26 research outputs found

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor Risiko Malaria di Daerah Endemis dengan Pendekatan Spasial di Kabupaten Purworejo

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    ABSTRACK Background: Malaria remains serious public health problem in Indonesia. More than half of the total population of Indonesia still live in area where are malaria transmission occurred. The biggest number of prevalence in Central Java occurred in Purworejo District, i.e. 15,156 cases in 2001. Malaria transmissions are influenced by several factors besides epidemiological factors : environmental factors, health services factors, the mobility of the population, socio-economic factors and behavior factors. Malaria control programme should estimates the environmental condition and involves several epidemiological components which have much contribution in malaria control programme. Methods : This study is an observational research using cross-sectional approach. The independent variables are outdoor and indoor environmental factors, behavior factors, health services factors, socio-economic factors and mobility of population. The dependent variable is malaria cases among family members. Samples concist of 168 respondents from two MCI villages and two HCI villages of Pituruh Sub district. Analysis were conducted by applying multiple logistic regression. Results : The bivariate analysis shows that there are significant associations between the environmental, behavior, health services factors and the malaria occurance among respondent\u27s family members. The multivariate analysis concludes that distance between respondents\u27 house and the breeding places more than 2 km (OR = 0.263; 95% CI = 0.102 – 0.676), the absence of cattles in respondents\u27 house (OR = 0.395; 95 % CI = 0.160 – 0.676) and the absence of kapulaga/salak plants (OR = 0.209; 95% CI = 0.098 – 0.446) are the protective factors of malaria occurance among respondent\u27s family members. Conclusions : Repondents who live in houses where the distance is more than 2 km away from the breeding places have risk 0.263 times less than those who live in houses where the distance is less than 2 km. Respondents who don\u27t have cattles and kapulaga/salak plants around their houses have risk 0.395 and 0.209 times less than those who have cattles and kapulaga/salak plants around their houses

    Identifikasi Faktor Risiko Gangguan Kesehatan Akibat Konsumsi Mi Instan pada Mahasiswa Universitas Diponegoro

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    Instant noodles is the most consumed fast food in the worldwide. Instant noodles contain simple carbohydrates, fat and sodium. If the instant noodles is consumed continuously, it will caused obesity, increased blood sugar levels and blood pressure.The purpose of this study was to identify risk factors for health problems at the Diponegoro University students by the view of knowledge, consumption of food and instant noodles, and students characteristics. This study used observational research with cross sectional approach. The metode ofthis researchare observation, BMI (Body Mass Index) measurements, blood pressure measurements and interviews with students.The population of this studyare all students from bachelor\u27s degree and diploma\u27s degree 2015 class with total numbers of students are 8903 persons and then 105 samples are selected by proportionate random sampling technique sampling of 11 faculties. Based on this study, It showed that all students have had good knowledge about nutritious food and instant noodles, 51,4% of students consumed 2-6 packs of instant noodles in a week, 31.4% liked salty foods,14.3% are not qualified to process instant noodles, 6.7% calssified as high blood pressure, 9.5% classified as obesities, 23.8% stomachache experienced by students, 4.8% complains of nausea experienced by students,26.7% complains hard to defecate experienced by students, 8.6% of complaints of headaches experienced by students, 4.76% of complaints of diarrhea experienced by students, 1.9% of complaints students are quickly to get hungry, 3.8% of complaints bloating experienced by students, and 0,95% of complaints itchy redness experienced by students. The conclusion of this study is that all students had good knowledge, the largest instant noodle consumption is 6 packs in a week and most students complaint is hard to defecate experiencedby 26,7% from all student complaints

    Faktor-Faktor Lingkungan Fisik Rumah yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Pneumonia pada Balita di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Pangandaran Kabupaten Ciamis

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    Background : Based on the Profile of Ciamis District Health Department in 2010, pneumococcal disease is asequence of infectious disease in children is quite hight, still in the top ten of outpatient clinicmost diseases,whereas in the working area of Pangandaran health center in 2011 there were 61 cases of pneumococcal disease(1.56%). The case is suspected to the condition of the physical environment of the house where children live.Therefore, the research was done in order to analyze factors of house physical environment on pneumoniaoccurrence in children under 5 years.Methods : This study was an observational research with a case control design. The research subjects consistedof case groups and control groups, with each sample of 46 people. Research variables consisted of wall type, floortype, ventilation condition of the house, ventilation condition of the bedrooms, house occupancy density, theseparation of a toddler's bedroom, bedroom occupancy density, the location of the kitchen, the lighting conditionsin the house, temperature, humidity kind of, cooking fuel, the dangers rank of smoking, the practice of using ofmosquito coils. Data were collected through interviews and observation. The research data were analyzed byunivariate, bivariate and multivariate logistic regression.Result : Bivariate analysis results obtained information that there were three variables that have an associationwith the occurrence of pneumonia in toddlers, but according to a multivariate analysis known that there was adominant variable that was lighting conditions in the house with Odds Rasio 21,875; 95% CI 4,353 to109,933.Conclusion : . This study concluded that the physical condition of the house still needs improvements, especiallyto achieve that required condition needs, ventilation improvement both in house and in the bedroom

