9 research outputs found

    Audit Kemanan Informasi Menggunakan Iso 27002 Pada Data Center Pt.gigipatra Multimedia

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    PT. Giga Patra Multimedia Company is a private company which concentrates on Internet service providers, hosting sales and procurement of supplies and support equipment technology. Given the importance of enterprise information, then the information must be protected or secured by theentire personnel of the company. All information company that there must have backup and recovery baik. Sementara that goes with it, as long as the company PT.Giga Multimedia Patra stands have been some problems, among others, are often found to leak information and hackingwebsites terhadapa customers arriving at the web server. In addition, it is feared may propagate in the abuse informasi. Maka in perlukanya internal audit in the company PT.Giga Patra Multimedia. Types of audits are used in this research that uses an internal audit of security standards Iso27002: 2013. And some clauses yitu Security Human Resources (Clause 7), Access Control (Clause 9), elderly physic Safety and Environment (Clause 11), Management Communication and Oprasi 12) .With the security audit information on PT. Giga Multimedia Patra can find out the weaknesses of the system is the cause of information security problems which have occurred. Besides this audit can measure the level of security by PT. Giga Patra Multimedia. From the results of a security audit of information systems that have been done, it was concluded that in the field of HumanResource Security (Clause 7) yielded values 2.71 and maturity level in the field of Access Control (Clause 9) has a value of 2.75 and a maturity level and field of Physical Security Environment (Clause 11) security resources Manuia generate value maturity level of 2.75 is located on level 2(limited / repeatable) which means that security controls are under development, there have been limited documentation but no training and measuring the effectiveness of security controls, and field operational ( Clause 12) yielded values of 1.33 maturity level that is at the level of Level 2 (limited / repeatable) At this level, security controls are still in development and / or there is limited documentation to support the need. Expected PT. GIGA PATRA MULTIMEDIA can do the repair information system security management, rules, and procedures that the information system security threats related to information security can be minimized

    Sistem Pengamanan Ganda Pada Kendaraan Bermotor Menggunakan Kartu Secara Elektronik Berbasis Mikrokontroler

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    Multiple security systems in motor vehicles in Indonesia today is required to reduce vehicle theft by people who are not responsible. Current conditions, vehicle theft rates continue to rise. The data obtained from multiple information media, both print and electronic media. Even the theft of motor vehicles had entered the campus environment. The idea how to make the vehicle security system, although there is now a double security on the vehicle include a remote that is connected with an alarm is limited to the open door, an additional lock on the wheels of motor vehicles, power down with the manual switch button and so forth. This research will be how to generate the security of two-wheeled motor vehicles especially effective and much cheaper if produced. The equipment will be made can be displayed by the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display), an attractive and easy to modify the card as a password. How it works two-wheeled vehicle security system is by entering the card as an input to turn off the alarm signal received from signal input through the motion sensor (switch). If the two-wheeler handlebar position changed from the initial position, and handlebar changed by force then it will give input to the microcontroller to inform the infrared sensor (input card), if the card is wrong then the microcontroller will activate the hor

    Perencanaan Strategis Sistem Informasi Dan Teknologi Informasi Si/ti Pendidik Dan Tenaga Kependidikan (Studi Kasus: Pada Disdikbudpora Metro)

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    The Education, Culture , Youth and Sport Agency of Metro has not got a plan for main implementation for Information System /Information Technology so the information needed cannot be managed accurately. For that reason, it is really needed an IT-based system to produce precise and puctual information. This study is aimed at identifying data needs and information in formulating the policy and developing strategic information system plan in the educational agency. The main concept in designing this study is a methodology stated by John Ward and Joe Peppard. The steps start from analyzing internal business circumtance and external organization, IT internal analysis and it is continued by processing strategic indentification and doing future portofolio design. The analysis methods used in this study include SWOT, Critical Success Factor, Value Chain, PEST, and Mc Fardan Strategic Grid.The result of this study is a stratgic plan blue print which refers to the organization business plan based on the data derived from the analysis method. The information resulted is then to be used as an integrated method for administrative needs and public services. The strategic purpose is a prime service that can be used to increase the data management for maximizing functions of Educators and Educational Officers (PTK). They are supported with IT factors, IT roles to provide the qualified educational infra structures and develop IT application for improving the quality of educational management. The IT strategic plan produced can be used in planning the next strategic plan and give some priorities for activities to find the great results and are based on the aims to achieve

    Analisis Dan Perancangan Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Audit Mutu Internal Dan Dokumentasi Penjaminan Mutu Perguruan Tinggi

