20 research outputs found

    Common hop (Humulus lupulus L.) as a raw material with health properties: the current stae of knowledge

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    W艂a艣ciwo艣ci prozdrowotne substancji pochodzenia ro艣linnego s膮 obecnie jednym z g艂贸wnych kierunk贸w bada艅 naukowych. Rynek 偶ywno艣ci, suplement贸w diety i innych preparat贸w maj膮cych w艂a艣ciwo艣ci prozdrowotne zainteresowa艂 si臋 w艂a艣ciwo艣ciami chmielu. Chmiel zwyczajny (Humulus lupulus L.) jest ro艣lin膮 wieloletni膮, a jej p臋dy roczne dorastaj膮 na-wet do 9 m wysoko艣ci. Uprawa chmielu wymaga optymalnych warunk贸w wzrostu, zw艂aszcza w odniesieniu do d艂ugo艣ci ekspozycji na 艣wiat艂o, temperatur臋, rocznych opad贸w i 偶yzno艣ci gleby. Chmiel najcz臋艣ciej kojarzony jest jako sk艂adnik odpowiedzialny za charakterystyczn膮 goryczk臋 piwa. Szyszki 偶e艅skich ro艣lin chmielu zawieraj膮 znaczne ilo艣ci substancji goryczkowych oraz sk艂adnik贸w, kt贸re mog膮 wykazywa膰 korzystne oddzia艂ywanie na zdrowie. Zwi膮zki te maj膮 dzia艂anie uspokajaj膮ce, nasenne oraz przeciwzapalne. Celem pracy by艂a charakterystyka warunk贸w uprawy i w艂a艣ciwo艣ci chmielu jako surowca o w艂a艣ciwo艣ciach funkcjonalnych.Health-related properties of substances of vegetable origin are currently one of the main directions of scientific research. The market of food, dietary supplements and other preparations with pro-health properties has been interested in the properties of hops. Common hop (Humulus lupulus L.) is a perennial plant and its annual shoots grow up to 9 m in height. Hop growing requires optimal growth conditions, especially in relation to the length of exposure to light, temperature, annual rainfall and soil fertility. Hops are usually associated as the ingredient responsible for the characteristic bitter-ness of beer. Cones of female hop plants contain significant amounts of bitter substances and ingredients that may have a beneficial effect on health. These compounds have a calming, hypnotic and anti-inflammatory effect. The purpose of the work was to characterize the growing conditions and properties of hops as a raw material with functional properties

    Ocena przydatno艣ci wybranych zwi膮zk贸w spo偶ywczych jako substancji czynnych o zdolno艣ci moduluj膮cej gorzki smak czekolady

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    Numerous compounds with pro-health activity are present in the cocoa bean. Cocoa contains polyphenols such as anthocyanins, catechins, flavan-3-ol proanthocyanidins. The catechins include (-)-epicatechin, (+)-catechin and pigments responsible for cocoa beans color such as cyanidin-3-尾-O-galactoside and cyanidin-3-伪-L-arabinoside. In addition to polyphenols, cocoa is also rich in alkaloids such as methylxanthine, i.e. caffeine, theobromine and theophylline. The presence of these compounds in dessert chocolate determines its health-promoting properties, but at the same time has a bitter taste, often undesirable by consumers. The aim of the work was to assess the suitability of selected raw materials as a source of active compounds that are modulators of bitter taste in chocolate. Psyllium, eggshells, carrot extract, maltodextrin, vanilla aroma and whey protein concentrate (WPC) were tested. These compounds have not previously been used as taste modulators in dark chocolate, with exception of vanilla aroma and whey protein. Therefore, the results of this study will allow for an evaluation of novel pro-health ingredients as taste modulators. Sensory evaluation in chocolate, allowing the assessment of the impact of the masking effect of the bitter taste, were examined sensitively - using the five-point method. The selected additives were evaluated for cytotoxic activity on the MCF 7 breast cancer cell line. The effectiveness of selected ingredients as modulators of bitter taste has been confirmed in application tests. In chocolate trials, the best effect masking the bitter taste was found for trials with carrot extract and whey protein concentrate in combination with vanilla. It was shown that the proposed additives that modulate the bitter taste such as eggshells are not cytotoxic in relation to breast cancer cells. The addition of plant raw materials, eggshells and WPC proteins may affect the bitter taste of the chocolate and at the same time increase the health-promoting effect.W ziarnie kakaowym obecne s膮 liczne zwi膮zki o dzia艂aniu prozdrowotnym. Kakao zawiera polifenole, takie jak antocyjany, katechiny, flawan-3-ol proantocyjanidyny. Do katechin zalicza si臋: (-) - epikatechin臋, (+) - katechin臋 oraz barwniki odpowiadaj膮ce za barw臋 ziaren kakaowych, takie jak cyjanidyn-3-尾-O-galaktozyd i cyjanidyn-3-伪-L-arabinozyd. Opr贸cz polifenoli kakao bogate jest r贸wnie偶 w alkaloidy, takie jak metyloksantyna, czyli kofeina, teobromina i teofilina. Obecno艣膰 tych zwi膮zk贸w w czekoladzie deserowej decyduje o jej prozdrowotnych w艂a艣ciwo艣ciach, ale jednocze艣nie ma gorzki smak, cz臋sto niepo偶膮dany przez konsument贸w. Celem pracy by艂a ocena przydatno艣ci wybranych surowc贸w jako 藕r贸d艂a zwi膮zk贸w aktywnych b臋d膮cych modulatorami gorzkiego smaku w czekoladzie. Zbadano babk臋 p艂esznik, skorupki jaj, ekstrakt z marchwi, maltodekstryn臋, aromat waniliowy oraz koncentrat bia艂ka serwatkowego (WPC). Zwi膮zki te nie by艂y wcze艣niej stosowane jako modulatory smaku w ciemnej czekoladzie, z wyj膮tkiem aromatu wanilii i bia艂ka serwatki. Dlatego wyniki opisanego badania pozwol膮 na ocen臋 nowych sk艂adnik贸w prozdrowotnych jako modulator贸w smaku. Oceny sensoryczne w czekoladzie, pozwalaj膮ce na ocen臋 wp艂ywu efektu maskuj膮cego gorzkiego smaku, zosta艂y zbadane wra偶liwie - metod膮 pi臋ciopunktow膮. Wybrane dodatki oceniono pod k膮tem dzia艂ania cytotoksycznego na linii kom贸rkowej raka piersi MCF 7. Skuteczno艣膰 wybranych sk艂adnik贸w jako modulator贸w gorzkiego smaku zosta艂a potwierdzona w badaniach aplikacyjnych. W badaniach z czekolad膮 najlepszy efekt maskowania gorzkiego smaku uzyskano w pr贸bach z ekstraktem z marchwi i koncentratem bia艂ka serwatkowego w po艂膮czeniu z wanili膮. Wykazano, 偶e proponowane dodatki moduluj膮ce gorzki smak, takie jak skorupki jaj, nie s膮 cytotoksyczne w stosunku do kom贸rek raka piersi. Dodatek surowc贸w ro艣linnych, skorupek jajek i bia艂ek WPC mo偶e wp艂yn膮膰 na gorzki smak czekolady, jednocze艣nie zwi臋kszaj膮c prozdrowotny efekt

