499 research outputs found

    Development of Client-Server Application by Using UDP Socket Programming for Remotely Monitoring CNC Machine Environment in Fixture Process

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    The use of computer technology in manufacturing industries can improve manufacturing flexibility significantly, especially in manufacturing processes; many software applications have been utilized to improve machining performance. However, none of them has discussed the abilities to perform direct machining. In this paper, an integrated system for remote operation and monitoring of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines is put into consideration. The integrated system includes computerization, network technology, and improved holding mechanism. The work proposed by this research is mainly on the software development for such integrated system. It uses Java three-dimensional (3D) programming and Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) at the client side for visualization of machining environment. This research is aimed at developing a control system to remotely operate and monitor a self-reconfiguration fixture mechanism of a CNC milling machine through internet connection and integration of Personal Computer (PC)-based CNC controller, a server side, a client side and CNC milling. The performance of the developed system was evaluated by testing with one type of common protocols particularly User Datagram Protocol (UDP). Using UDP, the developed system requires 3.9 seconds to complete the close clamping, less than 1 second to release the clamping and it can deliver 463 KiloByte

    Studi Pengelolaan Perikanan Hiu Di Pantai Utara Pulau Jawa (Management Study of Shark Fisheries in North Coastal Java Island)

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    Penelitain ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji mengenai masalah dan solusi dari pengelolaan perikanan hiu di Pantai Utara Jawa. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei sampai dengan Juli 2009. Penelitian dilakukan disepanjang pantai utara pulau Jawa yang direpresentasikan melalui beberapa pelabuhan perikanan. Penelitian pantai utara pulau Jawa dibagi kedalam 3 (tiga) wilayah yaitu wilayah barat yang meliputi Provinsi Banten, DKI Jakarta, dan Jawa Barat. Wilayah tengah yang meliputi Provinsi Jawa Tengah dan wilayah timur untuk Jawa Timur. Untuk tiap wilayah penelitian ditentukan satu pelabuhan perikanan. Pelabuhan yang dijadikan tempat penelitian adalah pelabuhan dengan tipe A dan tipe B. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa permasalahan utama perikanan hiu di perairan Utara Jawa adalah tidak adanya sistem pengelolaan perikanan hiu yang baik. Rumusan solusi untuk menanggulangi permasalahan perikanan hiu di utara pulau Jawa adalah penciptaan sistem pengelolaan perikanan hiu di perairan Utara Jawa yang secara konsisten dan konsekuen dilaksanakan oleh berbagai pihak yang terkait

    Pengaruh Good Corporate Governance (GCG), Asimetri Informasi, Ukuran Perusahaan, Laverage Terhadap Manajemen Laba Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia (Periode 2011-2012)

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    The purpose of this research is to explore the influence of institutional ownership, managerial ownership, audit committee, audit reputation, information asymetry, firm size, laverage to earning management in manufacturing company. The semple of this researchs is manufacturing company listed onthe Indonesia Stock Exchange period2011-2012. The sampling design of this research is purposive sampling with the final sample 60 companies. The data analysis technique used in this research is classical assumption test (normality, multicollinearity, autocorrelation, and heteroscedasticity) and multiple regression. The results of this research showed that institutional ownership, audit reputation, firm size, and laverage influence toearning management, while managerial ownership, audit committee, and information asymmetry does not influence the earning management

    Studi Desain Struktur Bidang Lipat yang Memikul Beban dengan Efektif dan Efisien A Design Study On Folded Plate Structure Which Carries Load In Such An Effective And Efficient Way