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    Perkembangan teknologi yang sangat pesat memberikan nilai lebih bagi perguruan tinggi untuk meningkatkan keamanan dan kemudahan dalam menyimpan informasi. Teknologi tidak hanya menggunakan data sistem informasi secara umum, tetapi juga membantu dalam proses audit internal. Perguruan tinggi dan pendidikan saat ini memerlukan penjamin mutu guna memastikan mutu pendidikan. Penerapan sistem penjaminan mutu yang sudah berjalan memerlukan proses audit internal guna memastikan proses mutu tetap berjalan. Internal audit memiliki peran penting dalam suatu manajemen, dimana pelaksanaan audit internal dilakukan dengan form-form audit dalam bentuk kertas maupun secara elektronik. Sehingga permasalahan di atas membutuhkan alat bantu dengan sedikit melakukan isian dan secara otomatis sistem akan menyalin semua kode yang sama berbasis paper list, mengolah dalam bentuk file presentasi (grafik), analisis data dan lainnya. Auditor dapat menambahkan atau mengurangi data dengan pengisian langsung pada menu klausa pertanyaan. Selain itu, auditor dapat langsung memberikan catatan temuan serta kapan departemen atau unit kerja dapat memberikan tanggapan terhadap temuan itu untuk diselesaikan dari segi manajemen historikal hasil audit yang akurat dan tersaji secara cepat, serta dapat dibandingkan antara hasil audit setiap departemen, setiap klausul maupun atas waktu. Hasil audit juga menyajikan performance setiap departemen dalam bentuk angka (ukuran kuantitatif). Selain itu, perangkat lunak dapat menyajikan record audit per auditor untuk membantu evaluasi, dan meningkatkan kompetensi auditor

    Career Path System Structural Lecturerin Private Universities in Bandar Lampung

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    Lecturer is one of the essential components of a system in higher education. Lecturers have a role, duties and responsibilities in realizing the goal of national education. So that the lecturer is the most important component in the college. The main task is Tridarma college lecturers are arranged in standard faculty workload. career systems lecturer in private universities is not only contained in the Act's regulations No. 14 2015 on teachers and lecturers. professional development of lecturers through functional or academic position, while career development in a structural position of secretary courses starting up the post of rector. For private colleges in the determination of structural positions is done without seeing the competency of a person to be served, but it generally is someone who has an emotional connection, meaning not based on seniority, rank, and functional academics. Based on this, we need a system of career paths / career path for lecturers in a structural position to be more focused and measurable so that governance and academic atmosphere in the college better

    The USAge of Ward and Peppard Method in Is/it Strategic Plan Compilaton in Dishubkominfo East Lampung

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    Dishubkominfo in running the coordination task in Nexus,Communication and Informatics field must charged towork fast. Therefore, the support from the reliableinformation technology (IS/IT) is really needed. To makesure the USAge of IS/IT actually support the purpose ofgovernment administering, with noticing the efficiency theusage of resources and the management of risk that relatedto it, it required strategic planning related to IS/IT, in thisdocument called Strategic Planning IT/IS.The methodology that used in preparation of documentusing reference that developed by Ward and Peppard.Analysis method that used includes SWOT analysis, CSF,Value Chain, McFarlan Strategic Grid, BalancedScorecard. The result that achieved in this thesis isstrategic plan framework that include system informationstrategy, information technology and IT/IS managementintegrated and portfolio and roadmap from 2015 until2019

    Sistem Absensi dan Pelaporan Berbasis Fingerprint dan SMS Gateway

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    Kegiatan dalam pengambilan data guna mengetahui jumlah kehadiran dari suatu acara disebut Absensi. Dalam kegiatan proses belajar mengajar absensi memberikan banyak informasi penting, yang didapat terkait dengan siswa. Dari absensi bisa dijadikan sebagai tolak ukur oleh sekolah dan orang tua, apakah seorang siswa dapat mengikuti proses belajar mengajar dengan baik dan benar. Untuk kegiatan absensi saat ini umumnya masih dilakukan dengan menggunakan kertas, lalu dipanggil satu persatu siswa oleh guru setiap matapelajaran. Terkadang tidak validnya data absensi dan hilangnya data, membuat lamanya dalam menyajikan informasi absensi pada saat dibutuhkan. Perancangan sistem absensi dibagi menjadi dua environment, pertama absensi berbasis Fingerprint dapat memberikan kemudahan bagi pihak sekolah untuk data kehadiran siswa. Sedangkan yang kedua dengan menggunakan SMS gateway sebagai media informasi, yang dapat memberikan laporan dari pihak sekolah kepada orang tua siswa atas kehadiran dan tidak kehadiran siswa. Dengan perancangan sistem absensi ini diharapkan dapat membantu pihak sekolah dan orang tua dalam anak mereka