25 research outputs found

    Average (±SE) activity (number of times an individual changed perching position) and the average (±SE) number of habitats each of the four colour morphs used during a 10-minute observation period.

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    <p>Average (±SE) activity (number of times an individual changed perching position) and the average (±SE) number of habitats each of the four colour morphs used during a 10-minute observation period.</p

    Abundance and distribution patterns of <i>P</i>. <i>forsteri</i> colour morphs.

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    <p>Distribution densities (mean ± SE) of four <i>P</i>. <i>forsteri</i> colour morphs recorded through underwater visual census across shelf, exposure to wave energy (exposed, sheltered), and depth gradient. A) inshore exposed, B) inshore sheltered, C) midshelf exposed, D) midshelf sheltered, E) offshore exposed, F) offshore sheltered. Surveys were not conducted at 17 m for exposed inshore, sheltered inshore, and sheltered midshelf reefs. It was also not possible to conduct surveys at 8 m on sheltered inshore reefs due to the reefs’ shallow profiles restricting deeper surveys.</p

    Microhabitat selectivity indices of the four colour morphs of <i>P</i>. <i>forsteri</i> across a midshelf to offshore gradient on wave exposed sides of reefs for 14 categories of substrate.

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    <p>Microhabitat selectivity indices of the four colour morphs of <i>P</i>. <i>forsteri</i> across a midshelf to offshore gradient on wave exposed sides of reefs for 14 categories of substrate.</p

    Microhabitat selectivity indices for three hawkfish species across an inshore to offshore gradient for 14 categories of substrate.

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    <p>Microhabitat selectivity indices for three hawkfish species across an inshore to offshore gradient for 14 categories of substrate.</p

    Habitat availability.

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    <p>Proportional benthic cover (mean ± SE) recorded through point intercept transects across shelf, exposure to wave energy (exposed, sheltered), and depth gradient. A) inshore exposed, B) inshore sheltered, C) midshelf exposed, D) midshelf sheltered, E) offshore exposed, F) offshore sheltered. Acro = <i>Acropora</i>, Poc = Pocilloporidae, Por = <i>Porites</i>, SC = soft corals, DS = dead substrate, THC = total hard corals. Surveys were not conducted at 17 m for exposed inshore, sheltered inshore, and sheltered midshelf reefs. It was also not possible to conduct surveys at 8 m on sheltered inshore reefs due to the reefs’ shallow profiles restricting deeper surveys.</p

    Map of the survey region.

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    <p>The nine surveyed reefs at three different shelf positions (offshore, midshelf, inshore) in the central Red Sea on the Saudi Arabian coast. Bold outlined reefs represent surveyed reefs.</p

    Abundance and distribution patterns of hawkfishes.

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    <p>Distribution densities (mean ± SE) of all observed hawkfish species recorded through underwater visual census across shelf, exposure to wave energy (exposed, sheltered), and depth gradient. A) inshore exposed, B) inshore sheltered, C) midshelf exposed, D) midshelf sheltered, E) offshore exposed, F) offshore sheltered. Surveys were not conducted at 17 m for exposed inshore, sheltered inshore, and sheltered midshelf reefs. It was also not possible to conduct surveys at 8 m on sheltered inshore reefs due to the reefs’ shallow profiles restricting deeper surveys.</p

    Proportional microhabitat use (mean ± SE) for shelter when threatened for each four <i>P</i>. <i>forsteri</i> colour morph during a 10-minute observation period (all habitats used included).

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    <p>Proportional microhabitat use (mean ± SE) for shelter when threatened for each four <i>P</i>. <i>forsteri</i> colour morph during a 10-minute observation period (all habitats used included).</p

    Mean (±SE) proportion of time spent perched on different benthic habitats.

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    <p>Observation period was 10-minutes for four <i>P</i>. <i>forsteri</i> colour morphs (see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0169079#pone.0169079.t003" target="_blank">Table 3</a> for number of individuals observed per morph). Yellow = morph 1, red = morph 2, grey = morph 3, brown = morph 4.</p