15 research outputs found

    A Bioinformatic Pipeline for Monitoring of the Mutational Stability of Viral Drug Targets with Deep-Sequencing Technology

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    The efficient development of antiviral drugs, including efficient antiviral small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), requires continuous monitoring of the strict correspondence between a drug and the related highly variable viral DNA/RNA target(s). Deep sequencing is able to provide an assessment of both the general target conservation and the frequency of particular mutations in the different target sites. The aim of this study was to develop a reliable bioinformatic pipeline for the analysis of millions of short, deep sequencing reads corresponding to selected highly variable viral sequences that are drug target(s). The suggested bioinformatic pipeline combines the available programs and the ad hoc scripts based on an original algorithm of the search for the conserved targets in the deep sequencing data. We also present the statistical criteria for the threshold of reliable mutation detection and for the assessment of variations between corresponding data sets. These criteria are robust against the possible sequencing errors in the reads. As an example, the bioinformatic pipeline is applied to the study of the conservation of RNA interference (RNAi) targets in human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) subtype A. The developed pipeline is freely available to download at the website http://virmut.eimb.ru/. Brief comments and comparisons between VirMut and other pipelines are also presented

    rDNA Clusters Make Contact with Genes that Are Involved in Differentiation and Cancer and Change Contacts after Heat Shock Treatment

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    Human rDNA clusters form numerous contacts with different chromosomal regions as evidenced by chromosome conformation capture data. Heterochromatization of rDNA genes leads to heterochromatization in different chromosomal regions coupled with the activation of the transcription of genes related to differentiation. These data suggest a role for rDNA clusters in the regulation of many human genes. However, the genes that reside within the rDNA-contacting regions have not been identified. The purpose of this study was to detect and characterize the regions where rDNA clusters make frequent contacts and to identify and categorize genes located in these regions. We analyzed the regions that contact rDNA using 4C data and show that these regions are enriched with genes specifying transcription factors and non-coding RNAs involved in differentiation and development. The rDNA-contacting genes are involved in neuronal development and are associated with different cancers. Heat shock treatment led to dramatic changes in the pattern of rDNA-contacting sites, especially in the regions possessing long stretches of H3K27ac marks. Whole-genome analysis of rDNA-contacting sites revealed specific epigenetic marks and the transcription sites of 20–100 nt non-coding RNAs in these regions. The rDNA-contacting genes jointly regulate many genes that are involved in the control of transcription by RNA polymerase II and the development of neurons. Our data suggest a role for rDNA clusters in the differentiation of human cells and carcinogenesis

    Dynamics of Whole-Genome Contacts of Nucleoli in Drosophila Cells Suggests a Role for rDNA Genes in Global Epigenetic Regulation

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    Chromosomes are organized into 3D structures that are important for the regulation of gene expression and differentiation. Important role in formation of inter-chromosome contacts play rDNA clusters that make up nucleoli. In the course of differentiation, heterochromatization of rDNA units in mouse cells is coupled with the repression or activation of different genes. Furthermore, the nucleoli of human cells shape the direct contacts with genes that are involved in differentiation and cancer. Here, we identified and categorized the genes located in the regions where rDNA clusters make frequent contacts. Using a 4C approach, we demonstrate that in Drosophila S2 cells, rDNA clusters form contacts with genes that are involved in chromosome organization and differentiation. Heat shock treatment induces changes in the contacts between nucleoli and hundreds of genes controlling morphogenesis. We show that nucleoli form contacts with regions that are enriched with active or repressive histone marks and where small non-coding RNAs are mapped. These data indicate that rDNA contacts are involved in the repression and activation of gene expression and that rDNA clusters orchestrate large groups of Drosophila genes involved in differentiation

    DNA double-strand breaks coupled with PARP1 and HNRNPA2B1 binding sites flank coordinately expressed domains in human chromosomes.

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    Genome instability plays a key role in multiple biological processes and diseases, including cancer. Genome-wide mapping of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) is important for understanding both chromosomal architecture and specific chromosomal regions at DSBs. We developed a method for precise genome-wide mapping of blunt-ended DSBs in human chromosomes, and observed non-random fragmentation and DSB hot spots. These hot spots are scattered along chromosomes and delimit protected 50-250 kb DNA domains. We found that about 30% of the domains (denoted forum domains) possess coordinately expressed genes and that PARP1 and HNRNPA2B1 specifically bind DNA sequences at the forum domain termini. Thus, our data suggest a novel type of gene regulation: a coordinated transcription or silencing of gene clusters delimited by DSB hot spots as well as PARP1 and HNRNPa2B1 binding sites

    Six Highly Conserved Targets of RNAi Revealed in HIV-1-Infected Patients from Russia Are Also Present in Many HIV-1 Strains Worldwide

