12 research outputs found

    An Interpretative Phenomenological Inquiry into Experience, Expression, and Effect of Gratitude among Males and Females

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    Gratitude is a universal phenomenon that is experienced and expressed differently by individuals. The differences in experience and expression of gratitude are based on a number of factors, important among them is gender. There are very few studies that have explored gender differences using quantitative methods in gratitude interventions. However, this phenomenon can best be understood by employing qualitative methods like Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), as it is concerned with trying to understand any phenomenon, from the participant’s point of view. There is a paucity of research in this area. Therefore, we tried to explore experience, expression, and effects of gratitude among males and females using IPA. For this purpose, a semi-structured interview was administered on 20 students (10 males and 10 females) and it was subjected to IPA. Three themes that emerged from the analysis were Experience of gratitude, Expression of gratitude and Effects of experiencing and expressing gratitude. These themes were further classified under several subthemes. Though there were similarities between males and females for many subthemes but there were some differences also. Feeling grateful towards strangers and sharing grateful experiences with others were subthemes that emerged only in female participants. Using grateful experiences as a coping strategy was a subtheme that emerged dominantly among male participants. The findings of the present study are explained with the help of available literature

    Para-tricipital approach for extra articular fractures of the distal humerus: a case series

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    Extra-articular fractures of the distal humerus are frequently managed surgically as these fractures are often unstable and have associated radial nerve injury. Different surgical approaches can be used to fix this fracture. We operated on a series of 9 patients with extra-articular fractures of the distal humerus utilizing the para-tricipital approach. Clinical outcomes were assessed by Mayo elbow performance score and visual analog scores. Radiological outcomes were assessed by plain radiographs. Time to union was an average of 4.2 months. Mean range of motion achieved at final follow-up was 122.50. Mean Mayo elbow performance score was 92.4. Excellent clinical results can be achieved by utilizing para-tricipital approach in extra-articular fractures of the distal humerus. Besides providing adequate exposure for rigid fracture fixation, this approach prevents the morbidity associated with triceps injury

    Genetic study in congenital heart defects

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    Background: Congenital heart diseases (CHD) are relatively common with a prevalence ranging from 3.7 to 17.5 per 1000 live births. Little is known about genetic link with respect to congenital heart disease. Iroquoise (Irx) homeobox genes have been widely studied and their expression in both developing and adult heart. Author tried to study the role of irx4 and irx5 genes in structural congenital heart disease, keeping the focus on study reported by Cheng Z et al.Methods: Author studied reported mutation site sequences in 25 various congenital heart disease patients and control healthy relatives of patients. It is a unique study and there has not been such a study reported in literature till date. Besides comparison with healthy related controls, author took cardiac tissue biopsy in patients while doing corrective cardiac surgery. However, blood samples were taken from controls due to ease of feasibility.Results: Although, there were no sequence variations in the studied exon regions, but author got a base pair sequence change at 6 bp intron region, which is near the exon splice site in irx4 gene. Besides two ASD patient’s male children (one child each) had ASD prompting us to believe some role of sex linkage. However later needs pedigree analysis and sex chromosome studies for further analysis.Conclusions: Gene sequence in the Kashmiri population is unique. There is possibility of role of irx genes in CHD. ASD might have sex linkage in some

    Levetiracetam induced drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptom syndrome

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    Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptom syndrome (DRESS) is a hypersensitivity drug reaction, most frequently associated with antiepileptic drugs, characterized by skin rash, fever, pharyngitis, lymphadenopathy, and visceral organ involvement, typically presenting within 8 weeks of initiation of therapy. Management involves prompt withdrawal of the offending drug and use of systemic corticosteroids. We here present a rare case of DRESS secondary to levetiracetam. Only few case reports of DRESS secondary to levetiracetam have been published so far

    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease as an independent risk factor for carotid atherosclerosis