    Pengaruh Variasi Lama Waktu Kontak Dan Jumlah Tanaman Kayu Apu (Pistia Stratiotes) Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Cadmium (Cd) Limbah Cair Batik Home Industry β€œX” Di Magelang

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    Home Industry Batik β€œX” in Magelang dispose of batik wastewater directly without wastewater treatment to the environmental. The batik wastewater containing heavy metals Cadmium (Cd), which can have a negative impact, both for environmental and health. The checking result of Cadmium (Cd) of batik wastewater is 1,317 mg/l this number is exceed the standart of Perda Jateng Number 5 2012 th. The purpose of this research to determine the effect of the contact time variations (6 day, 7 day and 8 day) and the number of water lettuce (6 clump and 8 clump) to reduced of cadmium level in wastewater of batik home industry "X". This type of research was the design of experimental pretest-posttest control group design with 3 treatment and 4 replications. The treatment used a batch system. Samples of wastewater used is partly wastewater staining batik home industry "X". Method of inspection Cd use Specthrofotometer Atomic Absorption (ASS). Decreased levels of Cd was highest in 8 day with 8 clump water lettuce, namely from 0,840 mg/l to 0,168 mg/l. This value is not below the quality standart that has been set in the amount of 0,1 mg/l. Friedman test results obtained significance value (p-value) = 0.001 (p <0.05), which showed a significant interaction effect between the contact time and the number of water lettuce to decrease the levels of Cd in the waterwaste of batik. Efficiency of the highest decline in Cadmium reached 64,09% occured in treatment contact time of 8 day with 8 clump water lettuce

    Faktor Lingkungan dan Perilaku Masyarakat yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Filariasis di Kabupaten Sambas

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    Background : Filariasis is an endemic disease in Indonesia. Sambas district is declared endemic filariasis with Mfrate> 1%. The number of cases at this time amounted to 63 peoples, the highest cases in sub district Sejangkung with 24 cases and 14 cases in Sebawi district. Based on the preliminary survey conducted in May 2011, there were several factors that play a role in transmission of filariasis cases, among other environmental factors and behavior of people in the Sambas district. The research aimed to identify environmental factor and behavioral associated with the incidence of filariasis in Sambas district.Methods : This research was an observational research using a case control design, with 32 sample cases dan 32sample control. Sampling of the population of cases and controls performed by matching the age and sex and statusof microfilaria. Data collected through observation and interviews. Data were analyzed by using biavariate analyzes with chi-square and with multivariate logistic regression. Statistical analysis showed that of 8 (eight) variables were analyzed, there are 6 (six) variables are shown to be associated to the incidence of filariasis in Sambas district.Results : That is breeding place of mosquitoes (p-value:0,002, OR:38,031, 95%CI :3,737-387,045), the resting place of mosquitoes (p-value:0,006, OR:4,840; 95%CI :1,682-13,930), the use of wire netting (p-value: 0,013, OR: 27.201 95% CI: 2.026-365-1996), a habit out of the house (p-value: 0,009 OR : 39.054 ; 95% CI: 2.534-601.793), the use ofinsect repellent, (p-value: 0,007, OR: 27.213 95% CI: 2.520-293.853), the use of bed nets (p-value: 0,023, OR: 3, 735; 95% CI: 1,314–10,618).Conclusion of this study is environmental factors and poor people's behavior was very influently to the incidence offilariasis, while the type of work and level of knowledge respondents did not affect with the incidence of filariasis inSambas district

    Pengaruh Metode Pemicuan terhadap Perubahan Perilaku Buang Air Besar Sembarangan pada Masyarakat Kelurahan Kauman Kidul Kota Salatiga

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    The practice of open defecation is one of problems in sanitation and healthy hygienic behavior at Kelurahan Kauman Kidul\u27s community Salatiga. Recorded 79 families that still practice open defecation. Acces to latrines, which reached 68,78% compounded by floods that began often occurs after the construction of toll road aggravate the sanitary condition at Kelurahan Kauman Kidul. Permenkes No. 3 In 2014 about Community Based on Total Sanitation ( STBM ) is an approach to changing behavior hygienic and sanitary through community empowerment by means of triggering. The purpose of this research was to analyze the effect of triggering methods on the behavior of open defecation at Kauman Kidul\u27s community Salatiga. This research uses a pre-experimental design with one group pre-test post-test design. The population in this research is Kauman Kidul communities that still practice open defecation with a whole as samples based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. For analyzed is using univariate and bivariate by paired t test for normally distributed data and Wilcoxon test for abnormal distributed data with a significance level of 0.05. The results of the research showed that there was a significant differences in knowledge, attitudes and practices of the respondent about defecation behavior before and after the intervention method gets triggered with a p value less than 0.05. Therefore, this method is appropriate to proceed for areas where the population is still found practicing open defecation