11 research outputs found

    Konsumsi Ikan dan Potensi Anisakiasis: Aspek Komunikasi Kesehatan Masyarakat Suatu Program Pemerintah

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    Communication in the health sector plays an important role in the context of educating people and the society. The emphasis is rely primarily on promoting health so that behavior changes occur. One of the example is a government program “GEMARIKAN” which was designated to increase fish consumption in the community. Unfortunately, the triumph upon this programme is overshadowed by the potential transmission of zoonotic infections of the nematode worm named Anisakis spp. This worm can caused a potentially fatal and deadly disease called anisakiasis. This risk can be reduced by re-conducting numerous education in the community regarding these parasites, their life cycles, its host behaviors and lifestyles that can facilitate transmission such as eating fish in raw conditions and the need of good handling practices of fish to avoid transmission to occur

    Keluarga Berencana

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    Pengaturan kehamilan melalui program Keluarga Berencana (KB) sering menjadi perdebatan secara agamawi, yang tidak produktif dan kadang berujung pada perpecahan. Prinsip tujuan keluarga berencana sesungguhnya adalah untuk membentuk keluarga yang diberkati dan mendapat perkenanan Allah. Sayangnya, tujuan tersebut kemudian sering disalahartikan, bahkan disalahgunakan oleh mereka yang tidak bertanggungjawab. Bab ini akan membahas mengenai keluarga berancana dan praktiknya serta perspektif kristiani mengenai hal tersebut


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    Kanker adalah penyakit yang menakutkan. Akhir-akhir ini jumlah penderitanya terus meningkat. Spektrum klinisnya beragam, namun secara garis besar pada fase terminal, penderitanya akan mengalami kesakitan yang tak terperi. Penyebab pasti kanker hingga saat ini belum dapat ditentukan dengan pasti, sehingga pengobatannya pun masih dapat dikatakan belum memuaskan. Dalam upaya mengobati kanker, penderitanya akan melalui tahapan-tahapan yang juga menyebabkan rasa sakit. Jadi bisa dimaklumi bagaimana penderita kanker mengalami rasa sakit yang luar biasa. Berikut akan dibahas mengenai perspektif cendikia Kristiani dalam konteks kanker. Pembahasa

    Maternal Hemoglobin Levels as a Causative Factor in Incidence of Low Birth Weight Babies: A Public Health Prospective

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    Aims: To analyze some aspects of the maternal and the newborn in the incidence of low birth weight babies (LBWB). Study Design: simple retrospective with cross-sectional design approach. Place and Duration of Study: Retrospective data of LBWB obtained from newborn medical record (year 2017-2022) of The Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Tebo Regional Public Hospital, located in Jambi-Indonesia and analysis conducted in the Departemen Kedokteran Komunitas (Community Medicine), the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta Indonesia, between September-November 2023. Methodology: The inclusion criteria focus on all newborn with LBWB that have complete medical record data. The acquired data regarding (1) maternal age, gestational age at the time of giving birth, Hb level prior to delivery, (2) newborn: gender, survivability and birth weight. All respondents will be subjected to statistical analysis using the SPSS programme and Microsoft Excel 2016. The exhibited information consists of data distribution presented in the form of tables and utilising univariate analysis and regression testing. Results: Analysis of 256 LBWB data (122 (47.65%) boys, 134 (52.34%) girls) revealed that in the maternal side mean age 28.54 years old, mean gestational age 36.07 weeks at the time of giving birth and mean Hb level 10.8 gram/dL. In the newborn side viability were 226 (88.33%) viable and mean overall birth weight 1990.2 g. Statistically using Pearson correlation, there is a very weak correlation firstly among maternal Hb count with the neonates primary weight (P = 0.00, r = 0.154) and secondly between gestational age and the birth weight of newborn (P = 0.00, r = 0.000). From the community medicine perspective, Efforts to increase the Hb levels of pregnant women theoretically can be carried out more easily by encouraging and increasing the mother's and also their partners, families and society awareness of carrying out routine antenatal care, encouraging the role of health motivator/local health cadre and conducting Hb examination as simple screening; all of them supported by the government. Conclusion: Maternal low Hb count and gestational age correlate with birth weight of newborn. Further in depth and extensive study needed to explore specific factors contribute to the incidence of anemia in mother who gave birth neonates which have low birth weight (LBW) and their impact to pregnancy. Keywords: Anemia; pregnancy; antenatal care; health promotion; specific protection; community medicine

    Prevalence of Cockroaches in A Private Faculty Building/its Surrounding, with Emphasize on its Vectorial Capacity For Intestinal Parasite, Its Public Health Implication and Comparison of the Performance of several Traditional Baits

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    Cockroach caused intestinal problem due to its mechanical vectorial capability. It can carry many parasites, with diverse susceptibility patterns. Its number in the enviromenment determine the potential risk of health hazard to human. This cross-sectional, entomological survey-study aimed to determine its prevalence with emphasize on vectorial capability, public heath implication and comparison of several traditional baits/ attractants used to trapped cockroach. During 4 months of sampling, 434 cockroaches were successfully trapped, and the prevalence of intestinal parasite isolated was 77.9%,which comprise of several types of parasite. Cockroach also more attracted to brown sugar used as baits/attractants. These findings confirmed the importance of keeping hygiene/sanitation practices that must be maintain all the time. Keywords: brown sugar, protozoa, helminth, hygiene, atractant

    Student’s and Lecturer’s Perception Related to the Use of Latin Terms in Anatomy during COVID Pandemic: A Pre-Eliminary Study Conducted in a Christian Based Private Medical School

