66,823 research outputs found

    Mixed integer predictive control and shortest path reformulation

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    Mixed integer predictive control deals with optimizing integer and real control variables over a receding horizon. The mixed integer nature of controls might be a cause of intractability for instances of larger dimensions. To tackle this little issue, we propose a decomposition method which turns the original nn-dimensional problem into nn indipendent scalar problems of lot sizing form. Each scalar problem is then reformulated as a shortest path one and solved through linear programming over a receding horizon. This last reformulation step mirrors a standard procedure in mixed integer programming. The approximation introduced by the decomposition can be lowered if we operate in accordance with the predictive control technique: i) optimize controls over the horizon ii) apply the first control iii) provide measurement updates of other states and repeat the procedure

    Loop group actions on categories and Whittaker invariants

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    We develop some aspects of the theory of DD-modules on ind-schemes of pro-finite type. These notions are used to define DD-modules on (algebraic) loop groups and, consequently, actions of loop groups on DG categories. Let NN be the maximal unipotent subgroup of a reductive group GG. For a non-degenerate character χ:N( ⁣(t) ⁣)Ga\chi: N(\!(t)\!) \to \mathbb{G}_a and a category C\mathcal{C} acted upon by N( ⁣(t) ⁣)N(\!(t)\!) , we define the category CN( ⁣(t) ⁣),χ\mathcal{C}^{N(\!(t)\!), \chi} of (N( ⁣(t) ⁣),χ)(N(\!(t)\!), \chi)-invariant objects, along with the coinvariant category CN( ⁣(t) ⁣),χ\mathcal{C}_{N(\!(t)\!), \chi}. These are the Whittaker categories of C\mathcal{C}, which are in general not equivalent. However, there is always a family of functors Θk:CN( ⁣(t) ⁣),χCN( ⁣(t) ⁣),χ\Theta_k: \mathcal{C}_{N(\!(t)\!), \chi} \to \mathcal{C}^{N(\!(t)\!), \chi}, parametrized by kZk \in \mathbb{Z}. We conjecture that each Θk\Theta_k is an equivalence, provided that the N( ⁣(t) ⁣)N(\!(t)\!)-action on C\mathcal{C} extends to a G( ⁣(t) ⁣)G(\!(t)\!)-action. Using the Fourier-Deligne transform (adapted to Tate vector spaces), we prove this conjecture for G=GLnG= GL_n and show that the Whittaker categories can be obtained by taking invariants of C\mathcal{C} with respect to a very explicit pro-unipotent group subscheme (not ind-scheme) of G( ⁣(t) ⁣)G(\!(t)\!)

    BV-regularity for the Malliavin Derivative of the Maximum of the Wiener Process

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    We prove that, on the classical Wiener space, the random variable sup0tTWt\sup_{0\le t \le T} W_t admits a measure as second Malliavin derivative, whose total variation measure is finite and singular w.r.t.\ the Wiener measure

    Zero noise limits using local times

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    We consider a well-known family of SDEs with irregular drifts and the correspondent zero noise limits. Using (mollified) local times, we show which trajectories are selected. The approach is completely probabilistic and relies on elementary stochastic calculus only

    Oscillating shells: A model for a variable cosmic object

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    A model for a possible variable cosmic object is presented. The model consists of a massive shell surrounding a compact object. The gravitational and self-gravitational forces tend to collapse the shell, but the internal tangential stresses oppose the collapse. The combined action of the two types of forces is studied and several cases are presented. In particular, we investigate the spherically symmetric case in which the shell oscillates radially around a central compact object