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    Analisis struktur bidang lipat menggunakan program komputer SAP 2000 telah dilaksanakan dalam penelitian struktur bidang lipat, setelah penelitian sebelumnya meneguhkan bahwa bahan struktur bidang lipat yang paling sesuai untuk bangunan gedung adalah beton bertulang. Hasilnya menunjukkan efektifitas struktur dalam memikul beban dibandingkan pelat datar tanpa lipatan. Dalam studi awal komparasi sudut pelat lipat, empat kemiringan dari 15o hingga 60o dengan besaran volume yang sama, telah disimulasikan dengan hasil kemampuan yang berbeda-beda. Pemodelan struktur bidang lipat menggunakan bentuk dan ukuran struktur bidang lipat gedung Pusat Pembinaan Sumberdaya Manusia (PPSM) milik Yayasan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (YTKI) di Jalan Gatot Subroto 44, Jakarta, yang bentangan atapnya 25 m'. Pemodelan dilakukan dalam dua tahap. Tahap pertama adalah struktur bidang lipat atapnya saja, yaitu struktur bidang lipat memanjang (‘longitudinal'). Pada tahap ke dua, struktur bidang lipatnya dibuat berbentuk portal dua sendi (‘two- hinged folded plate frame'). Analisis tahap ke dua menggunakan software LS Dyna dengan metoda elemen hingga (‘finite ele ment') dengan keadaan struktur bidang lipat sepenuhnya terjepit di ujungnya dan terjepit parsial di kedua tepinya. Pengaturan ini dapat memberi kekuatan maksimum dari penampang bidang lipat. Analisis struktur ini menunjukkan bahwa struktur bidang lipat patut dipertimbangkan sebagai alternatip rancangan struktur atap berbentang lebih dari 15 m'

    The Pattern of Nitrogen Release From Slow Release Fertilizer Urea-zeolitehumic Acid

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    Nitrogen is essential nutrient for plants, deficiency of nutrient causes plants could not growth normally. Nitrogen is easily lost from soil so to reduce his lost by forming fertilizers available in slow form (slow release). Some materials can be used to create a slow release of which having high cation exchange capacity (CEC). Zeolite and humic acid are materials which have a highest CEC so it make possible to use as a slow release materials. The study aimed to determine the rate and pattern of nitrogen release from mixture formulas Slow Release Fertilizer (SRF) and urea-zeolite and humic-acid (UZA) and comparing rate of nitrogen release with urea pril. The study conducted in laboratory with incubation experiment during 14th weeks. Determination ammonium and nitrate was conducted by extracting the soil with extractant hydrodistillation 0.1 N HCl + 1 N KCl. The result showed that a higher humic acid concentration was given on fertilizer causes a nitrogen release become ammonium and nitrate more slowly. SRF H5 (urea:zeolit, 70%:30% with humic acid of 5%) have a slowest nitrogen release rate rather than five types of Slow Release Fertilizer (SRF) formulas which containing a humic acid. However, SRF H1 and H3 fertilizer (with humic acid of 1% and 3%) have a most efficiency nitrogen release rate rather than five types of Slow Release Fertilizer (SRF) which is containing a humid acid

    Kajian Peran Cyber Law dalam Memperkuat Keamanan Sistem Informasi Nasional

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    Increasingly increasing the Information Technology also positive and negative impact. The positive aspect of this virtual world of course adds to the trend of world technological development with all forms of human creativity. In addition, the negative impact can lead to the emergence of crime called cyber crime or crime through the Internet network. The increasingly widespread crime that is closely related to the use of computer-based technology and telecommunication networks is increasingly making the Internet network users become uneasy. The most important information system security policy is in the national legal order in the form of Cyber Law in this case the related ITE and Criminal Law regulating cyberspace activities including sanctions on adverse activity. The research method used is the study of the library (desk research) related to the role of cyber law and its application approach in Indonesia. The results show that the role of cyber law in strengthening the security of national information systems is very strategic. With the existence of cyber caw in addition to protecting the public or the public nationally from the threat of cyber crime, cyber law is a tool to convince the International community that there is already a firm regulation on cyber defense in the country so that inter-state cooperation can be established in building global security. Cooperation between countries is expected also able to trigger a stronger regulation and give global effect
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