7 research outputs found

    Pola dan Pengaruh Perdagangan Bilateral Indonesia dengan Korea Selatan

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    This study aimed to analyze the effect of the export price and the GDP of Indonesia to the volume of Indonesian exports to South Korea and see the pattern of bilateral trade between Indonesia and South Korea. The analytical method used is descriptive quantitative method. Analysis of partial and simultaneous with the classical assumption BLUE to see export prices and the effect of Indonesia\u27s GDP to the volume of Indonesian exports to South Korea and the formula for the calculation of intra - industry Grubel and lyold to calculate the pattern of bilateral trade between Indonesia and South Korea. The results of multiple linear regression analysis in this study showed that the export price of significant positive effect on the volume of exports and GDP Indonesia significant positive effect on export volumes. Taken together the independent variables can explain the dependent variable for export function. Indonesia\u27s bilateral trade with South Korea on the results of calculations using the formula intra - industry, it can be concluded that the pattern of industrial commodity trade between Indonesia and South Korea tend to be on the pattern of intra - industry trade, where the results of the calculation of GL index on average more than 40 % on commodities SITC 5-8

    Pengaruh Suku Bunga Kredit dan Produk Domestik Regional Bruto terhadap Penyaluran Kredit Perbankan Bank Umum di Riau

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    Riau is a province that is actively regional development. The development aims to create a society that is advanced and independent Riau. The conditions need support from the banks, particularly in terms of lending. The purpose of this study was to determine lending rates and gross domestic regional product of the loan portfolio of commercial banks in Riau. The results showed that mortgage interest rates and gross domestic regional product significantly influence the commercial bank lending in Riau. Partially, variable lending rates both working capital loans, investment loans, and consumer loans, has a negative and not significant effect on total loans in Riau. While gross domestic regional product variable has a positive and significant impact on working capital loans, investment credit and consumer loans,. Simultaneously, the variable mortgage interest rates and gross domestic regional product has a significant effect on bank lending of commercial banks in Riau

    Pengaruh Suku Bunga Kredit Dan Produk Domestik Bruto Terhadap Penyaluran Kredit Perbankan Bank Umum Pemerintah Di Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine how much influence lending rates, and gross domestic product of the banking credit to the general government bank in Indonesia in 2002-2011. This study uses a quantitative method, and analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis using a computer application SPSS 20 for windows. In this study, the independent variables namely Lending Rates (X1), Gross Domestic Product (X2), while the dependent variable is Lending Banking (Y). Variable interest rates on working capital loans (X1) has a negative regression coefficient of -0.004 to total working capital loans. Variable interest rates on investment loans (X1) has a positive regression coefficient of -0.001 to total loan investments. Variable interest rates on consumer credit (X1) has a negative regression coefficient of -0.064 to total consumer loans. Variable gross domestic product (X2) has a positive regression coefficient for 7,615E-007 on the growth of working capital loans. Variable gross domestic product (X2) has a positive regression coefficient for 5,094E-007 on the growth of investment credit. Variable gross domestic product (X2) has a positive regression coefficient for 6,499E-007 on the growth of consumer credit. It can be concluded that the GDP is positive and significant effect on lending. Simultaneously, the variable lending rates and gross domestic product have a significant effect on bank lending of commercial banks in the Indonesian government