5 research outputs found

    Kecenderungan Meningkatnya Penyakit Jantung di Indonesia

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    According to the Health Household surveys the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases as 1.1 per 1000 population in 1972 and 5.9 per 1000 in 1980. As a cause of death, cardiovascular diseases rank third (after respiratory infections and diarrheal disease), causing 9.9% of all deaths in 1980. Among the old population (65 years and over), cardiovascular diseases rank second after infectious diseases (25% of which is pulmonary tb). A community based survey of the population over 50 years of age in Ambarawa found that 20% are suffering from heart disease : ischemic h.d. (58.5%), hypertensive h.d. (34%), and pulmonic h.d. (75%), while 33% are suffering from hypertension. About 4% of the population examined have suffered a stroke. Hypertension is found in 6% of the population in coastal areas and 2.8% in inland/highland areas of Central Java. Analysis of hospital data showed a shift in the pattern of heart diseases starting in 1970\u27s when ischemic heart diseases became more frequent than rheumatic heart disease. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases, especially efforts to reduce risk factors like smoking, lack of exercise and changes towards a western diet have to be intensified by the goverment in close cooperation with the community

    Community Survey of Hypertention in Semarang

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    Pada tahun 1976 telah dilakukan survey mengenai penderita hypertensi beberapa kelompok pen­duduk yang terdiri dari kelompok pegawai pemerintah dan buruh golongan sosial ekonomi rendalt di Pendrikan, petani di desa Kaliredjo, penduduk didaerah pedalaman di desa Randublatung, nelayan di pulau Karimunjawa dan beberapa pengunjung pekan raya Semarang tahun 1976. Tujuan survey ialah untuk mempelajari prevalensi hypertensi pada kelompok populasi yang di pilih dalam survey. Berdasar atas metode yang dianjurkan oleh WHO (1972) diantara kelompok penduduk yang berumur 20 tahun keatas hasil survey ini menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi hypertensi didaerah-daerah survey berkisar antara 8,6 -11,8 persen. Angka ini menyerupai angka prevalensi dinegara-negara yang sedang berkembang lainnya. Selain itu diperoleh angka prevalensi terendah 1,8 persen di daerah Ungaran. Pada umumnya prevalensi tinggi terdapat para kelompok wanita dari pada laki-laki. Didaerah urban persentase kesadaran pada penderita hypertensi lebih tinggi di bandingkan dengan di daerah-daerah rura

    A Survey of Hypertension on an Island of Karimunjawa and Parang

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    Hasil survey ditemukan prevalensi hypertensi 11,2 persen pada laki-laki dan 12,2 persen pada wanita dan keseluruhan 11,8 persen. Perbedaan prevalensi pada laki-laki dan wanita tidak bermakna. Selain itu juga dipelajari pertambahan prevalensi menurut umur. Kecuali sakit kepala bagian occpital yang mempunyai prevalensi tinggi diantara hypertensi, gejala-gejala lain memperlihatkan tidak ada perbedaan antara normo dan hypertensi. Di kepulauan Karimunjawa dan Parang yang letaknya ± 150 km sebelah utara Semarang telah di­adakan survey mengenai hypertensi pada penduduk yang sebagian besar terdiri dari nelayan dan se­bagian lain terdiri dari petani dan pedagang. Bahan penelitian 1229 orang dewasa berumur 20 tahun keatas yang terdiri dari 543 laki-laki dan 686 perempuan. Tujuan survey ialah untuk mempelajari prevalensi hypertensi pada kelompok penduduk yang lokasinya terisoler

    Incidence and cause of acute confusion in elderly patients

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    Acute confusion is a clinical syndrome in the elderly whose diagnosis is made by acute onset of disturbance of consciousness, impairment of cognition and fluctuating perception and has an underlying medical cause associated with usually serious medical illness. Acute confusion has a high morbidity and mortality, and patient need to stay longer in the hospital, have a higher risk for institutionalization and immobilization. The aim of this study is to recognize the incidence and most of medical illness, which cause acute confusion in elderly patients, a retrospective study based on medical record of elderly patients who were hospitalized in Dr Kariadi hospital since 1998 to 1999. 5407 elderly patients were hospitalized, but only 5191 were analyzed and included in this study. 35% (992 men and 846 women) elderly patients had acute confusion on first arrival and 7% ( 197 men and 176 women) acute confusion appears in the ward. Total acute confusion was 40.89%. The mortality rate was 29% (263 women and 381 men). Three most frequent cause of death were sepsis (10.04%); hemorrhagic stroke (5.11%); multifactor (4.16%). Top ten diseases, which cause acute confusion, were hepatic encephalopathy, hemorrhagic stroke, sepsis, moderate dehydration due to gastoenteritis, hyponatremia, acute myocardial infarction, pneumonia, urinary tract infection, congestive heart failure, and arrhythmia cordis. (Med J lndones 2002; 11: 30-35) Keywords: acute confusional state, geriatric patients, hospital stud