    Variability of Hordeum vulgare L. Cultivars in Yield, Antioxidant Potential, and Cholinesterase Inhibitory Activity

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    Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is an annual plant cultivated in spring or autumn. Currently, over 70% of the cultivated barley grains are utilized for preparing fodder, while the rest is used for the production of malt and cereals in the food industry. The purpose of the present work was to evaluate the content of bioactive compounds, antioxidant potential, and cholinesterase inhibitory effect of the aqueous extracts of juvenile barley leaves. It was found that the barley cultivars differed in their content of the determined phytochemicals as well as their antioxidant potential and cholinesterase-inhibitory activity. The water extracts of young barley leaves contained phenolic acids as well as quercetin, rutin, and kaempferitrin. The extracts showed a higher inhibitory effect on 2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) than on 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radicals. Based on the aqueous extracts analyzed, we found that winter cultivars were characterized by the highest iron-chelating activity. Furthermore, barley extracts showed a stronger inhibitory effect against acetylcholinesterase compared to butyrylcholinesterase. The results of the present work indicated that barley cultivars differed in their germination process. Among the tested samples, the highest cholinesterase inhibitory activity was shown by the Basic variety

    W臋giel aktywny z Salix viminalis jako dodatek bioaktywny: opracowanie nowego zastosowania w pieczywie funkcjonalnym

