2,242 research outputs found


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    Characterisation of a Thin Fully Depleted SOI Pixel Sensor with High Momentum Charged Particles

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    This paper presents the results of the characterisation of a thin, fully depleted pixel sensor manufactured in SOI technology on high-resistivity substrate with high momentum charged particles. The sensor is thinned to 70 ÎĽ\mum and a thin phosphor layer contact is implanted on the back-plane. Its response is compared to that of thick sensors of same design in terms of signal and noise, detection efficiency and single point resolution based on data collected with 300 GeV pions at the CERN SPS. We observe that the charge collected and the signal-to-noise ratio scale according to the estimated thickness of the sensitive volume and the efficiency and single point resolution of the thinned chip are comparable to those measured for the thick sensors.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Nucl. Instr. and Meth., section

    Characterisation of a Thin Fully-Depleted SOI Pixel Sensor with Soft X-ray Radiation

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    This paper presents the results of the characterisation of a back-illuminated pixel sensor manufactured in Silicon-On-Insulator technology on a high-resistivity substrate with soft X-rays. The sensor is thinned and a thin Phosphor layer contact is implanted on the back-plane. The response to X-rays from 2.12 up to 8.6 keV is evaluated with fluorescence radiation at the LBNL Advanced Light Source.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods

    Monolithic Pixel Sensors in Deep-Submicron SOI Technology with Analog and Digital Pixels

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    This paper presents the design and test results of a prototype monolithic pixel sensor manufactured in deep-submicron fully-depleted Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) CMOS technology. In the SOI technology, a thin layer of integrated electronics is insulated from a (high-resistivity) silicon substrate by a buried oxide. Vias etched through the oxide allow to contact the substrate from the electronics layer, so that pixel implants can be created and a reverse bias can be applied. The prototype chip, manufactured in OKI 0.15 micron SOI process, features both analog and digital pixels on a 10 micron pitch. Results of tests performed with infrared laser and 1.35 GeV electrons and a first assessment of the effect of ionising and non-ionising doses are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods

    Characterisation of a Pixel Sensor in 0.20 micron SOI Technology for Charged Particle Tracking

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    This paper presents the results of the characterisation of a pixel sensor manufactured in OKI 0.2 micron SOI technology integrated on a high-resistivity substrate, and featuring several pixel cell layouts for charge collection optimisation. The sensor is tested with short IR laser pulses, X-rays and 200 GeV pions. We report results on charge collection, particle detection efficiency and single point resolution.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods

    ANEM: A rotating composite target to produce an atmospheric-like neutron beam at the LNL SPES facility

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    A fast neutron (E> MeV) irradiation facility is under development at the 70 MeV SPES proton cyclotron at LNL (Legnaro, Italy) to investigate neutron-induced Single Event Effects (SEE) in microelectronic devices and systems. After an overview on neutron-induced SEE in electronics, we report on the progress in the design of ANEM (Atmospheric Neutron EMulator), a water-cooled rotating target made of Be and W to produce neutrons with an energy spectrum similar to that of neutrons produced by cosmic rays at sea-level. In ANEM, the protons from the cyclotron alternatively impinge on two circular sectors of Be and W of different areas; the effective neutron spectrum is a weighted combination of the spectra from the two sectors. In this contribution, we present the results of thermal-mechanical Finite Element Analysis (ANSYS) calculations of the performance of the ANEM prototype. The calculations at this stage indicate that ANEM can deliver fast neutrons with an atmospheric-like energy spectrum and with an integral flux [Formula: see text](1-70 MeV) [Formula: see text]107 n cm[Formula: see text]s[Formula: see text] that is 3Ă—109 more intense than the natural one at sea-level: a very competitive flux for SEE testing

    Tracking and Vertexing with a Thin CMOS Pixel Beam Telescope

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    We present results of a study of charged particle track and vertex reconstruction with a beam telescope made of four layers of 50 micron-thin CMOS monolithic pixel sensors using the 120 GeV protons at the FNAL Meson Test Beam Facility. We compare our results to the performance requirements of a future e+e- linear collider in terms of particle track extrapolation and vertex reconstruction accuracies.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods

    Lithium ion-induced damage in silicon detectors

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    Silicon diodes processed by CNM on standard and oxygenated silicon substrates have been irradiated by 58 MeV lithium ions. The radiation-induced effects are very similar to the one observed after proton irradiation: substrate space charge sign inversion (SCSI), lower increase of the effective substrate doping concentration after SCSI for the oxygenated devices. The experimental radiation hardness factor has been determined to be 45.01, within 8.2% with the expected value. These results suggest that 58 MeV Li ions are a suitable radiation source for radiation hardness studies by ions heavier than protons for the future very high luminosity hadron colliders
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