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    RNAi has been suggested for use in gene therapy of HIV/AIDS, but the main problem is that HIV-1 is highly variable and could escape attack from the small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) due to even single nucleotide substitutions in the potential targets. To exhaustively check the variability in selected RNA targets of HIV-1, we used ultra-deep sequencing of six regions of HIV-1 from the plasma of two independent cohorts of patients from Russia. Six RNAi targets were found that are invariable in 82%–97% of viruses in both cohorts and are located inside the domains specifying reverse transcriptase (RT), integrase, vpu, gp120, and p17. The analysis of mutation frequencies and their characteristics inside the targets suggests a likely role for APOBEC3G (apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide-like 3G, A3G) in G-to-A mutations and a predominant effect of RT biases in the detected variability of the virus. The lowest frequency of mutations was detected in the central part of all six targets. We also discovered that the identical RNAi targets are present in many HIV-1 strains from many countries and from all continents. The data are important for both the understanding of the patterns of HIV-1 mutability and properties of RT and for the development of gene therapy approaches using RNAi for the treatment of HIV/AIDS. Keywords: HIV-1, RNAi targets, gene therapy, ultra-deep sequencing, conserved HIV-1 sequence

    Selection of proteins binding with RAFT preparations and with the individual FT from <i>WWOX</i> gene.

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    <p>All indicated proteins were identified by mass spectrometry as described in <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1003429#pgen.1003429.s019" target="_blank">Text S1</a>. (A) Binding of nuclear proteins with biotinylated RAFT preparations (0.4 µg) was revealed by the use of SA-PMP (see Extended Experimental Procedures in <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1003429#pgen.1003429.s019" target="_blank">Text S1</a>). Poly[d(I)/d(C)] competitor DNA (dI/dC) and poly[(I)/(C)] competitor RNA (I/C) were used. E, extract of nuclear proteins; M, marker. Proteins were separated by use of 5% PAGE. (B) Binding of nuclear proteins to biotinylated RAFT preparations. dI/dC and I/C non-specific competitors, and PCR-amplified non-specific competitor and RAFT-specific competitor DNAs, both synthesized using Taq polymerase, were used. The non-specific DNA competitor efficiently eliminates end-binding proteins. E, extract of nuclear proteins; M, marker. Lanes 4 and 5 correspond to experiments with single-stranded or double-stranded biotinylated oligos, respectively, that were used for amplification of the RAFT probes. Proteins were separated by use of 5–18% PAGE. (C) Binding of nuclear proteins to biotinylated 1050-bp <i>WWOX</i> FT preparations (see <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1003429#pgen.1003429.s004" target="_blank">Figure S4</a>). dI/dC and I/C non-specific competitors, and PCR-amplified non-specific competitor and <i>WWOX-</i>specific competitor DNAs, both synthesized using Taq polymerase, were used. E, extract of nuclear proteins; M, marker. Proteins were separated by use of 5–18% PAGE. (D) Binding of nuclear proteins to biotinylated RAFT preparations. dI/dC and I/C non-specific competitors, and PCR-amplified non-specific competitor and RAFT-specific competitor DNAs, both synthesized using Taq polymerase, were used. Lanes 1 and 3 correspond to experiments with 20x excesses of RAFT preparation lacking the biotin label (8 µg) or total human DNA (8 µg) digested with Sau3A enzyme, respectively (competitors). Lane 2 corresponds to the experiment with no specific competitors; M, marker. Proteins were separated by use of 5% PAGE.</p

    ChIP experiments using antibodies to PARP1 or to HNRNPA2B1.

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    <p>(A) Scheme illustrating the PCR strategies used for amplification of DNA fragments across FT or around it. (B) Results of PCR across four FT and two non-FT regions (from the <i>WWOX</i> gene and the 5.8S ribosomal gene) using immunoprecipitated DNA. Primers used are shown in <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1003429#pgen.1003429.s016" target="_blank">Table S1</a>. Percentage of input DNA is indicated, n = 4. (C) Results of PCR around two FT. Primers used are shown in <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1003429#pgen.1003429.s017" target="_blank">Table S2</a>. Percentage of input DNA is indicated, n = 4.</p

    Coordinated expression inside forum domains.

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    <p>The UCSC Genome Browser, Human Feb. 2009 (GRCh37/hg19) Assembly was used. UCSC genes, human mRNAs from GenBank, the H3K37Ac mark from Encode, chromatin state segmentation by HMM from Encode/Broad, and some histone modifications by ChIP-seq from Encode are indicated (Ernst et al., 2011). The “RNA-seq” lane corresponds to the expression of mRNAs in IMR90 cells (GEO accession number GSM438363). The “Domains” lanes indicate the forum domains containing silent or weakly expressed genes (blue brackets), or domains possessing actively transcribed genes (red brackets). “HEK293T” lanes correspond to the expression of mRNA in HEK293T cells (microarray data using Affymetrix Human Exon 1.0 ST expression arrays, <a href="http://www.affymetrix.com/estore/browse/products.jsp?navMode=34000&productId=131452&navAction=jump&aId=productsNav#1_1" target="_blank">http://www.affymetrix.com/estore/browse/products.jsp?navMode=34000&productId=131452&navAction=jump&aId=productsNav#1_1</a>, wgEncodeEH002692_2). (A) Region of chr17 that includes the <i>HOXB</i> gene cluster and contains active and silent domains. (B) Region of chr12 that includes active, low expressing, and silent domains. The leftmost domains are actively transcribed in IMR90 cells, but are low expressed in HEK 293T cells. (C) Region of chr16 that includes active and silent domains in IMR90 cells, and active and low expressing domains in HEK293T cells.</p