99 research outputs found

    Interactive and Experiential Learning in the Collection of Historic Musical Instruments

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    Under the title Res Facta the Collection of Historic Musical Instrument arranged an educational activity consisting of lectures and workshops addressed to music savyy museum visitors in 2012 for the first time. The aim was to establish a new format in art education and encourage the participants after they have learned the basics of acoustic and technological Parameters in introductory talks, to construct and build their own musical instrument, a monochord, with guidance of professional instrument makers and restorers. In 2013 the manufacturing of a concert panpipe was achieved. The educational events have been well attended and all participants left with their own high-end instrument. The following lecture Points out the museological background and the pedagogical fundaments that led to the implementation of Res Facta. Moreover the benefits of the progressive and activating art mediation in the classic and elitist surroundings of the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna are discussed

    Erinnerungen und Geclanken des Bolschafters Anion Graf Monts, ed. Karl Friedrich Nowak et Friedrich Thimme

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    Darmstaedter Paul. Erinnerungen und Geclanken des Bolschafters Anion Graf Monts, ed. Karl Friedrich Nowak et Friedrich Thimme. In: Revue d'histoire moderne, tome 8 N°10,1933. pp. 494-495

    Erinnerungen und Geclanken des Bolschafters Anion Graf Monts, ed. Karl Friedrich Nowak et Friedrich Thimme

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    Darmstaedter Paul. Erinnerungen und Geclanken des Bolschafters Anion Graf Monts, ed. Karl Friedrich Nowak et Friedrich Thimme. In: Revue d'histoire moderne, tome 8 N°10,1933. pp. 494-495

    Brentano (Lujo), Mein Leben im Kampf am die soziale Enhvicklung Deutschlands, 1931

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    Darmstaedter Paul. Brentano (Lujo), Mein Leben im Kampf am die soziale Enhvicklung Deutschlands, 1931. In: Revue d'histoire moderne, tome 8 N°9,1933. pp. 389-390

    Die Blättcheninhalation

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    Friedrich von Holstein, Lebensbekenntnis in Briefen an eine Frau, eingeleitet und herausgegeben von Helmuth Rogge, 1932

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    Darmstaedter Paul. Friedrich von Holstein, Lebensbekenntnis in Briefen an eine Frau, eingeleitet und herausgegeben von Helmuth Rogge, 1932. In: Revue d'histoire moderne, tome 8 N°10,1933. pp. 492-494
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