367 research outputs found

    Seroprevalensi Hepatitis C pada Populasi Perkotaan dan Perdesaan di Indonesia Tahun 2013: Kajian Determinan Sosiodemografi, Lingkungan, Pejamu, dan Komorbiditas (Analisis Lanjut Riskesdas 2013)

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    Hepatitis C is an infectious disease caused by RNA virus that is often asymptomatic and can lead into serious complications such as liver cancer. It remains one of major public health issues in several developing countries. Urban and rural areas have different sociodemographic characteristics but seroprevalence of hepatitis C based on antibody against hepatitis C virus (HCV) shows the same proportion of 1.0% in both areas, suggesting that there is discrepancy of risk factors for HCV infection between the two. This analysis aims to identify such determinants that include sociodemographic factors, neighbourhood, environmental conditions including hygienic behaviour and access to healthcare facilities, host conditions and comorbidities outside major risk factors. The analysis used secondary data of Riskesdas 2013 through complex logistic regression technique and alternative tests. The results showed that the determinants of HCV seroprevalence in urban and rural respondents were: gender, unemployment status, prediabetes, abnormalities of HDL and triglyceride levels, renal impairment and malaria. Hence, hepatitis C management strategies in Indonesia may require different approach to urban populations compared to rural areas

    Optimasi Penambahan Colcemid pada Karyotyping Kultur Mecenchymal Stem Cells (MSC) Mencit

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    Control of the genetic stability of stem cells prior to the conduct of therapy is essential to prevent effects such as stem cell transformation. Karyotyping is a conventional technique to conduct an analysis of the number and structure of chromosomes. The analysis can only be performed on metaphase stage that needs to be optimized to get the cell at that stage because the length of the cell cycle are different in the each cell types. This study aims to obtain an optimal time to get MSC at metaphase stage. The study was conducted at the stem cell laboratory of Center for Biomedical and Basic Technology of Health. The event begins with isolation using flushing technique at the femur and tibia of mice. Furthermore, the culture in vitro and induction colcemid 0,25μg/ml for 8,16 and 24 hours to get the MSC at metaphase stage. KCl solution with a concentration of 0.075 M and 0,045 M used as a solvent hipotonis. Results showed that 16 hours of induction colcemid 0,25μg/ml in 0.075 M KCl solution usage percentage of MSC who are at metaphase stage and do the highest analysis (p<0.05). In this study 16 hours induction colcemid 0,25μg/ml is the optimal time to obtain metaphase stage of the MSC from bone marrow of mice.Keywords: mecenchymal stem cell, karyotyping, colcemidAbstrakKontrol terhadap stabilitas genetik pada sel punca sebelum pelaksanan terapi merupakan hal yang penting untuk mencegah efek seperti transformasi sel punca yang dapat terjadi. Secara konvensional dapat dilakukan karyotyping untuk melakukan analisis terhadap jumlah dan struktur kromosom. Analisis hanya dapat dilakukan pada tahap metafase sehingga perlu dilakukan optimasi untuk mendapatkan sel pada tahap tersebut mengingat panjang siklus sel setiap jenis sel berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh waktu yang optimal untuk mendapatkan MSC pada tahap metafase. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium stem cell Pusat Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan Badan Litbangkes. Kegiatan diawali dengan isolasi menggunakan teknik flushing pada tulang femur dan tibia mencit. Selanjutnya dilakukan kultur secara in vitro dan induksi colcemid 0,25μg/ ml selama 8,16 dan 24 jam untuk mendapatkan MSC pada tahap metafase. Larutan KCl dengan konsentrasi 0,075 M dan 0,045M digunakan sebagai larutan hipotonis. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa 16 jam induksi colcemid 0,25μg/ml pada penggunaan larutan KCl 0,075 M memiliki persentase MSC yang berada pada tahap metafase dan dapat dilakukan analisis tertinggi (p<0,05). Pada penelitian ini 16 jam induksi colcemid 0,25μg/ml merupakan waktu yang optimal untuk memperoleh tahap metafase pada MSC dari tulang sumsum mencit.Kata kunci : mecenchymal stem cell , karyotyping, colcemi

    Kadar Leptin sebagai Petanda Diabetes pada Individu dengan Diabetes dan Toleransi Glukosa Terganggu

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    Leptin is an adipocitokin hormone, produced by adipose tissue that is associated with the increasing of type 2 diabetic risk. Uncontrol impaired glucose tolerance (IGT)in a person has a high risk of being diabetics person. The aim of the research is to measure leptin level in an individu with diabetes mellitus (DM) and IGT in the year 2011 and 2013 and also to compare the leptin level with their lifestyle. Methods of the research are using ELISA technique and analyze the lifestyle based on the public health data. The results show that leptin level in the diabetics person is equivalent with impaired glucose tolerance person, and leptin level between groups is not significantly different in 2011 and 2013. The odds ratio of smoke behavior shows no correlation with leptin level, but thebody mass index (BMI)-risk on DM and IGT person shows 2.3 times than normal. Exercise habits on diabetic and IGT persons show that their leptin level is of 1.22 times lower, and the normal persons\u27 leptin level is of 1.5 times lower than untreated persons with exercise. The result proves that exercises slightly decrease leptin level and also decrease the diabetes risk

