393 research outputs found

    Assessing socially skilled behaviour for vocational tenure in adults with developmental disability

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    Socially skilled behaviour is a critical factor in an individual\u27s ability to secure and maintain employment. Due to the very nature of their handicap, persons with mental retardation often exhibit social skills deficits, thus restricting access to competitive employment and the status of full membership in society that such employment facilitates. Previous attempts to train socially skilled behaviour in persons with mental retardation have been hampered by the lack of a valid assessment tool to evaluate program effectiveness and inform program content. The purpose of this paper was to develop such an instrument by extending work done by Lagreca, Stone & Bell (1982) which utilized Goldfried & D\u27Zurilla\u27s (1969) behaviour-analytic model of social skill assessment. This research was to also evaluate the validity of the assessment tool developed. However, data collected from the first phase of the study suggested that within the workshop setting, individuals responsible for placement of trainees in competitive employment rated situations distinctly different than did those individuals who were responsible for counselling or instructing trainees. This finding jeopardized the validity of the project and it was therefore halted. In recognition that the two groups within the workshop setting, placement staff and counsellor/instructors, would need to understand their differing perspectives of persons with mental retardation before a social skills program could be developed, a further review of the literature was conducted. It was argued that motivational contingencies were different between competitive placements and the workshop environment and this could influence the behaviours observed in the two environments. Further, organizational contingencies could also influence the perspectives of the two groups, placement vs. counsellor/instructors. While data from this study could not support either argument, it did indicate that placement staff viewed the potential of mentally retarded to resolve difficult situations more positively than did the counsellors/instructors. Previous research has based inventories of problematic situations on either competitive employers input or on counsellor/instructors input. The resulting emphasis of one group or the other fails to a) recognize the importance of social validity of the training program in both the competitive and workshop: and, b) fails to address the motivational and organizational contingencies influencing the behaviours of both the individuals with mental retardation and the staff serving them. The final outcome of the study for the workshop was the recognition that a social skills training program was necessary but that the two groups would need to negotiate the objectives for the program more clearly

    Imaging characteristics and treatment of a penetrating brain injury caused by an oropharyngeal foreign body in a dog

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    A 4-year-old Border collie was presented with one episode of collapse, altered mentation, and a suspected pharyngeal stick injury. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography showed a linear foreign body penetrating the right oropharynx, through the foramen ovale and the brain parenchyma. The foreign body was surgically removed and medical treatment initiated. Complete resolution of clinical signs was noted at recheck 8 weeks later. Repeat MRI showed chronic secondary changes in the brain parenchyma. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of the advanced imaging findings and successful treatment of a penetrating oropharyngeal intracranial foreign body in a dog

    Extended-SWIR High-Speed All-GeSn PIN Photodetectors on Silicon

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    There is an increasing need for silicon-compatible high bandwidth extended-short wave infrared (e-SWIR) photodetectors (PDs) to implement cost-effective and scalable optoelectronic devices. These systems are quintessential to address several technological bottlenecks in detection and ranging, surveillance, ultrafast spectroscopy, and imaging. In fact, current e-SWIR high bandwidth PDs are predominantly made of III-V compound semiconductors and thus are costly and suffer a limited integration on silicon besides a low responsivity at wavelengths exceeding 2.3 μ2.3 \,\mum. To circumvent these challenges, Ge1−x_{1-x}Snx_{x} semiconductors have been proposed as building blocks for silicon-integrated high-speed e-SWIR devices. Herein, this study demonstrates a vertical all-GeSn PIN PDs consisting of p-Ge0.92_{0.92}Sn0.08_{0.08}/i-Ge0.91_{0.91}Sn0.09_{0.09}/n-Ge0.89_{0.89}Sn0.11_{0.11} and p-Ge0.91_{0.91}Sn0.09_{0.09}/i-Ge0.88_{0.88}Sn0.12_{0.12}/n-Ge0.87_{0.87}Sn0.13_{0.13} heterostructures grown on silicon following a step-graded temperature-controlled epitaxy protocol. The performance of these PDs was investigated as a function of the device diameter in the 10−30 μ10-30 \,\mum range. The developed PD devices yield a high bandwidth of 12.4 GHz at a bias of 5V for a device diameter of 10 μ10 \,\mum. Moreover, these devices show a high responsivity of 0.24 A/W, a low noise, and a 2.8 μ2.8 \,\mum cutoff wavelength thus covering the whole e-SWIR range

    Liver Parasites and Body Condition in Relation to Environmental Contaminants in Caribou (Rangifer tarandus) from Labrador, Canada

