9 research outputs found
Anatomske i histoloŔke osobitosti hipofize dobroga dupina (Tursiops truncatus) iz Jadranskog mora.
The structure of the pituitary gland was studied in 3 bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from the Adriatic Sea. This species is legally protected in Croatia. All examined animals died of natural causes and were found stranded along the eastern Adriatic coast. The pituitary gland is a rectangular body suspended at the base of the brain and situated in a depression of the sphenoid bone, clearly identififi ed as sella turcica. The gland was divided into the adenohypophysis and the neurohipophisis, interconnected by thick layer of connective tissue. Pars distalis and pars tuberalis were observed in the adenohypophysis while the pars intermedia was lacking. The pars distalis was built of three main cell types: acidophils, basophils and chromophobes. Most of the acidophils were situated in the centre of the gland while chromophobes occurred dorsal and basophils ventral. Pars tuberalis was composed of cords of polygonal and vacuolated cells, which were in close association with numerous blood vessels. Large numbers of colloid-containing follicles were observed throughout the pars tuberalis. The neurohypophysis of the bottlenose dolphin consisted of unmyelinated nerve fibres among which numerous pituicytes were scattered.Istraživana je graÄa hipofize u tri dobra dupina (Tursiops truncatus) iz Jadranskog mora. Dobri dupin u Republici Hrvatskoj najstrože je zaÅ”tiÄena životinjska vrsta. Sve istražene životinje uginule su u prirodi i naÄene su nasukane duž istoÄne jadranske obale. Hipofiza u dobroga dupina pravokutnoga je oblika, smjeÅ”tena na osnovici mozga i uložena u udubinu klinaste kosti, prepoznate kao sella turcica. Žlijezda je podijeljena na adenohipofizu i neurohipofizu koje su meÄusobno povezane debelim slojem vezivnog tkiva. Adenohipofiza dobroga dupina sastoji se od pars distalis i pars tuberalis, dok pars intermedia nedostaje. Pars distalis graÄen je od tri tipa stanica: acidofilnih, bazofilnih i kromofobnih. Acidofilne stanice u najveÄem su broju smjeÅ”tene u srediÅ”tu žlijezde, dok se kromofobne stanice nalaze dorzalno, a bazofilne ventralno. Pars tuberalis graÄen je od nizova poligonalnih i poneÅ”to vakuoliziranih stanica koje su blisko vezane uz mnoge krvne žile. UoÄen je i velik broj folikula ispunjenih koloidom. Neurohipofiza dobroga dupina graÄena je od nemijeliziranih živÄanih vlakana izmeÄu kojih se nalaze brojni pituiciti
Primjena apsorpcije dvostrukih X-zraka metodom za male životinje u mjerenju mineralne gustoÄe nadlaktiÄne kosti dobrog dupina (Tursiops truncatus) iz Jadranskog mora
The measurement of bone mineral density (BMD) in dolphins was described in earlier investigations, but only by application of osteodensitometric methods used for man. The aim of this study was to test the possibilities of applying the method for small animals in the measurement of the bone mineral density in dolphins. The humeri of the right flippers of 24 bottlenose dolphins (11 males and 13 females) were analyzed using the dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) method for measurement and analysis of the bone mineral density in small animals. The tested method can be successfully applied for measuring bone mineral density in dolphins, but the range of measured values was lower than values that resulted from using the method for man. Statistical analysis indicated positive linear correlations between bone mineral density of dolphin humerus and the total body length and age of the dolphins.Mjerenje mineralne gustoÄe kostiju dupina opisano je u ranijim istraživanjima, ali samo primjenom osteodenzitometrijske metode za Äovjeka. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi moguÄnosti za primjenu metode za male životinje u mjerenju mineralne gustoÄe kosti u dupina. NadlaktiÄne kosti desnih prsnih peraja od 24 dobra dupina (11 mužjaka i 13 ženki) istražene su DEXA (apsorpciometrija dvostrukih X-zraka) metodom za mjerenje mineralne gustoÄe kosti malih životinja. Istražena metoda može se uspjeÅ”no primijeniti na dupinima,
ali je raspon izmjerenih vrijednosti niži nego Å”to je utvrÄen primjenom metode za Äovjeka na kostima dupina. StatistiÄka je analiza pokazala pozitivnu linearnu korelaciju izmeÄu mineralne gustoÄe nadlaktiÄne kosti dupina i ukupne dužine tijela i dobi dupina
Masna jetra i potkožni edem slobodno živuÄeg dobrog dupina (Tursiops truncatus, Montagu 1821) iz Jadranskog mora; svjetlosno i elektronsko mikroskopsko istraživanje.
