest of cells

    Improved infrared photoluminescence characteristics from circularly ordered self-assembled Ge islands

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    The formation of circularly ordered Ge-islands on Si(001) has been achieved because of nonuniform strain field around the periphery of the holes patterned by focused ion beam in combination with a self-assembled growth using molecular beam epitaxy. The photoluminescence (PL) spectra obtained from patterned areas (i.e., ordered islands) show a significant signal enhancement, which sustained till 200 K, without any vertical stacking of islands. The origin of two activation energies in temperature-dependent PL spectra of the ordered islands has been explained in detail

    Factors for COVID-19 Infection that Govern the Severity of Illness

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    Coronaviruses have been posing a serious threat to mammals and birds and a new class of SARS-CoV is creating havoc to the world after its first incidence in Wuhan City in China in December 2019. These viruses are mainly responsible for causing serious respiratory tract infections which generally appear initially as the common cold and can be lethal just like SARS-CoV. The problems seem to vary and worsen from one person to another depending on age, gender, ethnicity, blood groups, host genetics, and associated comorbidities. Complications should also arise as this virus keeps mutating and evolving. This review points out the various underlying causes behind the severity of the illness and the mechanisms associated with it. This review will help society to understand the risks and severities associated with COVID-19. Individuals with health complexities and predispositions listed in this review are the most vulnerable in terms of severity and should take every possible measure to protect themselves from getting infected. As a consequence, this will lead to a decrease in mortality rates arising from COVID-19.   Doi: 10.28991/SciMedJ-2021-0302-9 Full Text: PD

    Amyloid like Property of Large Protein Fibers & its application as a Biomaterial

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    Amyloids are protein fibrillar aggregates which possess a definite cross β structure providing them rigidity and resistant against cleavage by proteases. The orientation of the β strands corresponding to the axis of the β sheets is what gives them there characteristic cross β architecture. The occurrences of amyloids are implicated in diseases like Alzheimer’sand Parkinson’s where the tissue functionality is turned inactive due to protein aggregation.However, natural conditions like In Skin Melanosomes and In Pituitary the peptide hormones are seen to have amyloid conformations.In nonmammalian sources like Curli proteins in the biofilm of E.coli, APLP2 proteins in xenopus and spider silk also possess amyloid like conformation. The specific modulus of amyloid is comparable to steel and the ease of amyloid preparation which is also cost effective makes them a prospective biomaterial like Silk Amyloids are prepared from different protein sources invitro subjected to various physiological conditions. Keeping in view of these aspects we prepared amyloid from Pepsin which is reported. The reason for selecting pepsin is their ability to form denatured aggregated fibrils at the physiological pH of the body. In this study preparation of large amyloid fibers from pepsin is reported. Proteins are known for emulsifying capacity in food industry. Amyloids are structures possessing exposed β sheet arrangement keeping in view of such morphology we evaluated its role as an emulsifier.The emulsion stability was assessed using inverted tube assay and centrifugation. Such a property of amyloids if optimized can be used efficiently as lipophilic drug delivery agent. Spider silk is reported to be a structural sub-class of amyloid cross β conformation. In domain of such finding we assessed the structural conformation of three kinds of wasp nest fibers (Common wasp,Yellow Jacket wasp and Mud dauber wasp). The overall structural morphology and the protein secondary structure distribution were observed and was compared to that of amyloid. The findings suggested that the nest fibers may possess some amyloid like conformation due to their Thioflavin T binding property but also the presence high number of native β sheets proposes some unique secondary structure arrangement like silk.Biocompatibility of the materials were performed which included MTT Assay and Hemolysis Assay.To evaluate their possible role as biomaterials in bone tissue engineering Alkaline Phosphatase Activity, Glycosaminoglycan secretion and Cell adhesion study were also carried out. The findings proposed that like Natural Silk the Natural Wasp Fibers can also be used as a future biomaterial for tissue engineering

    Homotopy and homology of p-subgroup complexes

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    NOTE: Text or symbols not renderable in plain ASCII are indicated by [...]. Abstract is included in .pdf document. In this thesis we analyzed the simple connectivity of the Quillen complex at [...] for the classical groups of Lie type. In light of the Solomon-Tits theorem, we focused on the case where [...] is not the characteristic prime. Given (p,q) = 1. let dp(q) be the order of [...] in [...]. In this thesis we proved the following result: Main Theorem. When (p,q) = 1 we have the following results about the simple connectivity of the Quillen complex at p, Ap(G), for the classical groups of Lie type: 1. If G = GLn(q), dp(q) > 2 and mp(G) > 2, then Ap[...](G) is simply connected. 2. If G = [...], then: (a) Ap(G) is Cohen-Macaulay of dimension n - 1 if dp(q) = 1. (b) If nip(G) > 2 and dp(q) is odd, then Ap(G) is simply connected. 3. If G = [...], then: (a) Ap(G) is Cohen-IVlacaulay of dimension n - 1 if [...] and dp(q) = 1. (b) If mp(G) > 2 and dp(q) is odd, then ,Ap(G) is simply connected. (c) If n [...] 3, q [...] 5 is odd, and dp(q) = 2, then Ap(G)(> Z) is simply connected, where Z is the central subgroup of G of order p. In the course of analyzing the [...]-subgroup complexes we developed new tools for studying relations between various simplicial complexes and generated results about the join of complexes and the [...]-subgroup complexes of products of groups. For example we proved: Theorem A. Let [...] be a map of posets satisfying: (1) [...] is strict; that is,[...] (2)[...] (3) [...]connected for all [...] with [...]. Then Y n-connected implies X is n-connected. Theorem A provides us with a tool for studying [...] in terms of [...]. For example, we used this method to prove: Theorem 8.6. Let G = [...] where [...] is solvable and S is a p-group of symplectic type. Then [...]spherical. In this thesis we also generated a library of results about geometric complexes which do not arise as [...]-subgroup complexes. This library includes, but is not restricted to, the following: (l.) the poset of proper nondegenerate subspaces of a 2[...]-dimensional symplectic space -ordered by inclusion - is Cohen-Macaulay of dimension n-2. (2) If q is an odd prime power anal n [...] (with n [...] 5 if q = 3), then the poset of proper nondegenerate subspaces of an n-dimensional unitary space over Fq2 is simply connected

    Simple Connectivity of the Quillen Complex of GL_n(q)

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    The structure of the Quillen complex of GL_n(q) at p, denoted A_p(GL_n(q)), is known when p is the characteristic prime, and when p|q − 1. In particular, in these cases, it is known that A_p(GL_n(q)) is simply connected whenever m_p(GL_n(q)) ≥ 3. In this paper it is shown that m_p(GL_n(q)) ≥ 3 implies A_p(GL_n(q)) is simply connected for all primes