7 research outputs found

    Die Besiedlung der Podravina in der Ƥlteren Phase der Urnenfelderkultur

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    Prostor srednje Podravine označen je kao ishodiÅ”te virovitičke grupe kulture polja sa žarama joÅ” pri defi niranju I. faze kulture polja sa žarama 1973. godine. Novija pokusna istraživanja i terenski pregledi na području Virovitičko-podravske županije rezultirala su otkrićem brojnih novih nalaziÅ”ta koja su označena kao nizinska naselja virovitičke grupe. Osim keramičkih nalaza, prikupljeni su i metalni predmeti (koplje i topuzasta igla) koji se datiraju u vrijeme Br D i Ha A1 kada su na tlu sjeverne Hrvatske rasprostranjene različite kulturne grupe (Virovitica, Barice-Gređani, BelegiÅ” II). Metalni predmeti zajednički su oblici svim trima pobrojanim grupama i pripadaju ansamblu predmeta koji je karakterističan za 12. st. pr. Kr. na Å”irem prostoru Karpatske kotline. Uz analizu dosad istraženih grobalja koja se mogu datirati u stariju fazu kulture polja sa žarama, ukazuje se i na problem ostava u Podravini gdje su poznate u manjem broju u odnosu na brojne istodobne ostave iz Posavine. To je možda povezano s postojanjem različitih religioznih ili kulturoloÅ”kih glediÅ”ta u okviru grupa starije kulture polja sa žarama koje su obitavale na tim prostorima.Das Gebiet der zentralen Podravina wurde bereits bei der Bestimmung der I. Phase der Urnenfelderkultur im Jahr 1973 als der Ausgangspunkt der Virovitica-Gruppe der Urnenfelderkultur bezeichnet. Neuere Probeuntersuchungen und Feldbegehungen im Gebiet der Gespanschaft Viroviticaā€“Podravina resultierten in der Entdeckung zahlreicher neuer FundstƤtten, die als Niedersiedlungen der Virovitica-Gruppe bezeichnet wurden. Neben Keramik wurden auch MetallgegenstƤnde gefunden (Lanze und Keulenkopfnadel), die in die Zeit Br D und Ha A1 datiert werden, als im Bereich Nordkroatiens verschiedene Kulturgruppen verbreitet waren (Virovitica, Barice-Gređani, BelegiÅ” II). Die MetallgegenstƤnde weisen Formen auf, die allen drei genannten Kulturgruppen gemeinsam sind, und die zu einem Ensemble von GegenstƤnden, die fĆ¼r das 12. Jahrhundert vor Christus im ganzen Gebiet des Karpatenbeckens charakteristisch sind, gehƶren. Neben der Analyse der bisher untersuchten GrƤber, die sich in die Ƥltere Phase der Urnenfelderkultur datieren lassen, wird auch auf das PhƤnomen der Horte in der Podravina hingewiesen, die in dieser Region in geringerer Zahl bekannt sind im VerhƤltnis zu gleichzeitigen Horten aus der Posavina, wo sie besonders zahlreich vorkommen. Dies dĆ¼rfte im Zusammenhang mit dem Bestehen verschiedener religiƶser oder kulturologischer Gesichtspunkte der in diesem Gebiet angesiedelten Ƥlteren Urnenfelderkulturgruppen stehen

