14 research outputs found

    Strategi Peningkatan Produktivitas Lada Dengan Tajar Tinggi Dan Pemangkasan Intensif Serta Kemungkinan Adopsinya Di Indonesia

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    Strategy in Increase Productivity of Black Pepper With High Supports, Intensified Pruning and Its Adoption Possibility in IndonesiaBlack pepper is an important and traditional export commodity of Indonesia. The mean productivity of Indonesian black pepper is low (< 1 ton/ha) which is much lower than those of other producing countries such as Vietnam, Brazil and Malaysia. There are number factors influencing the low productivity of black pepper vines in the country, both technical and non-technical constraints. Among them, agronomic aspects such as the use of short supports or standards of about + 3.0 m in height, and unintensified pruning of both black pepper vines and its live supports are believed to contributing low in yields of the crop. In other words, the use of live supports with height of more than 5.0 m, followed by intensified pruning of black pepper vines and its live supports are able to increase the mean national productivity of the crop of higher than of 1,5 tons ha/year. Higher in yields or productivity of black pepper vine may be achieved if farmers not only adopt the two agronomic aspects but also other recommended cultural practices do. Hence, socialization and implementation of the improved cultural practice technologies for the crop is needed in the future, in turn, higher in yield or productivity of the crop as well as income of farmers be achieved

    Kondisi Kritis Lada Putih Bangka Belitung dan Alternatif Pemulihannya

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    Critical condition of muntok white pepper of Bangka Belitung and its alternative recoveryBangka Belitung (Babel) Province is one of the pepper producing areas in Indonesia, particularly for white pepper. Recently, its role however tends to lower indicated by the decreases in cultivation areas and production of white pepper. A number of factors causing the decrease of production and plated area of pepper in Babel are fluctuation of pepper price, infestation of plant diseases, uncontrolled exploitation of tin mining, and expansion of other estate crops. If the factors are not able be controlled carefully, it may result in muntok white pepper, the trademark of Babel, be eliminated over the time or neglected. Hence, a number of alternative solutions such as zoning of main crops growing, diversification of crop production, and strengthening of capital and institutional supports may be established to minimize the decreases of black pepper areas in Babel

    Pengaruh Pemupukan terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Jambu Mete di Lombok

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    Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dosis dankomposisi pupuk NPK terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi jambu meteyang ditanam pada tanah regosol cokelat-kelabu di Desa Loloan,Kecamatan Bayan, Lombok Barat, dari tahun 1997 sampai 2000. Faktoryang diuji adalah: (1) komposisi NPK, 2 macam (1:1:1, dan 1:1:2); dan (2)dosis pupuk, 4 taraf (500, 750, 1000 dan 1500 g/pohon/tahun). Perlakuandisusun dalam rancangan acak kelompok dengan 4 ulangan dan ukuranpetak 4 pohon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tanaman jambu metecukup responsif terhadap pemupukan. Pemberian pupuk menaikkankandungan hara N, P dan K daun. Dosis pupuk yang cukup memadai untukmenunjang pertumbuhan dan produksi jambu mete adalah 500, 750, dan1000 g NPK/pohon/tahun dengan komposisi pupuk NPK 1:1:2, masing-masing untuk umur tanaman 5, 6, dan 7 tahun. Pupuk tersebut diberikandalam 2 kali agihan, yaitu 50% pada awal musim hujan, dan 50% lagimenjelang akhir musim hujan

    Rehabilitation Technology on Cashew Trees.

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    Cashew growing in Indonesia is mainly addressed to economic reasons rather than soil and waterconservations of some degraded soils. Main producing areas of the crop are Southeast Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, East Java, Cen tral of Java, East Nusa Tenggara and West Nusa Tenggara provinces covering about 500.000 ha or about 90% of Indonesian cashew. In general, mean yields of the crop is much lower than those of other producing countries like India and Vietnam. Many factors believed affect low in yields of the crop. Increasing in composition of damaged cashew trees to those of the health ones may bring about steadily declining production of Indonesian cashew. In turn, meanyields of the crop achieved are low. Rehabilitation programs of cashew orchard at field levels are therefore needed, mainly to the main growing areas of cashew trees. Field actions that might be implemented for the purposes are pruning, thinning and replanting with high yielding varieties or clones of cashew. To accelerate of recovering of cashew trees, other orchard managements like fertilizing and controlling of some im portant pest and diseases of the crop should be accomplished in better ways

