320 research outputs found

    Faktor - Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Perilaku Kunjungan Masyarakat Terhadap Pemanfaatan Pelayanan Posyandu Di Desa Pemecutan Kelod Kecamatan Denpasar Barat

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    Integrated health service post (or commonly known in Indonesian language as Posyandu) is one of the communities\u27 participation in the health sector which plays an important role in providing basic health service such as monitoring the toddler growth and the development status. But, the utilization of integrated health service post by the community were still low, whereas the scope of integrated health service post utilization in Pemecutan Kelod Village was 42,42%, while the national target which should be achieved based on strategic planning of the ministry of health in 2014 was 85%. This study aimed at finding the factors which influence communities\u27 visit behavior towards the utilization of integrated health service post in Pemecutan Kelod Village. The study design was descriptive analytic with cross sectional approach. Sample in this study was parents who had toddlers 12-59 months whereas about 155 respondents were chosen randomly. The data collection was obtained from the questionnaire which was analyzed by using Chi-Square. This study showed that factors which influence communities\u27 visit behavior towards the utilization of integrated health service post were job (p=0,025), knowledge about integrated health service post (p=0,029), family encouragement (p=0,012), and support of community figures (p=0,018). Therefore, it is expected to parents\u27 toddler, family and community figures to spend their time and actively motivate the parents to visit integrated health service post, and also to the health service staff should be active in socializing the importance of utilizing integrated health service post

    Analisis Demand dan Supply Konsumsi Garam Beryodium Tingkat Rumah Tangga

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    Nasionaly, the consumption of iodized salt is 62,3% and in Province of West Jawa is 58,3%. The coverage consumption of iodezed in household level in Bekasi city only about 62,14%. The monitoring iodezed salt in household level by district health departemen in 2004 showed that the enough iodezed salt is 51%.This research was conducted to determine the factor analysis of demand and supply of iodized salt consumption at household level in the District of West Bekasi. This iodesed salt udy used cross sectional design. The population that was studied was 110 mothers using chi square test. On the demand factor, the result shows that there is a relationship between knowledge and the consumption of iodized salt at household level. However, there is no relationship between the revenue and the consumption of iodized salt at household level. While in the supply factor, shows that there is no relationship between availability and price in the market and the con- sumption of iodized salt at household level. To improve the coverage of iodized salt consumption at household level, it is required cooperation from various partie

    Mal dengan Fasilitas Ruang Terbuka di Tanjung Bunga, Makassar

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    Mal dengan Fasilitas Ruang Terbuka di TanjungBunga, Makassar ini merupakan proyek komersial yangmerupakan mal yang secara khusus mewadahi kebutuhanhiburan masyarakat Kota Makassar, dengan menyediakanberbagai fasilitas hiburan baik di dalam, maupun di luarbangunan. Bangunan mal merupakananchor dari malyang di dalamnya terdapat berbagai fasilitas hiburan indoor , sementara fasilitas outdoor merupakan plasaterbuka yang didesain untuk mendukung fasilitas indoor.Proyek ini menyediakan berbagai macam fasilitas hiburan indoor seperti bioskop, tempat karaoke, kafe, restoran,foodcourt , dan tempat bermain anak. Fasilitas tambahanyang lainnya adalah retail dan supermarket untukmendukung fungsi mal sebagai proyek komersial. Fasilitas outdoor yang disediakan adalah tempat terbuka,yang di mana perancangan lahannya memungkinkan para pengunjung mal untuk dapat berkumpul duduk-duduk sambil menikmati potensi alam laut Kota Makassar dan hiburan live music

    Aktivitas Antioksidan Dan Bioaktivitas in Vitro Ekstrak Air Dan Ekstrak Etanol Daun Dan Ranting Benalu Macrosolen Cochinchinensis (Lour.) Van Tiegh. Pada Inang Nangka ( Artocarpus Heterophyllus)