    Thermalisation time and specific heat of neutron stars crust

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    We discuss the thermalisation process of the neutron stars crust described by solving the heat transport equation with a microscopic input for the specific heat of baryonic matter. The heat equation is solved with initial conditions specific to a rapid cooling of the core. To calculate the specific heat of inner crust baryonic matter, i.e., nuclear clusters and unbound neutrons, we use the quasiparticle spectrum provided by the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approach at finite temperature. In this framework we analyse the dependence of the crust thermalisation on pairing properties and on cluster structure of inner crust matter. It is shown that the pairing correlations reduce the crust thermalisation time by a very large fraction. The calculations show also that the nuclear clusters have a non-negligible influence on the time evolution of the surface temperature of the neutron star.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Hubungan Self Efficacy, Optimism, Social Support dan Psychological Well-being Peserta Didik Smk

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    This study aims to know the relationship of self-efficacy (X1) and psychological well-being (Y), optimism (X2) and psychological well-being (Y), social support (X3), and psychological well-being (Y) of learners school vocational high in the entire Malang City. The method used was non-experimental research with this type of research study causal relationship. Research findings show there was a positive and significant correlation between X1 and Y, X2 and Y, Y. X3 and X1, X2, X3 connected simultaneously to Y; The third contribution of variables X1, X2, X3 amounted to 26.84%, while 73.16% influenced by other variables; X2 most influential factor on the Y, the X3, and the third is the X1.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan self-efficacy (X1) dan psychological well-being (Y), optimism (X2) dan psychological well-being (Y), social support (X3) dan psychological well-being (Y) peserta didik SMK Negeri se-Kota Malang. Metode yang digunakan adalah non experimental research dengan jenis penelitian causal relationship study. Temuan hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan positif dan signifikan antara X1 dan Y, X2 dan Y, X3 dan Y. X1, X2, X3 memiliki hubungan secara simultan terhadap Y; sumbangan ketiga variabel X1, X2, X3 sebesar 26,84%, sedangkan 73,16% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain; X2 faktor paling berpengaruh terhadap Y, kedua X3, dan urutan ketiga adalah X1

    Hubungan Religiusitas, Optimism, Social Support, dan Psychological Well-being Peserta Didik Man Se-kota Malang

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    This study aims to know the relation between religiousity (X1) and psychological well being (Y), the relation between optimism (X2) and psychological well being (Y), as well as the relation between social support (X3) and psychological well being (Y) of students of MAN in the entire Malang city. This study was a non-experimental study with causal relationship study plan. The result of this research showed that there was a positive significant between X1 and Y, X2 and Y, X3 and Y; X1, X2, X3 had strong linear relation with Y; the influence of the three independent logical well being (Y), optimism (X2) dan psychological well being (Y), social support (X3) and psychological well being (Y) student of MAN se-Kota Malang.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan religiusitas (X1) dan psychological well being (Y), optimis (X2) dan psychological well being (Y), social support (X3) dan psychological well being (Y) peserta didik MAN se-kota Malang. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah non experimental research dengan jenis penelitian causal relationship study. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan positif signifikan antara X1 dan Y, X2 dan Y, X3 dan Y; X1, X2, X3 memiliki hubungan linear yang kuat dengan Y; pengaruh ketiga variabel independen psychological well being (Y), optimism (X2) dan psychological well being (Y), social support (X3) dan psychological well being (Y) peserta didik MAN se-Kota Malang

    La parcimonie de Wagner sur base de caractères morphologiques: une nouvelle méthode pour les études paléosynécologiques

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    The limits and difficulties related to the tools currently in use for palaeosynecological comparisons of faunas or floras of different geological periods are discussed. The new method of the Wagner parsimony Applied to Palaeosynecology Using Morphology (WAPUM method), is defined and tested on morphological characters gathered from two insect groups Odonatoptera and Thripida. The difficulties related to the monophyly of the taxonomic groups used in the more traditional approaches are no longer a problem when using the WAPUM method. In the WAPUM a character is ‘presence versus absence of species bearing a morphological structure’. The results obtained from use of the WAPUM minimize the number of changes among character states. Application of the WAPUM could reveal signals to confirm or object the currently available scenarios for the global changes in the evolution of past diversity and disparity of organisms (major changes or global crises of diversity).Les limites et difficultés inhérentes aux outils actuellement utilisés dans les comparaisons paléosynécologiques de faunes ou de flores de différentes périodes géologiques sont discutées. La nouvelle méthode de la parsimonie de Wagner appliquée à la paléosynécologie sur la base de caractères morphologiques (méthode WAPUM), est définie et testée à partir des caractères morphologiques de deux groupes d’insectes, les Odonatoptera et les Thripida. Les difficultés liées à la monophylie des groupes taxonomiques utilisés dans les approches plus traditionnelles disparaissent avec la méthode WAPUM. Dans l’approche WAPUM, un caractère est ‘présence/absence d’une espèce portant une structure morphologique’. Les résultats obtenus à partir de la méthode WAPUM minimisent le nombre de changements d’état de caractères. Cet outil permet de tester les scénarios actuellement disponibles pour les changements globaux dans l’évolution de la diversité et de la disparité passée des organismes (changements majeurs ou crises globales de la diversité).Museo de La Plat
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