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    Aims: to evaluate Student’s and Lecturer’s Perception Related to the use of Latin Terms in Anatomy. Study Design: Cross-sectional study Place and Duration of Study: Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta-Indonesia, May-September 2021. Methodology: Using electronic questionaire based study which distributed to students and lecturers by using popular social media named Whatsapp™ Results: 708 students and 49 lecturers responded our survey. most of our student respondents found it difficult to learn Latin terms due to language limitation, most of our students need Latin for medical terms to be taught in other medical courses more specifically and the majority of lecturers emphasize that a good understanding of nomenclature or medical terms in Latin will support them in studying topics in other medical field. Conclusion: Teaching Anatomy and its Latin terms is difficult and challenging but also there is opportunity to modify it using thematic virtual anatomy or any other digital platform. Keywords: Terminology; structural; thematic; typologies; terms and expressions; paradigm shift; virtual anatomy

    Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity among Medical Students across Indonesia: A Literature Review

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    Aim: To make profiling of the prevalence of overweight and obesity among medical students in Indonesia through a literature search on previous scientific publications in the internet, then creating a map showing the spread of this silent epidemic among medical students. Methodology: Simple internet based literature study cross sectionally search for previous published scientific articles available only on the internet, regarding overweight or obesity among medical students from different faculty of medicine in Indonesia. This study conducted from January to March 2023. Using famous search engine, Google™, we type several keywords regarding overweight and obesity among medical students in Indonesia. Results and Discussion: Data from 29 published articles obtained electronically. The mean percentage of overweight and obese students is 35.5% and found in both public or private medical schools; where private schools have a slightly higher mean percentage of prevalence than the public ones. Even though there are 92 medical schools across Indonesia, it turns out that not all have such data uploaded to the internet. From the health communication perspective, this is also barriers that must be overcome. Conclusion: Overweight and obesity among medical students of Indonesia is a real problem that must be managed properly in order to ensure that, these students stay healthy, can complete their education and then become doctors who serve the community. Keywords: Anatomy body mass index body image waist circumference public private health communicatio

    Practicing Humility to Medical Students: Sharing Experience during Community Service to Specific Lay Church Congregation

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    Aims: The aim of this sharing of experience was to explore the foundational concepts of humility that helped medical students better understand and implement the principles of humility into his/her undergraduate medical education and also expressing it to the people they serve during community service Discussion: Medical student’s beliefs strongly contributed in the achievement of high standards and noble values, which already incorporated into medical curriculum. Unfortunately, due to their big size curriculum, medical students rarely get the opportunity to study and apply it directly in the community. Fortunately, the community service activities are only an optional activity that might help medical students become an integral part of the community and foster relationships that will build their sincere morale, especially humility. Medical students and also the community they serve surely benefiting this two-way mutualism from an involvement in community service. Conclusion: Medical students surely need out-door learning experiences, out of the classroom, clinic room and hospital room, in order to become an integral parts of the communities in which they will practice medicine

    Health Communication in the New Age: The Role of Social Media on the Behavior and Choices of Self-medication for Covid-19

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    During the early phase of second wave of Covid pandemic in Indonesia, the number of infected individuals increasing rapidly and exceed the capacity of the hospitals. Sick people who cannot be admitted to the hospital were forced to conduct self-isolation. During that time, a lot of information about covid drugs was circulating on social media and tempt sick people or those who care for them to buy drugs like those in social media chain messages. The aim of this study is to reveal the role of social media on the behavior and choices of self-medication for covid-19 among post-infected individual or to healthy people who are forced to take care of infected people independently. This simple cross-setional, questionairre based study conducted in the 1st and 2nd week of August 2021. Out of 308 respondents, 123 are male and 185 female. Most of the respondents has high level of education (University or diploma). 216 subjects are positive patients infected with covid and 92 people were taking care of their family members. most of the respondents obtain information regarding Covid self-medication actively, and they consider the information reliable, regardless their educational background. Nevertheless, most of them also consider the need to cross-checking the information. Keywords: Antivirus; Telemedicine; Placebo Effect; Infodemics; Cross-checkin

    The profile of erythrocyte enlargement due to imported cases of Plasmodium vivax infection: its impact to the patient and the community

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    Background: Imported cases of malarial vivax also induce erythrocyte enlargement. The size of enlargement depend on the size of the parasite inside the cells. The aim of the study was to examine 20 slides of positive malaria vivax and seek for erythrocyte infected malaria and measure the size of enlarged cells and its shape. As a comparison, a number of normal erythrocyte also evaluated for its size and shape. Methods: This simple cross sectional design of microscope based study was conducted in Parasitology lab, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta-Indonesia, from January to June of 2019. All data collected and further processed using SPSS™. Results: A total number of 982 erythrocyte infected with P. vivax were examined individually. Those number consist of 243 immature trophozoite, 231 mature trophozoite, 251 micro-gametocyte, and 257 macrogametocyte. As a comparison also being examined 70 normal erythrocyte. Each erythrocyte infected with malaria vivax parasite enlarge to some extent, had irregular shape and the size varied based on the stage of the parasite inside the cells. Discussion: This enlarged erythrocyte is prone to cell sequestration and lysis, a condition that leads to anemia. Anemia affect not just the host but also the community. Proper management of malaria will reduce the burden to the community. Conclusions: Enlarged infected erythrocyte due to malaria vivax can cause anemia with effect to the host and also to the community