128 research outputs found

    Combined approaches for HIV cure

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    A serious effort has begun to develop therapies that may be capable of eradicating established HIV infection in man. Because of the biological complexity of HIV infection that persists despite potent antiretroviral therapy, it is widely believed that if such therapies can be developed they will involve complex, multimodality approaches. We highlight some of the recent studies in this effort

    Latency reversal and viral clearance to cure HIV-1

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    Research toward a cure for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection has joined prevention and treatment efforts in the global public health agenda. A major approach to HIV eradication envisions antiretroviral suppression, paired with targeted therapies to enforce the expression of viral antigen from quiescent HIV-1 genomes, and immunotherapies to clear latent infection. These strategies are targeted to lead to viral eradication—a cure for AIDS. Paired testing of latency reversal and clearance strategies has begun, but additional obstacles to HIV eradication may emerge. Nevertheless, there is reason for optimism that advances in long-acting antiretroviral therapy and HIV prevention strategies will contribute to efforts in HIV cure research and that the implementation of these efforts will synergize to markedly blunt the effect of the HIV pandemic on society

    A long-acting formulation of the integrase inhibitor raltegravir protects humanized BLT mice from repeated high-dose vaginal HIV challenges

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    Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) using antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) has been shown to reduce HIV transmission in people at high risk of HIV infection. Adherence to PrEP strongly correlates with the level of HIV protection. Long-acting injectable ARVs provide sustained systemic drug exposures over many weeks and can improve adherence due to infrequent parenteral administration. Here, we evaluated a new long-acting formulation of raltegravir for prevention of vaginal HIV transmission

    Expression of latent human immunodeficiency type 1 is induced by novel and selective histone deacetylase inhibitors

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    A family of histone deacetylases (HDACs) mediates chromatin remodeling, and repression of gene expression. Deacetylation of histones within the HIV-1 long terminal repeat (LTR) by HDACs plays a key role in the maintenance of latency, whereas acetylation of histones about the LTR is linked to proviral expression and escape of HIV from latency. Global HDAC inhibition may adversely affect host gene expression, leading to cellular toxicities. Potent inhibitors selective for HDACs that maintain LTR repression could be ideal antilatency therapeutics

    siRNA Screening of a Targeted Library of DNA Repair Factors in HIV Infection Reveals a Role for Base Excision Repair in HIV Integration

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    Host DNA repair enzymes have long been assumed to play a role in HIV replication, and many different DNA repair factors have been associated with HIV. In order to identify DNA repair pathways required for HIV infection, we conducted a targeted siRNA screen using 232 siRNA pools for genes associated with DNA repair. Mapping the genes targeted by effective siRNA pools to well-defined DNA repair pathways revealed that many of the siRNAs targeting enzymes associated with the short patch base excision repair (BER) pathway reduced HIV infection. For six siRNA pools targeting BER enzymes, the negative effect of mRNA knockdown was rescued by expression of the corresponding cDNA, validating the importance of the gene in HIV replication. Additionally, mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEFs) lacking expression of specific BER enzymes had decreased transduction by HIV-based retroviral vectors. Examining the role BER enzymes play in HIV infection suggests a role for the BER pathway in HIV integration

    A long-acting formulation of the integrase inhibitor raltegravir protects humanized BLT mice from repeated high-dose vaginal HIV challenges

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    Objectives: Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) using antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) has been shown to reduce HIV transmission in people at high risk of HIV infection. Adherence to PrEP strongly correlates with the level of HIV protection. Long-acting injectable ARVs provide sustained systemic drug exposures over many weeks and can improve adherence due to infrequent parenteral administration. Here, we evaluated a new long-acting formulation of raltegravir for prevention of vaginal HIV transmission. Methods: Long-acting raltegravir was administered subcutaneously to BALB/c, NSG (NOD -scid -gamma) and humanized BLT (bone marrow -liver -thymus) mice and rhesus macaques. Raltegravir concentration in peripheral blood and tissue was analysed. Suppression of HIV replication was assessed in infected BLT mice. Two high-dose HIV vaginal challenges were used to evaluate protection from HIV transmission in BLT mice. Results: Two weeks after a single subcutaneous injection of long-acting raltegravir in BLT mice (7.5 mg) and rhesus macaques (160 mg), the plasma concentration of raltegravir was comparable to 400 mg orally, twice daily in humans. Serum collected from mice 3 weeks post-administration of long-acting raltegravir efficiently blocked HIV infection of TZM-bl indicator cells in vitro. Administration of long-acting raltegravir suppressed viral RNA in plasma and cervico-vaginal fluids of infected BLT mice, demonstrating penetration of active raltegravir into the female reproductive tract. Using transmitted/founder HIV we observed that BLT mice administered a single subcutaneous dose of long-acting raltegravir were protected from two high-dose HIV vaginal challenges 1 week and 4 weeks after drug administration. Conclusions: These preclinical results demonstrated the efficacy of long-acting raltegravir in preventing vaginal HIV transmission