    Field Survey of the Route of the Western Bypass around Beli Manastir

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    Tijekom listopada 2007. godine obavljen je terenski pregled trase zapadne zaobilaznice grada Belog Manastira, koja u svom sjevernom dijelu prolazi uz poviÅ”enu lijevu obalu rijeke KaraÅ”ice, na zapadu se spuÅ”ta u baranjsku nizinu, da bi prema jugoistoku doÅ”la do jugozapadnih obronaka Banskog brda. Tom prilikom je na trasi, uz jedan već otprije istraživani lokalitet, otkriveno joÅ” sedam novih lokaliteta iz svih razdoblja, Å”to ne iznenađuje s obzirom na prirodne danosti Baranje i njezin strateÅ”ki položaj uz Dunav i Dravu.During October 2007 it was conducted a field survey of the route of the western bypass around the town of Beli Manastir. In its northern part the route passes along the raised left shore of the river KaraÅ”ica, on the west it descends into the Baranja Plain, and towards the south-east it reaches the south-western slopes of the Bansko Brdo. This survey uncovered, along with one previously known site, seven new sites from all periods, which is not surprising given the natural characteristics of Baranja and its strategic position alongside the Danube and Drava rivers. Of the seven new sites with finds from the prehistoric period, the most numerous are those from the Neolithic (5), followed by Late Iron Age (3), Bronze Age (2) and Copper Age (2), while the finds from the Early Iron Age are missing. In the Roman period Baranja was a direct hinterland of the limes, so that the numerousness of finds from this period is not surprising (5). The medieval period is represented by 6 sites, four of which belong to the Late Middle Ages. Pottery fragments belonging to the Starčevo culture were discovered on the Beli Manastir ā€“ Ciglana site. They also appear, together with the Sopot culture, on the sites Branjih Vrh-Okrugla Međa 1-2 and Branjin Vrh-Rastić. Remains of the Sopot culture settlement were discovered on the Beli Manastir-Nove Livade site. A Copper Age settlement was recorded on the site Branjin Vrh-Okrugla Međa 1 and was attributed to the Kostolac culture. The Bronze Age was represented by Transdanubian encrusted pottery on the sites Ciglana in Beli Manastir and Okrugla Međa 2 near Branjin Vrh. Until now there were no known sites belonging to the Late Iron Age; this campaign discovered three such settlements of an open type ā€“ Å umarina-KleiŔće, Okrugla Međa 2 and Rastić near Branjin Vrh. The finds of roman pottery and bricks has been found between the road Beli Manastir ā€“ Petlovac and the forest Adica on Ciglana and Prednja Poljana in Beli Manastir, as well as on the sites Okrugla Međa 1-2 and Rastić near Branjin Vrh. Medieval pottery was found on the sites Okrugla Međa 1-2 near Branjin Vrh, while late medieval pottery was in evidence on the following sites: Rastić near Branjin Vrh, Å irine and KleiŔće near Å umarine and Ciglana near Beli Manastir. Prior to this survey, in the vicinity of Beli Manastir and Branjin Vrh there were 11 known archaeological sites, a number which has now been increased by seven new ones

    Ilok - Castle of the Dukes of Ilok. 2004 Excavation Results

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    Sustavna arheoloÅ”ko-konzervatorska istraživanja u Iloku u kontinuitetu se već četiri godine provode na prostoru sjevernog dijela kasnosrednjovjekovnog dvora Iločkih. Iskopavanja su 2004. godine obuhvatila prostor sjeverozapadno od utvrđene osnove dvora knezova Iločkih, pri čemu je istražena arhitektonska veza sjeverozapadnog dijela dvora s danas vidljivim sklopom obrambenih zidina koje se pružaju prema zapadu. Osim arhitekture, istrženi su slojevi i strukture zapadno od palače Iločkih koji svjedoče o kontinuiranoj naseljenosti Gornjega grada u Iloku od prapovijesti do danas. Brojni pokretni nalazi, posebno kao Å”to su antički i kasnosrednjovjekovni novac te luksuzni kasnosrednjovjekovni pećnjaci, pomoći će pri dataciji stratigrafski istraženih struktura i slojeva.In the northern part of the late medieval Castle of the Dukes of Ilok, systematic archaeological conservation excavations in Ilok have been conducted for four years. In 2004 excavations covered the area north-west of the fortified base of the Castle of the Ilok Dukes, with examination of the architectural link between the north-western part of the Castle and the currently visible complex of defensive walls in the west. Investigation of late medieval archi- tecture encompassed the western faces of the piers on the western side of the investigated Castle, whereas it was concluded that the northern pier, along with the furthest northern pier, belongs to a cross-like organized post of the north-western corner of the late medieval Castle. Apart from the architecture, layers and structures west of the Castle of the Ilok Dukes were investigated, which testify to the continued settlement of the Upper Town of Ilok since prehistoric times. The late medieval trench for the western wall of the Ilok Castle was excavated. The trench cut the Late Antiquity pit that was sunken into the prehistoric layer. A Late Hallstatt semidwelling pit was found as well. Numerous finds, particularly those of Antiquity-period and Late Medieval coins and luxurious Late Medieval stove-tiles, will help date the stratigraphically investigated structures and layers. A surprising aspect about the excavations conducted so far is the lack of layers from the early or high Middle Ages, which can be ascribed to the preparation of the terrain for construction of the magnificent Late Medieval Castle of the Ilok Dukes that had to have its foundations on solid, compact earth, i.e. a loess layer. This notable building, which altered the appearance of the western part of the Ilok Plateau once and for all, was a turning point for the position of the site at which it was erected in the middle of the fifteenth century, as it gained residential status. Interventions during construction of the late medieval Castle paid no attention to stratigraphic layers and structures of the rich past of the area, which - according to the remains of remains - was rich since the Early Bronze Age. Numerous questions remain open: archaeological remains, i.e. layers of one hundred and fifty years of the Ottoman presence, are missing, as is the picture of the architectural complex of the Late Medieval Castle and its links with the simultaneous defensive walls and the central courtyard. Also, the excavations shall present the settlement of this area before building the Castle, in the Middle Ages, as well as in Antiquity and the prehistoric period. Some issues could be partly explained by the present excavations, and they will probably be largely resolved after excavations in the entire western part of the plateau chosen by the Dukes of Ilok as the construction site for their Castle