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    PURPOSE: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a frequently encountered clinical condition in clinical practice, particularly in obese and diabetic patients. Carotid atherosclerosis is regarded as surrogate marker of coronary atherosclerosis. We aimed to know whether evaluation for carotid atherosclerosis should be done in all patients of NAFLD. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 200 NAFLD patients and 100 age- and sex-matched controls were enrolled into the study. Ultrasound was done to document fatty liver and carotid intimal thickness, and relation between these two was observed. RESULTS: Grade 1 fatty liver was seen in 36% patients while Grade 2 fatty liver was found in 39% and Grade 3 fatty liver in 25%. Patients with Grade 1 fatty liver had left intima-media thickness (IMT) in the range of 0.4–0.6 mm (mean IMT - 0.69 mm) and had right IMT in the range of 0.5–0.8 mm (mean IMT - 0.71 mm). In patients with Grade 2 fatty liver, left IMT was in the range of 0.6–1.0 mm (mean IMT - 0.80 mm) and right IMT in the range of 0.7–1.0 mm (mean IMT - 0.84 mm), while in patients with Grade 3 fatty liver, left IMT was in the range of 0.8–1.2 mm (mean IMT - 0.93 mm) and right IMT in the range of 0.9–1.4 mm (mean IMT - 0.99 mm). Among controls, the mean left IMT was 0.579 mm and mean right IMT was 0.575 mm. CONCLUSION: The level of carotid intimomedial thickness was more in cases than in controls and progressively increased with the grade of fatty liver which was statistically significant

    The Pattern of Psychiatric Morbidity in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Cross-Sectional, Case–Control Study from a Tertiary Care Hospital in Kashmir, North India

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    Introduction: Psychiatric morbidity has an increased prevalence in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Patients overall psychosocial status plays an important role in the development of depression which, when major, is said to occur in 19%–42% of cases of COPD. We aimed to study patterns of psychosocial issues in patients with COPD. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted over a period of 6 months in an Outpatient Department of Government Chest Disease Hospital Srinagar. A total of 100 COPD patients and 100 sex- and age-matched controls were included in this study and compared. The diagnosis of COPD was assessed by spirometry. Patterns of psychiatric morbidities were assessed using the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview. Results: The frequency of psychiatric comorbidities was significantly higher (P < 0.001) in COPD patients (47%) as compared to controls (12%). The highest frequency of psychiatric morbidities in COPD patients was major depressive episode in 28% in comparison to 9% of controls. Other morbidities include panic disorder, dysthymia, generalized anxiety disorder, and suicidality. Conclusion: The frequency of psychiatric morbidities is increased in COPD patients as compared to controls. We recommend that all patients with COPD should be screened for psychiatric morbidity as there is enough scope for psychiatric services to be made available to these patients

    Etiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis and management of lower gastrointestinal bleed in a Tertiary Care Hospital in India: A retro-prospective study

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    Introduction: Lower gastrointestinal bleeding (LGIB) is one of the leading causes for hospital admissions in gastroenterology wards all over the world. Patients usually present with hematochezia or bloody diarrhea. Colonoscopy is usually the initial diagnostic intervention followed by other more sophisticated tests. Bleeding may stop spontaneously, but evaluation is important because patients may harbor a sinister lesion like cancer. Aim of the Study: To determine the various etiologies, clinical presentations, a diagnostic test used and treatments received by LGIB patients admitted in our department. Materials and Methods: A total of 300 cases were studied which included 180 retrospective cases and 120 prospective cases. For retrospective cases, all the information was obtained by analyzing their case records while as prospective patients were managed as per a predefined protocol and details of various investigations and treatments documented. Results: Most commonly affected was elderly population (>60 years), constituting 40% (120/300) of studied population. Males constituted 59% (177/300) and females 41% (123/300). The most common clinical presentation of LGIB in our patients was hematochezia (63.6%, 191/300). Growth/polyp was the most common finding on colonoscopic examination seen in 29.3% (n = 88) patients. Inflammatory lesions were seen in 77 out of 239 (25.7%) patients. Wireless capsule endoscopy was positive in 13 out of 24 patients (54%). Computed tomography (CT) enterography showed positive results in 6 out of 25 (24%) cases. Red blood cell scan was done in seven patients while as CT angiography in in four patients. Therapeutic endoscopy was successful in 115 out of 239 patients with positive colonoscopy, polypectomy was the commonest procedure performed. Medical management was carried out in 34.6% patients. Surgical treatment was offered to 21% patients. Conclusion: Colonoscopy is the initial and most common investigation used in the evaluation of GI bleed. A polyp is the most common diagnosis while as polypectomy the most common therapeutic procedure