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    Study on antioxidant activity and bioactivity of water and ethanol extracts from the leaves and twigs of mistletoe (Macrosolen cochinchinensis (Lour.) Van Tiegh) that grew on jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) tree as the host have been conducted. Water extracts of the M. cochinchinensis leaves andtwigs were active as antioxidant with IC50 23.08 ug/mL dan 21.56 ug/mL respectively. Whereas the ethanol extracts of both leaves and twigs was not active because the ICso higher than 100 ug/mL (not active as antioxidant against DPPH). Both water and ethanol extracts of M. cochinchinensis leaves and twigs did not showed bioactivity against Artemia salina Leach brine shrimp with each extracts has LCso higher than 1000 pg/mL.Key words Antioxidant, Bioactivity, Macrosolen cochinchinensi (Lour.) van Tiegh., Artocarpus heterophyllus. Artemiasalina Leach

    Sistem Pengamanan Ganda Pada Kendaraan Bermotor Menggunakan Kartu Secara Elektronik Berbasis Mikrokontroler

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    Multiple security systems in motor vehicles in Indonesia today is required to reduce vehicle theft by people who are not responsible. Current conditions, vehicle theft rates continue to rise. The data obtained from multiple information media, both print and electronic media. Even the theft of motor vehicles had entered the campus environment. The idea how to make the vehicle security system, although there is now a double security on the vehicle include a remote that is connected with an alarm is limited to the open door, an additional lock on the wheels of motor vehicles, power down with the manual switch button and so forth. This research will be how to generate the security of two-wheeled motor vehicles especially effective and much cheaper if produced. The equipment will be made can be displayed by the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display), an attractive and easy to modify the card as a password. How it works two-wheeled vehicle security system is by entering the card as an input to turn off the alarm signal received from signal input through the motion sensor (switch). If the two-wheeler handlebar position changed from the initial position, and handlebar changed by force then it will give input to the microcontroller to inform the infrared sensor (input card), if the card is wrong then the microcontroller will activate the hor

    Factors relate to the hypercreatininemia event of patients at the risk of metabolic syndrome in Jetis I public health center

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    Sindroma metabolik (SM) merupakan faktor risiko penyakit ginjal kronik (PGK). Kepatuhan menjalani terapi obat salah satu kunci tercapainya target terapi pada SM. Hiperurisemia (>7 mg/dL pada laki-laki & >5.4 mg/dL pada wanita) dan hiperkreatininemia (>1,3 mg/dL) merupakan tanda defisiensi fungsi ginjal. Defisiensi fungsi ginjal merupakan akibat tekanan darah dan kadar gula darah yang tak terkontrol pada pasien SM. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui gambaran kejadian hiperkreatininemia dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian hiperkreatininemia pada pasien berisiko SM rawat jalan di Puskesmas Jetis I, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Penelitian observational analitik dengan desain potong lintang ini dilakukan pada 99 pasien SM rawat jalan di Puskesmas Jetis I yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan menyetujui ikut serta dalam penelitian. Kadar ureum dan kreatinin darah ditetapkan secara spektrofotometer 5010. Data demografi, diagnosis dan riwayat pengobatan diambil dari rekam medik. Data tingkat kepatuhan pasien dikumpulkan dengan wawancara. Data karakteristik demografi & klinik hasil pengamatan disajikan secara deskriptif. Untuk mengetahui nilai hubungan antara jenis kelamin, umur, hiperurisemia dan tingkat kepatuhan dengan kejadian hiperkreatininemia dilakukan analisis bivariat menggunakan chisquare. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pada pasien rawat jalan yang beresiko mengalami SM di Puskesmas Jetis I Bantul, sebanyak 30,3% tidak patuh dan 69.7% patuh terhadap pengobatan yang diberikan. Sebanyak 44,4% responden mengalami hiperkreatininemia dan 8,1% responden mengalami hiperurisemia. Terdapat hubungan antaraketidakpatuhan, jenis kelamin dan hiperurisemia dengan kejadian hiperkreatininemia dengan Odds ratio masing-masing adalah 3.8, 0.26 dan 7.1 (p<0.05). Berdasarkan data hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa ketidakpatuhan, jenis kelamin laki-laki dan hiperurisemia berhubungan dengan kejadian hiperkreatininemia pada pasien berisiko SM
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