105 research outputs found
Nilai-nilai Karakter Dalam Novel Ladang Perminus Karya Ramadhan K.h. (the Character Values in Ladang Perminus Novel by Ramadhan K.h.)
Nilai-Nilai Karakter dalam Novel Ladang Perminus karya Ramadhan K. H. Penelitian inibertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan secara objektif tentang 7 nilai karakter dalam Ladang Perminus:(1) Nilai religius, (2) Nilai jujur, (3) Nilai kerja keras (4) Nilai kreatif (5) Nilai rasa ingin tahu, (6)Nilai bersahabat/komunikatif, dan (7) Nilai gemar membaca.Data penelitian ini adalah novel LadangPerminus karya Ramadhan K.H. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatansosiologi sastra. Metode dan teknik penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dan teknikanalisis isi. Instrumen utama adalah peneliti dengan menggunakan kartu data. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa terdapat 7 nilai karakter dalam novel Ladang Perminus, yaitu nilai religius(16 buah), terdiri atas selalu berdoa/berzikir dalam berbagai aktivitas dan peristiwa, mengerjakanshalat/sembahyang, mengikuti kegiatan-kegiatan keagamaan atau pengajian, percaya dengan takdir,nasib, dan Peruntungan manusia; nilai jujur (29 buah), terdiri atas melaksanakan tugas sesuaidengan aturan, hukum yang berlaku, menyebutkan secara tegas keunggulan dan kelemahan suatupokok pembicaraan, mau bercerita tentang permasalahan dirinya, mengemukakan pendapat tentangsesuatu yang diyakininya, mengembalikan barang yang bukan haknya kepada pemiliknya; nilai68kerja keras (19 buah), terdiri atas mengerjakan tugas dengan giat dan rajin, menggunakan waktusecara efektif untuk menyelesaikan tugas-tugas atau pekerjaan, selalu berusaha untuk mencariinformasi yang dapat menunjang pekerjaan; nilai kreatif (20 buah) terdiri atas mengajukan suatupikiran baru tentang sesuatu pokok bahasan, menerapkan teori, saran, dan nasihat dari seorangprofesional dalam pelaksanaan di lapangan; nilai rasa ingin tahu (28 buah) terdiri atas inginmengetahui sesuatu berita, mencari tahu sesuatu yang tersembunyi untuk memperoleh kepastian,mendiskusikan beberapa peristiwa alam, sosial, dan pekerjaan; nilai bersahabat/komunikatif (19buah) terdiri atas rasa senang berbicara, rasa senang bergaul, bekerja sama dengan orang lain; nilaigemar membaca (7 buah) terdiri atas kebiasaan menyediakan waktu untuk membaca berbagai bacaan,suka mengoleksi buku/bahan bacaan.Kata
Perilaku Aktivitas Perdagangan Intrahari di Bursa Efek Jakarta
The primary objective of this study is to investigate the pattern of intraday tradingwithin industrial sector which are listed in LQ45 and the domination oftelecommuniaction sector in trading activities at the Jakarta Stock Exchange. Anexamination on the behavior of intraday stock trading activities at the Jakarta StockExchange in the period between 2002 and 2003 is accomplished in this study. Tradingactivities used in this study were volatility of return, volatility of stock price, volume oftrading (based on transactions), spread, relative spread, depth, and relative depth(based on order). Approximately 8 millions trading activities were particized into timeinterval of 30 minutes. Regression analysis with dummy variable for independentvariable was applied. Results of the study showed that there were high means oftrading activities both at the beginning and the end of trading. This finding is inaccordance with a number of theories and results of several empirical studies whichindicate that trading behaviors in each capital market are varied. In addition, it wasalso indicated that trading activities at the Jakarta Stock Exchange, rather than bytelecommunication sector, were dominated by financial sector
Pengelolaan Sungai Rangau Berbasis Kearifan Lokal di Desa Rantau Kopar Kabupaten Rokan Hilir sebagai Rancangan Modul Biologi SMA
The research has been done to find out the Local Wisdom of Rantau Kopar Community in Rangau River Management from January to April 2017. The research was used to design the module unit in Biology Learning of Environmental Conservation in SMA, in two stages namely Research and Module Design Unit Module. Data collection with in-depth interview method with snowball sampling technique to key informant that is Adat Leader, Community Leader. In addition, field observation and documentation techniques are used. The results showed that Rantau Kopar community has various local wisdom in implementing Rangau river management, among others, (a) planning includes local knowledge, spatial planning, settlement, irrigation and plantation, (b) The community uses it to maintain the sustainability of resources by utilizing the potential of availability Contained in the Rangau River, (c) controls include the use of environmentally friendly fishing gear and prevention efforts with no prohibition, (d) maintenance of the environment by mutual assistance and the ban on disposing garbage to the river. The results of this study can be used as a unit of learning module Biology on the concept of Environmental Conservation
Desain Media Pembelajaran Ict Berbasis Pedagogi Hijau Untuk Mahasiswa Calon Guru Biologi Fkip Universitas Riau
Has conducted research for the development of media designInformation, Communication and Technology (ICT) -based Green Pedagogy for studentteachers of biology FKIP University of Riau. This study was conducted from January toJune 2015. This type of research is a kind of research development (Research andDevelopment), the procedural ADDIE development model. ADDIE developmentprocedures are implemented, namely Analysis, Design, Development and the trial waslimited. The results showed that the validation of ICT-based Learning Media PedagogyGreen to KD 1.1 to KD 1.4 total mean value validation is 3,29 (valid). For Web-basedvalidation Pedagogy Green to KD 1.1 to KD 1.4 total mean value validation is 3,24(valid). Based on the results of research conducted, it can be concluded that theLearning Media Green ICT-based pedagogy that has been developed as a supplementto the subject Environmental Education in Prodi. UR Biology category is valid and canbe implemented in the learning process
Religion And Social Culture of the People of West Kalimantan’s Penata Island
The Penata Island, also called the Fishermen’s Contact Village, exemplifies the Indonesian people’s characters in general. These characters are preserved to this day in the village to reflect social behavior of the people as native culture of Indonesia, such as helping each other, a sense of community life, and work discipline. When they have problem, they are able to resolve it wisely through community leaders. When the problem is not resolved, it will be taken to the police and resolved through other legal ways. From the results of this study, the researcher saw a few things that have not been done properly, for example, the fishermen have yet to perform the five-time prayers. Some of them are involved in gambling and liquor-drinking, though it is a restricted case that does not have any influence on behavior patterns of the community members in general especially with regard to the practice of Islamic religious teachings
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