147 research outputs found

    Radijus utjecaja oborine nad područjem monsuna u Indiji

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    The paper describes an analysis of rain gauge data to determine an appropriate radius of influence to use for the objective analysis of rainfall over Indian monsoon region. The correlation co-efficient (CC) of rainfall between rain gauges in discrete distance intervals is computed, and the distance at which CC falls to 0.3 is chosen as the radius of rainfall influence. The method is applied for the monthly mean rainfall observations for June, July and August of Indian summer monsoon 2001. The method is also tested for a few case studies in relation to varying geographical and synoptic situations. The study shows that the radius of influence of rainfall over Indian region, in general, is around 200 km, but it has certain day to day variations depending on the prevailing synoptic conditions. The finding of the study is expected to be very useful for the objective analysis of rainfall over Indian region.Ova studija prikazuje analizu mjerenja kišomjernih postaja radi određivanja odgovarajućeg radijusa utjecaja za potrebe objektivne analize oborine nad područjem monsuna u Indiji. Računao se koeficijent korelacije oborine između kišomjernih postaja na diskretnim intervalima te je koeficijent korelacije od 0.3 odabran kao radijus oborinskog utjecaja. Metoda je primijenjena na srednje mjesečne vrijednosti oborine za razdoblje lipanj-kolovoz 2001. tijekom ljetnog monsuna u Indiji. Ova je metoda također testirana na nekoliko odabranih slučajeva zbog variranja geografskih i sinoptičkih situacija. Studija pokazuje da je radijus utjecaja oborine nad područjem monsuna u Indiji općenito oko 200 km, iako postoji određena dnevna varijabilnost koja ovisi o prevladavajućim sinoptičkim uvjetima. Rezultati ove studije korisni su za potrebe objektivne analize oborine nad područjem Indij

    Circulation characteristics of a monsoon depression during BOBMEX-99 using high-resolution analysis

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    The skill and efficiency of a numerical model mostly varies with the quality of initial values, accuracy on parameterization of physical processes and horizontal and vertical resolution of the model. Commonly used low-resolution reanalyses are hardly able to capture the prominent features associated with organized convective processes in a monsoon depression. The objective is to prepare improved high-resolution analysis by the use of MM5 modelling system developed by the Pennsylvania State University/National Center for Atmospheric Research (PSU/NCAR). It requires the objective comparison of high and low-resolution analysis datasets in assessing the specific convective features of a monsoon depression. For this purpose, reanalysis datasets of NCAR/NCEP (National Center for Atmospheric Research/National Centers for Environmental Prediction) at a horizontal resolution of 2.5° (latitude/longitude) have been used as first guess in the objective analysis scheme. The additional asynoptic datasets obtained during BOBMEX-99 are utilized within the assimilation process. Cloud Motion Wind (CMW) data of METEOSAT satellite and SSM/I surface wind data are included for the improvement of derived analysis. The multiquadric (MQD) interpolation technique is selected and applied for meteorological objective analysis at a horizontal resolution of 30 km. After a successful inclusion of additional data, the resulting reanalysis is able to produce the structure of convective organization as well as prominent synoptic features associated with monsoon depression. Comparison and error verifications have been done with the help of available upper-air station data. The objective verification reveals the efficiency of the analysis scheme