    Respon Jambu Mete Bermikoriza terhadap Pengurangan Dosis Pupuk NPK

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendapatkan respon tanaman jambu mete varietas BO2 bermikoriza terhadap pengurangan dosis pemupukan NPK di rumah kaca. Penelitian dilakukan selama 6 bulan di rumah kaca KP. Cikampek, Balittri dan laboratorium Ekofisiologi Balittro, Jawa Barat. Rancangan yang digunakan acak lengkap, terdiri dari 4 ulangan dan 2 faktor. Faktor I adalah aplikasi FMA (fungi mikoriza arbuskula), yaitu tanpa dan dengan FMA; faktor II adalah level pupuk NPK, yaitu : dosis penuh (8 g Urea, 8 g SP-36, dan 6 g KCl per pot), ¾ dosis NPK, ½ dosis NPK dan ¼ dosis NPK. Pengamatan yang dilakukan meliputi parameter pertumbuhan tanaman, serapan hara NPK dan kandungan klorofil daun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum aplikasi FMA berpengaruh positif terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman jambu mete. Penggunaan FMA nyata meningkatkan bobot kering daun sebesar 19,8% dibandingkan tanpa FMA, serta meningkatkan kandungan klorofil a, b dan klorofil total daun pada dosis pemupukan NPK yang rendah (¼ dan ½ dosis NPK). Selain itu, serapan hara NPK daun jambu mete bermikoriza pada perlakuan ½ NPK meningkat sebesar 43,8%, 53% dan 49% dibandingkan tanpa FMA. Respon tanaman jambu mete bermikoriza (umur 5 bulan) terhadap pengurangan ½ dosis NPK menghasilkan keragaan pertumbuhan tanaman yang cukup baik

    Fertilization Technology on Cashew Trees.

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    Cashew (Anacardium occidentale Linn) is among the leading export crops in Indonesia. It is also animportant smallholder crop mainly grown in the eastern parts of Indonesia. Its expansion of growing the crop, it is however n ot followed by significant increases in yields, being low ranging of 200 – 350 kg/ha. Many factors believed affect yields achieved, begun from environment, cultivatedvarieties, up to poor management of cashew orchard. As the cashew trees are mostly developed in marginal lands, role of ferti lizer uses may become exeedingly important effort in improving the productivity of the crops. In addition, there are many evidences that the crops adequately managed may give better in yields. However, most farmers do not use fertilizers for the crops or if any, added in very small amounts obviously addressed for annual crops like maize, bean or rice usually planted among the cashew trees. As results, the cashew trees are not able to achieve opti mum yields even though the planting materials used might have high in yield potential. The fertilizers that may be used both in form of organic and inorganic ones. They should be added in such way, so the soils on which the crops are planted be able to grow and develop well, in turn, their yields increase significantly

    Formulasi Pemupukan Berimbang Pada Tanaman Lada Di Bangka Belitung

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    Many factors believed affect the growth and yields of black pepper in Bangka Belitung. The low productivity of black pepper in the areas is mainly attributed to imbalanced manuring, poor management practices and disease incidence. To improve yields of the crop, farmers commonly use fertilizers despite the fact that the amounts and kind of nutrients added might not meet its requirement for optimum growth. A research was established to investigate effects of fertilizer compositions and rates on growth and yields of mature black pepper grown at Bangka, from January to December 2011. Treatments examined were composition of NPK fertilizers, 3 kinds of NPK (15:15:15, 12:12:17, and 12:8:20), consisting of three rates each (1.8, 2.4 and 3.0 kg/tree). The treatments were arranged in randomized block design with 3 replicates and plot size of 16 plants. Results revealed that application of 1.8 kg/tree was likely to be an adequate amount of fertilizer rate that should be added to give comparable growth and yields in black pepper. It means that the added ferlitizers was 25 percent lower than those of the recommended one as much as 2.4 kg of NPK 12:12:17/tree/year. As the recommended fertilizer hard to be obtained in a local place recently, the use of NPK 15:15:15 may therefore be suggested for black pepper growing in Bangka Belitung. For long term purpose, the use of 1.8 kg NPK 12:8:20/tree would however be a preferably added fertilizer in relation to the characteristics of the crop and agro-climatic condition of Bangka Belitung