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    Over the last several decades, elders and hunters of the Innu Nation in Labrador, Canada, have expressed concerns over perceived declines in environmental health and the integrity of country food, including caribou. The primary objective of this study was to determine links between specific health parameters and contaminants found in caribou from the George River herd. Twenty-seven caribou killed by local Innu hunters between February and December 2001 were evaluated for gross and microscopic pathology, body condition, liver parasitology, and contaminant levels in kidney and fat. Overall, the sampled caribou appeared to be in adequate body condition for the time of year, and no clinically significant lesions were found. Concentrations of selenium, metals (Hg, Cd, and Pb), 20 organochlorine pesticides (HCB, a-HCH, g-HCH, aldrin, dieldrin, methoxychlor, mirex, a- and b-endosulfan, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, g-CHL, cis-CHL, trans-nonachlor, and o,p'- and p,p'-DDD, DDE, DDT), and 24 PCB congeners were within the ranges reported for caribou in Canada. In general, contaminant levels were relatively low, with the exception of cadmium in kidneys (geometric mean: 6.5 μg/g wet weight; range: 1.5–44.0 μg/g). Two types of liver parasites were found: the liver fluke Fascioloides magna (prevalence: 78%; geometric mean abundance: 4.2 flukes/caribou) and a tapeworm larva consistent with Taenia hydatigena (prevalence: 50%; geometric mean abundance: 0.6 larvae/caribou). Using multiple variable regression analysis, we found renal concentrations of cadmium to be positively associated, and selenium to be negatively associated, with F. magna abundance.Ces dernières décennies, les aînés et les chasseurs de la nation montagnaise du Labrador, au Canada, ont exprimé des inquiétudes au sujet du déclin de la santé de l’environnement et de l’intégrité de la nourriture provenant de la campagne, telle que le caribou. L’objectif principal de cette étude consistait à déterminer les liens qui existent entre certains paramètres de santé précis et les contaminants se trouvant dans le caribou du troupeau de la rivière George. Vingt-sept caribous ayant été tués par les chasseurs montagnais de la région entre les mois de février et de décembre 2001 ont subi des examens pathologiques macroscopiques et microscopiques, en plus d’avoir été évalués pour en déterminer l’état du corps, la parasitologie du foie et les taux de contaminants dans le foie et le gras. Dans l’ensemble, l’état des corps de caribous échantillonnés semblait adéquat pour cette période de l’année et aucune lésion clinique importante n’a été signalée. Les concentrations de sélénium, de métaux (Hg, Cd et Pb), de 20 pesticides organochlorés (HCB, a-HCH, g-HCH, aldrine, dieldrine, méthoxychlore, mirex, a- et b-endosulfane, heptachlore, heptachlorépoxyde, g-CHL, cis-CHL, trans-nonachlore ainsi que o,p'- et p,p'-DDD, DDE, DDT) et de 24 congénères de PCB s’établissaient dans les étendues signalées pour le caribou au Canada. En général, les niveaux de contaminants étaient relativement faibles, à l’exception du cadmium se trouvant dans les reins (moyenne géometrique : 6,5 μg/g poids humide; étendue : 1,5–44,0 mg/g). Deux types de parasites du foie ont été trouvés : la douve Fascioloides magna (prévalence : 78 %; abondance moyenne géométrique : 4,2 douves/caribou) et un cestode du genre Taenia hydatigena (prévalence : 50 %; abondance moyenne géométrique : 0,6 larves/caribou). Nous avons également réalisé une analyse de régression à variables multiples qui nous a permis de constater que les concentrations de cadmium sont positivement associées et celles de sélénium sont négativement associées à l’abondance de F. magna

    Maternal Depression, Child Temperament, and Early-Life Stress Predict Never-Depressed Preadolescents’ Functional Connectivity During a Negative-Mood Induction

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    Understanding the development of depression can inform etiology and prevention/intervention. Maternal depression and maladaptive patterns of temperament (e.g., low positive emotionality [PE] or high negative emotionality, especially sadness) are known to predict depression. Although it is unclear how these risks cause depression, altered functional connectivity (FC) during negative-emotion processing may play an important role. We investigated whether maternal depression and age-3 emotionality predicted FC during negative mood reactivity in never-depressed preadolescents and whether these relationships were augmented by early-life stress. Maternal depression predicted decreased medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC)–amygdala and mPFC–insula FC but increased mPFC–posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) FC. PE predicted increased dorsolateral prefrontal cortex–amygdala FC, whereas sadness predicted increased PCC-based FC in insula, orbitofrontal cortex, and anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). Sadness was more strongly associated with PCC–insula and PCC–ACC FC as early stress increased. Findings indicate that early depression risks may be mediated by FC underlying negative-emotion processing

    Orbitofrontal cortex grey matter volume is related to children\u27s depressive symptoms

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    © 2020 The Author(s) Adults with a history of depression show distinct patterns of grey matter volume (GMV) in frontal cortical (e.g., prefrontal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex) and limbic (e.g., anterior cingulate, amygdala, hippocampus, dorsal striatum) structures, regions relevant to the processing and regulation of reward, which is impaired in the context of depression. However, it is unclear whether these GMV associations with depression precede depressive disorder onset or whether GMV is related to early emerging symptoms or familial depression. To address these questions, we used voxel-based morphometry (VBM) to examine GMV in 85 community-dwelling children (M = 11.12 years, SD = 0.63 years) screened for current and lifetime depression. Associations between children\u27s depressive symptoms (self- and mother-report of children\u27s symptoms), children\u27s maternal depression history, and GMV were examined. Although maternal depression history was unrelated to children\u27s GMV, child GMV in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) was negatively related to children\u27s self-reported depressive symptoms, using both a priori ROI and whole-brain analyses. Moderated regression analyses indicated that girls’ GMV was negatively related to girls’ depressive symptoms (as indexed by both self- and mother-report of girls’ symptoms), whereas boys’ symptoms were positively related to GMV. Our findings suggest that brain morphology in the OFC, a region with functional roles in processes relevant to depressive symptoms (i.e., reward-based learning and reward processing), is associated with early depressive symptoms prior to the development of clinically significant depression

    Children\u27s neural reactivity to maternal praise and criticism: Associations with early depressive symptoms and maternal depression

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    Caregiving experiences are implicated in children\u27s depression risk; however, children\u27s neural reactivity to positive and negative feedback from mothers, a potential mediator of depression risk, is poorly understood. In a sample of 81 children
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