14 research outputs found

    Обзор вакцинации против папилломавирусной инфекции в мире

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    The article presents an overview of the current status of the vaccination against Human Papillomavirus (HPV) in the world. It describes different approaches to expanding the coverage with HPV vaccination at different national levels by inclusion of the vaccine in National Immunization Programmes. Moreover, the principal ways of project financing in different regions of the world are referred to. The results of the implemented vaccination against HPV in the pioneer countries provide the conclusions on the current situation of HPV vaccination in the world and strategies demonstrating its effectiveness.В статье представлены сведения о текущем состоянии проблемы профилактики папилломавирусной инфекции среди населения разных стран мира. Описаны пути включения прививки против вируса папилломы человека в государственные национальные программы иммунизации. Кроме того, отражены возможные способы финансирования внедряемого проекта для каждого региона мира. Результаты внедренной иммунизации против папилломавирусной инфекции в странах-пионерах позволили сделать выводы не только о текущем состоянии вакцинации населения этих государств, но также о результатах ее эффективности.Конфликт интересовЛ.С. Намазова-Баранова — получение исследовательских грантов от фармацевтических компаний Пьер Фабр, Genzyme Europe B. V., ООО «Астра зенека Фармасьютикалз», Gilead/PRA «Фармасьютикал Рисерч Ассошиэйтс СиАйЭс», «Bionorica», Teva Branded Pharmaceutical products R&D, Inc/ООО «ППД Девелопмент (Смоленск)», «Сталлержен С. А.»/«Квинтайлс ГезмбХ» (Австрия). М. В. Федосеенко — получение гонораров от компании Sanofi, Pfizer за чтение лекций


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    This article describes the peculiarities of the National immunization programs for adolescents in the WHO Euro region. A comparative analysis of the groups was conducted based on economic development. The best and the worst performing states were identified in every group. It was demonstrated that economic development is not the leading factor that determines a country’s vaccination policy. В статье описаны особенности национальных программ вакцинации подростков стран Европейского региона Всемирной организации здравоохранения,  и в зависимости от уровня развития экономики выполнен сравнительный анализ по группам лидирующих и отстающих стран. Показано, что экономический фактор не является ведущим в определении политики вакцинации в стране и расширения национального календаря прививок

    Overview of the Global Vaccination against Human Papillomavirus

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    The article presents an overview of the current status of the vaccination against Human Papillomavirus (HPV) in the world. It describes different approaches to expanding the coverage with HPV vaccination at different national levels by inclusion of the vaccine in National Immunization Programmes. Moreover, the principal ways of project financing in different regions of the world are referred to. The results of the implemented vaccination against HPV in the pioneer countries provide the conclusions on the current situation of HPV vaccination in the world and strategies demonstrating its effectiveness

    Theoretical Background and Real Results: A Data Review on Vaccine Prevention of Pneumococcal Infection in the World

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    The article presents the review aimed at summarizing the opinions on the epidemiology of pneumococcal infection and the most effective measures for its prevention. The review combines the results of the trials conducted by Russian and international groups who analysed vaccine prophylaxis of pneumococcal infection. In the previous review on the most important indicators of the effectiveness of vaccination against pneumococcal infection, the main approaches to the assessment of the effectiveness of vaccination against pneumococcal infection were identified, and the academic data on the global experience of pneumococcal conjugate vaccination was systematized. This review results in cumulation of evidence for the efficacy and impact of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines on the key «end points» of the epidemiological process of pneumococcal infection


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    This article describes the peculiarities of the National immunization programs for adolescents in the WHO Euro region. A comparative analysis of the groups was conducted based on economic development. The best and the worst performing states were identified in every group. It was demonstrated that economic development is not the leading factor that determines a country’s vaccination policy


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    The article reviews the results of scientific researches published over the past few years that confirm the significant socioeconomic burden of rotavirus infection and its significant contribution to the morbidity and mortality of the world’s children’s population. The authors presented evidence of the effectiveness of immunization in the routine schedule of preventive vaccinations of infants in both developed and developing countries. A significant reduction in mortality and admissions due to severe forms of rotavirus gastroenteritis during the first years of introduction of rotavirus vaccination was shown, which marked a positive trend in the development of health care

    Современные методы диетотерапии аллергии к белкам коровьего молока у детей раннего возраста

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    Nowadays there is progressive increase in the number of patients with allergy around the world. It was revealed that microbiome composition changes at early age correlate with the frequency of atopic diseases development. Various clinical studies have shown that variety of factors (even from prenatal development) influence microbiota composition. Children with atopic diseases have certain features of microflora development that can precede the disease debut. Cow’s milk protein is one of the major allergens in the first year of life. Such sensitization may be present in children on both formula and breastfeeding, however it is not the indication for its interruption. In cases when breastfeeding is not possible, we should use specialized therapeutic formulas in children with cow’s milk protein allergy. The use of the “Nutrilon Amino acids Syneo" formula effectively eliminates allergy symptoms and improves the gut microbiota composition in young children. Moreover, its use additionally reduce the frequency of infectious diseases and the use of antibacterial drugs.В мире наблюдается прогрессивный рост числа больных аллергией. Установлено, что изменения состава микро-биома в раннем возрасте коррелируют с частотой развития атопических заболеваний. В ходе различных клинических исследований было продемонстрировано, что множество факторов, начиная с момента внутриутробного развития, влияют на становление микробиоты. У детей с атопическими заболеваниями существуют определенные особенности формирования микробного пейзажа, которые нередко предшествуют дебюту болезни. Белок коровьего молока является одним из основных аллергенов на первом году жизни. Такой тип сенсибилизации может присутствовать у детей как на искусственном, так и на грудном вскармливании, однако не является показанием к его прерыванию. В случае, когда грудное вскармливание невозможно, у детей с аллергией к белкам коровьего молока необходимо использование специализированных лечебных смесей. Применение формулы «Nutrilon Аминокислоты Syneo» эффективно устраняет симптомы аллергии и улучшает состав кишечной микробиоты у детей раннего возраста. Кроме того, ее использование дополнительно способствует снижению частоты инфекционных заболеваний и применения антибактериальных препаратов

    Amino acid formulas in patients with food allergy

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    The article presents modern approaches to the use of balanced formulas for nutrition and diet correction in children with various forms of food allergies. The guidelines are based on all available up to date evidence on the efficacy, safety and utility of using such innovative medical technology as specialized amino acid formulas. This formula is the targeted medical intervention for food allergies and confirmed cow's milk protein allergy, and particularly for patients with reduced physical growth and development (growth rates included). The material is based on methodological guidelines on the amino acid formulas usage previously developed by specialist experts of the Union of pediatricians of Russia in 2020

    Amino Acid Formulas in Patients with Gastrointestinal Diseases

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    Modern approaches for the management of children with gastrointestinal pathologies include optimal nutritional support that makes it possible to replete energy failure and restore essential nutrients balance. The article presents key information on gastrointestinal diseases in which modern amino acid formulas can be used to regulate nutritional status. The authors have conducted the extensive analysis of all available for now evidence on the efficacy, safety and utility of using such innovative medical technology as special elemental formula in gastrointestinal tract pathological conditions. This material is the basis for guidlines on the use of amino acid formulas developed by expert specialists of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia in 2020