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    Health-promoting foods are becoming more and more popular, and products with functional properties have become products desired by consumers. In this work, activated carbon obtained from wicker (Salix viminalis) was used as a functional addition to mixed bread. An assessment of its impact on the physicochemical indices of the dough and final product as well as nutritional value was made. Flour characteristics, nutritional value, bread quality and sensory evaluation were performed using chemical, physical and physico-chemical methods. The addition of activated carbon to bread significantly affects the value of most bread quality indicators. Bread containing activated carbon has a higher oven loss and a smaller volume of about 7%. The novel bread was characterized by a higher content of macronutrients and a higher energy value, as well as a higher ash content. The taste and aroma of bread with coal was similar to control bread. The addition of carbon did not affect the perception of off smell and taste. Activated carbon promoted water retention and hindered the growth of gluten as a result of fermentation. It has been shown that wicker activated carbon can be a valuable functional additive to bread, which increases its health value and does not adversely affect sensory properties. Due to the fact that bread is a group of products commonly consumed in the daily diet, they are products that can be carriers of functional ingredients, i.e. activated carbon from wicker, which is characterized by beneficial adsorption properties for health. Novel bread with charcoal may be a response to the demand for functional bread with action related to cleaning the intestinal lumen from unwanted compounds and metabolites.呕ywno艣膰 prozdrowotna staje si臋 coraz bardziej popularna, a produkty o w艂a艣ciwo艣ciach funkcjonalnych sta艂y si臋 produktami po偶膮danymi przez konsument贸w. W opisanych badaniach zastosowano w臋giel aktywny pozyskany z wikliny (Salix viminalis) jako dodatek funkcjonalny do pieczywa mieszanego. Celem bada艅 by艂a ocena wp艂ywu dodatku w臋gla na wska藕niki fizykochemiczne ciasta i wyrobu finalnego oraz warto艣ci od偶ywczej. Za pomoc膮 metod chemicznych, fizycznych oraz fizykochemicznych dokonano charakterystyki m膮k, oceny warto艣ci od偶ywczej, oceny jako艣ci pieczywa oraz oceny sensorycznej. Dodatek w臋gla aktywnego do pieczywa istotnie wp艂ywa na warto艣膰 wi臋kszo艣ci wska藕nik贸w jako艣ci pieczywa. Chleb zawieraj膮cy w臋giel aktywny cechuje si臋 wi臋ksz膮 strat膮 piecow膮 oraz mniejsz膮 obj臋to艣ci膮 o oko艂o 7%. Nowe pieczywo charakteryzowa艂o si臋 wy偶sz膮 zawarto艣ci膮 makrosk艂adnik贸w i wy偶sz膮 warto艣ci膮 energetyczn膮, a tak偶e wy偶sz膮 zawarto艣ci膮 popio艂u. Walory smakowo-zapachowe pieczywa z w臋glem by艂y zbli偶one do chleba kontrolnego. Dodatek w臋gla nie wp艂yn膮艂 na pojawienie si臋 obcego zapachu i smaku. W臋giel aktywny sprzyja艂 zatrzymywaniu wody i utrudnia艂 rozrost glutenu w wyniku fermentacji. Wykazano, 偶e w臋giel aktywny z wikliny mo偶e by膰 cennym dodatkiem funkcjonalnym do pieczywa, kt贸ry podnosi jego warto艣膰 zdrowotn膮 i nie wp艂ywa negatywnie na cechy sensoryczne. Z uwagi na to, 偶e pieczywo to grupa produkt贸w powszechnie spo偶ywanych w codziennej diecie, s膮 to produkty, kt贸re mog膮 by膰 no艣nikami sk艂adnik贸w funkcjonalnych, m.in. w臋gla aktywnego z wikliny, cechuj膮cego si臋 korzystnymi dla zdrowia w艂a艣ciwo艣ciami adsorpcyjnymi. Nowe pieczywo z w臋glem mo偶e by膰 odpowiedzi膮 na zapotrzebowanie na pieczywo funkcjonalne o dzia艂aniu zwi膮zanym z oczyszczaniem 艣wiat艂a jelit z niepo偶膮danych zwi膮zk贸w i metabolit贸w

    Empowering pharmacoinformatics by linked life science data

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    With the public availability of large data sources such as ChEMBLdb and the Open PHACTS Discovery Platform, retrieval of data sets for certain protein targets of interest with consistent assay conditions is no longer a time consuming process. Especially the use of workflow engines such as KNIME or Pipeline Pilot allows complex queries and enables to simultaneously search for several targets. Data can then directly be used as input to various ligand- and structure-based studies. In this contribution, using in-house projects on P-gp inhibition, transporter selectivity, and TRPV1 modulation we outline how the incorporation of linked life science data in the daily execution of projects allowed to expand our approaches from conventional Hansch analysis to complex, integrated multilayer models

    Efficient Modulation of 纬鈥慉minobutyric Acid Type A Receptors by Piperine Derivatives

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    Piperine activates TRPV1 (transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 receptor) receptors and modulates 纬-aminobutyric acid type A receptors (GABA<sub>A</sub>R). We have synthesized a library of 76 piperine analogues and analyzed their effects on GABA<sub>A</sub>R by means of a two-microelectrode voltage-clamp technique. GABA<sub>A</sub>R were expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Structure鈥揳ctivity relationships (SARs) were established to identify structural elements essential for efficiency and potency. Efficiency of piperine derivatives was significantly increased by exchanging the piperidine moiety with either <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>-dipropyl, <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>-diisopropyl, <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>-dibutyl, <i>p</i>-methylpiperidine, or <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>-bis颅(trifluoroethyl) groups. Potency was enhanced by replacing the piperidine moiety by <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>-dibutyl, <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>-diisobutyl, or <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>-bistrifluoroethyl groups. Linker modifications did not substantially enhance the effect on GABA<sub>A</sub>R. Compound <b>23</b> [(2<i>E</i>,4<i>E</i>)-5-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>-dipropyl-2,4-pentadienamide] induced the strongest modulation of GABA<sub>A</sub> (maximal GABA-induced chloride current modulation (<i>I</i><sub>GABA鈥憁ax</sub> = 1673% 卤 146%, EC<sub>50</sub> = 51.7 卤 9.5 渭M), while <b>25</b> [(2<i>E</i>,4<i>E</i>)-5-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>-dibutyl-2,4-pentadienamide] displayed the highest potency (EC<sub>50</sub> = 13.8 卤 1.8 渭M, <i>I</i><sub>GABA鈥憁ax</sub> = 760% 卤 47%). Compound <b>23</b> induced significantly stronger anxiolysis in mice than piperine and thus may serve as a starting point for developing novel GABA<sub>A</sub>R modulators