Research was carried out on a 21-year-old, 288 cm-long free-living grand multigravida female bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus, Montagu 1821) with mass of 214 kg. The animal died on 8 October 1997 in the Adriatic Sea, near Å ibenik, Croatia. Prior to death she showed some neurological symptoms. For control and comparison we used the carcasses and tissues of two presumably clinically healthy dolphins. Autopsy showed massive edema in the subcutaneous tissues (between blubber and musculature) on the dorsal side of the body of the diseased subject. The fluid in intercellular tissue spaces was clear and light-yellowish. Larger amounts of the same fluid were found in serous sacs of the animal, as well as slight brain edema. The most prominent structural change was found in the liver, which wasnormal in size but extremely yellow and fragile. Its structure was totally destroyed, without any traces of blood, and there was pronounced fatty degeneration of liver parenchyma. All hepatocytes were also destroyed and swollen mitochondria and dilated endoplasmic reticulum were evident. This massive hepatic degeneration and necrosis was probably due to some unknown acute biological or chemical agent that provoked hepatargic crisis and the ultimate death of this free-living female dolphin.Istražena je jedna ženka dobrog dupina (Tursiops truncatus, Montagu 1821) koja je raÄala viÅ”e puta, a živjela je slobodno u Jadranskom moru te je uginula 8. listopada 1997. u blizini Å ibenika. U Äasu smrti bila je stara 21 godinu, mase 214 kg i dužine 288 cm. Neposredno prije smrti životinja je pokazivala neke poremetnje funkcije sredÅ”njeg živÄanog sustava. Za kontrolu i usporedbu koriÅ”tena su trupla i tkiva dva dobra dupina za koje se može pretpostaviti da su bili zdravi. Razudbom trupla uginule ženke dupina naÄen je na dorzalnoj strani tijela životinje prostrani potkožni edem izmeÄu potkožnog masnog omotaÄa i miÅ”iÄja. Edem je Äinila bistra svijetložuÄkasta meÄustaniÄna tekuÄina. NeÅ”to poveÄana koliÄina iste takve tekuÄine je naÄena i u seroznim Å”upljinama tijela ove oboljele i uginule ženke dupina, kao i lagani edem mozga. Najizrazitija promjena naÄena je u graÄi jetre bolesne ženke dupina, koja je bila izrazito žute boje i prhka na dodir, ali normalne veliÄine. Struktura jetre bila je potpuno razorena, bez i najmanjih tragova krvi u jetri, te s jako izraženom masnom degeneracijom jetrenog parenhima. Svi hepatociti su bili razoreni s ostatcima nabubrenih mitohondrija i proÅ”irenog endoplazmatskog retikuluma. Ova sveobuhvatna degeneracija jetre bila je vjerojatno posljedica akutnog djelovanja nekog neutvrÄenog bioloÅ”kog ili kemijskog agensa, a izazvala je hepatargiÄnu krizu i smrt ove ženke dupina koja je živjela slobodno u Jadranskom moru
Dodatni vod glavnoga limfnoga voda u psa
An unusual lymph vessel was found in a male dog of estimated age 5-6 years, probably a German shepherd and Rottweiler cross bred. At the level of the 11th right dorsal intercostal artery a common trunk arising from the cranial cisterna chyli divided into a very thin thoracic duct (ductus thoracicus) with a diameter of 1-2 mm and a much bigger lymphatic vessel with a diameter of 6 mm. The thoracic duct, very thin in its postcardiac segment, was situated in its normal anatomical position while the big lymphatic vessel extended cranially through the
right mediastinum covered with the right mediastinal pleura (pleura mediastinalis dextra). It ran laterally to the origins of the right dorsal intercostal arteries, situated at the ventral border of the right azygos vein, the right surface of the oesophagus and the dorsal wall of the Sussdorffās cavity (cavum mediastini serosum). At the root of the right lung (radix pulmonis dextra) it crossed the ventral surface of the oesophagus, inclined to the left cranial medistinum and drained into the thoracic duct. We recognized this large lymphatic vessel and its unusual
course as the accessory thoracic duct - an anatomical variation with its origin in the embryonic development of the thoracic duct.U psa mase 40 kg u dobi oko 5 do 6 godina, vjerojatno križanca izmeÄu njemaÄkoga ovÄara i rotvajlera, naÄena je i opisana neuobiÄajena limfna žila. Ova velika limfna žila izlazi iz zajedniÄkoga debla Äiji poÄetak Äini cisterna chyli. U visini 11. desne dorzalne meÄurebrene arterije ovo zajedniÄko deblo dijeli se na vrlo tanak glavni limfni vod (ductus thoracicus) promjera 1-2 mm i znatno veÄu limfnu žilu promjera 6 mm. Glavni limfni vod, koji je izrazito tanak u svom postkardijalnom dijelu nalazi se u normalnom anatomskom položaju dok se
