3 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Keterampilan Sosial dan Kewirausahaan pada Organisasi Pemuda Keagamaan di Depok

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    Penelitian ini mengkaji kelompok pemuda dalam organisasi Muhammadiyah sebagai Faith Based Organization (FBO) menjadi agen Perubah dalam pengembangan masyarakat lokal di Kelurahan Cinangka, Depok, Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini membahas tentang proses intervensi kelompok pemuda dengan mempergunakan strategi penelitian aksi (participatory action research). Tahapan penelitian aksi terdiri dari tiga tahap, yaitu mengidentifikasi kebutuhan dan potensi (look), merancang program intervensi (think), dan mengimplementasikan program intervensi (act). Berdasarkan identifikasi masalah dan kebutuhan pada tahap look, penelitian ini menemukan potensi masyarakat dalam upaya menyelesaian permasalahan lingkungan. Selain pemuda yang tergabung dalam FBO, ada juga kelompok ibu yang terlibat. Tahap look memperlihatkan bahwa potensi pemuda dari FBO dapat maksimal apabila mendapatkan dukungan dari elemen lain, terutama orang tua di dalam komunitas sasaran. Kemudian melalui proses perencanaan kegiatan dalam tahap think bersama komunitas sasaran, terdapat beberapa kegiatan yang diimplementasikan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu pengembangan keterampilan sosial dan kewirausahaan. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa intervensi kelompok pemuda dalam pengembangan komunitas melalui pengembangan keterampilan kewirausahaan, tidak dapat menanggalkan urgensi keterampilan sosial guna memperkuat peran pemuda dari FBO di komunitas.Kata Kunci: pengembangan masyarakat, intervensi kelompok pemuda, pengelolaan lingkungan, Faith Based Organization, keterampilan mikro.This study examines the youth groups in the Muhammadiyah organization as an Faith Based Organization (FBO) as agents of change in community development at Cinangka Village, Depok, West Java. By using a Participatory Action Research, this study discusses the process of youth group intervention in three stages, which covers needs and potencies assessment (look), action plan (think) and implementation (act). Based on ‘look' phase, this study found people's potential at their community which are youth in FBO and groups women. In this phase has identified that youth's potencies in FBO could be maximized if supported by parents. In the next stage through planning process, there were some activities that are implemented in this study which are development of social skills and entrepreneurship. This study has found that youth group intervention should also recognize social skills on strengthen the role of youth in FBO

    Segmentation of Mobile Internet Users in the Indonesian Context: Insight for Mobile Internet Product Development Management

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    This study strives to identify the market segment for mobile Internet based ondemographic characteristics and technology USAge behavior attributes. Market segment analysis is one of the most  important  factors for target market identification of products or services. Segmentation analysis is also very crucial to the success of productdevelopment management to ensure that products reach their potential customers ortheir target market effectively with the right marketing strategies, thereby ensuringpeak profitability. In this segmentation research project, data were collected througha paper-based survey using nonprobability sampling among 232 respondents.  Basedon cluster analysis, the mobile Internet segment in Indonesia can be divided into fourgroups: savvy users (35.8%), loyal users (27.6%), value users (27.6%) and traditionalusers (9.9%). The study found that factors which clearly differentiate mobile Internetsegments are: mobile data USAge during web browsing, communication activityincluding social media activity, game activity, and price sensitivity

    Crucial Dimension in Organization Management of Indonesian Islamic Almsgiving (Zakah) Institutions: Insights for Community Economic Empowerment

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    This research analyzed the crucial management dimensions or key elements oforganizations that have been managed as Islamic almsgiving institutions (zakahfunds) in Indonesia. Zakah funds are traditionally managed for a limited number ofbeneficiaries. Zakah funds are now collected and managed by professional Islamicor faith-based organizations and institutions at the national or regional level toachieve a wider range of beneficiaries. This article examines how two Islamicor faith-based organizations, herein named CV (commanditaire vennootschap)“X” and “Y” Foundation, manage small enterprise programs based on zakah toreach a wider range of beneficiaries. Using qualitative methods, the researchidentifies crucial dimensions in the management of organizational dynamics ofthese Islamic or faith-based organizations, i.e., organizational systems, humanresources, and organizational climate. Those elements are used to manageeconomic empowerment activities with faith as a supra structure or contextualunderlying factor. Field findings also demonstrated the usefulness of religiousvalues in managing sustainable community-empowerment practices in smallenterprise programs.&nbsp