    CD32 is expressed on cells with transcriptionally active HIV but does not enrich for HIV DNA in resting T cells

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    The persistence of HIV reservoirs, including latently infected, resting CD4+ T cells, is the major obstacle to cure HIV infection. CD32a expression was recently reported to mark CD4+ T cells harboring a replication-competent HIV reservoir during antiretroviral therapy (ART) suppression. We aimed to determine whether CD32 expression marks HIV latently or transcriptionally active infected CD4+ T cells. Using peripheral blood and lymphoid tissue of ART-treated HIV+ or SIV+ subjects, we found that most of the circulating memory CD32+ CD4+ T cells expressed markers of activation, including CD69, HLA-DR, CD25, CD38, and Ki67, and bore a TH2 phenotype as defined by CXCR3, CCR4, and CCR6. CD32 expression did not selectively enrich for HIV- or SIV-infected CD4+ T cells in peripheral blood or lymphoid tissue; isolated CD32+ resting CD4+ T cells accounted for less than 3% of the total HIV DNA in CD4+ T cells. Cell-associated HIV DNA and RNA loads in CD4+ T cells positively correlated with the frequency of CD32+ CD69+ CD4+ T cells but not with CD32 expression on resting CD4+ T cells. Using RNA fluorescence in situ hybridization, CD32 coexpression with HIV RNA or p24 was detected after in vitro HIV infection (peripheral blood mononuclear cell and tissue) and in vivo within lymph node tissue from HIV-infected individuals. Together, these results indicate that CD32 is not a marker of resting CD4+ T cells or of enriched HIV DNA–positive cells after ART; rather, CD32 is predominately expressed on a subset of activated CD4+ T cells enriched for transcriptionally active HIV after long-term ART

    In vivo analysis of the effect of panobinostat on cell-associated HIV RNA and DNA levels and latent HIV infection

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    Abstract Background The latent reservoir in resting CD4+ T cells presents a major barrier to HIV cure. Latency-reversing agents are therefore being developed with the ultimate goal of disrupting the latent state, resulting in induction of HIV expression and clearance of infected cells. Histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) have received a significant amount of attention for their potential as latency-reversing agents. Results Here, we have investigated the in vitro and systemic in vivo effect of panobinostat, a clinically relevant HDACi, on HIV latency. We showed that panobinostat induces histone acetylation in human PBMCs. Further, we showed that panobinostat induced HIV RNA expression and allowed the outgrowth of replication-competent virus ex vivo from resting CD4+ T cells of HIV-infected patients on suppressive antiretroviral therapy (ART). Next, we demonstrated that panobinostat induced systemic histone acetylation in vivo in the tissues of BLT humanized mice. Finally, in HIV-infected, ART-suppressed BLT mice, we evaluated the effect of panobinostat on systemic cell-associated HIV RNA and DNA levels and the total frequency of latently infected resting CD4+ T cells. Our data indicate that panobinostat treatment resulted in systemic increases in cellular levels of histone acetylation, a key biomarker for in vivo activity. However, panobinostat did not affect the levels of cell-associated HIV RNA, HIV DNA, or latently infected resting CD4+ T cells. Conclusion We have demonstrated robust levels of systemic histone acetylation after panobinostat treatment of BLT humanized mice; and we did not observe a detectable change in the levels of cell-associated HIV RNA, HIV DNA, or latently infected resting CD4+ T cells in HIV-infected, ART-suppressed BLT mice. These results are consistent with the modest effects noted in vitro and suggest that combination therapies may be necessary to reverse latency and enable clearance. Animal models will contribute to the progress towards an HIV cure
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