druga velika limfna žila usmjeruje kranijalno kroz desni dio sredoprsja (mediastinum) ležeÄi neposredno pod desnom sredoprsnom pleurom (pleura mediastinalis dextra). Ova velika limfna žila leži lateralno od korijena desnih dorzalnih meÄurebrenih arterija, prati ventralnu povrÅ”inu desne neparne vene (vena azygos dextra), leži uz desnu povrÅ”inu jednjaka i uz dorzalnu stijenku Sussdorffove Å”upljine (cavum mediastini serosum), sve do desnoga pluÄnoga korijena (radix pulmonis dextra). Tu skreÄe na lijevu stranu prolazeÄi s lijeve i ventralne strane jednjaka i ulijeva se u glavni limfni vod. Ovu veliku limfnu žilu neuobiÄajenog položaja oznaÄili smo kao dodatni vod glavnog limfnog voda (ductus thoracicus accessorius). Smatramo da je dodatni vod glavnoga limfnoga voda anatomska varijacija koja je nastala tijekom embrionalnoga razvoja glavnoga limfnoga voda
Morphology of the lymph nodes in bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) and striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) from the Adriatic Sea
Morphology of the lymph nodes was examined in six bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and three striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) from the Adriatic Sea. All animals had been found dead in nature. One group of the nodes was taken from the tracheal branching area and was marked as bifurcational lymph node, and the other group was taken from the mesenteric root and was marked as mesenteric lymph node. Microscopic analysis showed that the lymph nodes in both dolphin specieswere surrounded by a connective tissue capsule comprising smooth muscle cells. The parenchyma of the mesenteric and bifurcational lymph nodes in bottlenose dolphinwas divided into the peripherally situated cortex with the lymphatic nodules and diffuse lymphatic tissue, and the centrally situated medulla structured of the medullary cords separated by the medullary sinuses. These lymph nodes structurally correspond to the lymph nodes in the majority of terrestrial mammals. The mesenteric lymph node of striped dolphin also had a peripherally situated cortex and a centrally positioned medulla as the majority of terrestrial mammals. In the bifurcational lymph nodes of striped dolphin, there was a central dense lymphatic tissue with the lymphatic nodules and a peripheral less dense lymphatic tissue structured of the cell cords and sinuses. The bifurcational lymph node in striped dolphinresembledporcine lymph nodes and belonged to the inverse lymph nodes
Masna jetra i potkožni edem slobodno živuÄeg dobrog dupina (Tursiops truncatus, Montagu 1821) iz Jadranskog mora; svjetlosno i elektronsko mikroskopsko istraživanje.
Research was carried out on a 21-year-old, 288 cm-long free-living grand multigravida female bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus, Montagu 1821) with mass of 214 kg. The animal died on 8 October 1997 in the Adriatic Sea, near Å ibenik, Croatia. Prior to death she showed some neurological symptoms. For control and comparison we used the carcasses and tissues of two presumably clinically healthy dolphins. Autopsy showed massive edema in the subcutaneous tissues (between blubber and musculature) on the dorsal side of the body of the diseased subject. The fluid in intercellular tissue spaces was clear and light-yellowish. Larger amounts of the same fluid were found in serous sacs of the animal, as well as slight brain edema. The most prominent structural change was found in the liver, which wasnormal in size but extremely yellow and fragile. Its structure was totally destroyed, without any traces of blood, and there was pronounced fatty degeneration of liver parenchyma. All hepatocytes were also destroyed and swollen mitochondria and dilated endoplasmic reticulum were evident. This massive hepatic degeneration and necrosis was probably due to some unknown acute biological or chemical agent that provoked hepatargic crisis and the ultimate death of this free-living female dolphin.Istražena je jedna ženka dobrog dupina (Tursiops truncatus, Montagu 1821) koja je raÄala viÅ”e puta, a živjela je slobodno u Jadranskom moru te je uginula 8. listopada 1997. u blizini Å ibenika. U Äasu smrti bila je stara 21 godinu, mase 214 kg i dužine 288 cm. Neposredno prije smrti životinja je pokazivala neke poremetnje funkcije sredÅ”njeg živÄanog sustava. Za kontrolu i usporedbu koriÅ”tena su trupla i tkiva dva dobra dupina za koje se može pretpostaviti da su bili zdravi. Razudbom trupla uginule ženke dupina naÄen je na dorzalnoj strani tijela životinje prostrani potkožni edem izmeÄu potkožnog masnog omotaÄa i miÅ”iÄja. Edem je Äinila bistra svijetložuÄkasta meÄustaniÄna tekuÄina. NeÅ”to poveÄana koliÄina iste takve tekuÄine je naÄena i u seroznim Å”upljinama tijela ove oboljele i uginule ženke dupina, kao i lagani edem mozga. Najizrazitija promjena naÄena je u graÄi jetre bolesne ženke dupina, koja je bila izrazito žute boje i prhka na dodir, ali normalne veliÄine. Struktura jetre bila je potpuno razorena, bez i najmanjih tragova krvi u jetri, te s jako izraženom masnom degeneracijom jetrenog parenhima. Svi hepatociti su bili razoreni s ostatcima nabubrenih mitohondrija i proÅ”irenog endoplazmatskog retikuluma. Ova sveobuhvatna degeneracija jetre bila je vjerojatno posljedica akutnog djelovanja nekog neutvrÄenog bioloÅ”kog ili kemijskog agensa, a izazvala je hepatargiÄnu krizu i smrt ove ženke dupina koja je živjela slobodno u Jadranskom moru