133 research outputs found

    Chicory and Jerusalem artichoke productivity in different areas of Italy, in relation to water availability and time of harvest

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    Inulin is an important polysaccharide synthesised by different crops, which, in the EU has been included in the system of sugar quotas since 1994. Currently, one of the major problems of the agro-industry is the need to extend the length of the sugar crop harvest season. It was therefore decided, also in relation to the increased demand for inulin, to study the two main inulin producing crops in Italy (chicory and Jerusalem artichoke), to verify yield and quality potential and stability in relation to some important agronomic factors such as irrigation and time of harvest. The work was conducted in 1999 and 2000 in four areas of Italy (Udine, Rovigo, Bologna and Bari). The effects evaluated were time of harvest (3 for chicory and 2 for Jerusalem artichoke) and irrigation system (evapotranspiration replacement and dry regime, with irrigation applied only when strictly necessary) on the production of storage organs, sugars and inulin in the two crops. The highest chicory root yield was in Bologna, with an average production of 65.6 t ha -1 (fresh weight), compared to Rovigo (54.4 t ha -1 ), Bari (46.5 t ha -1 ) and Udine (38.7 t ha -1). For final tuber yield in Jerusalem artichoke, Bari was the most productive environment with an average of 80 t ha -1 , followed by Bologna (61 t ha -1 ) and Udine (55.5 t ha -1 ). However, when this crop is whole-plant harvested (stalks and tubers) at pre-flowering, Bologna, with high stalk yields (58.7 t ha -1) appeared to be the most suitable environment. This type of harvesting was also shown to be more productive in terms of sugar and inulin yield. The total sugar content in the different organs analysed (roots, stalk and tubers) was always higher in Udine compared to Bologna, for both crops. Lastly, the length of the inulin chain (average degree of polymerisation [DP]) diminishes with the delaying of the harvest in both crops. The Bologna area had the highest potential in terms of chicory root production, while for the tubers yield of Jerusalem artichoke, the Bari environment was the most productive. But, when Jerusalem artichoke is instead considered as a crop for whole-plant harvest (stalks and tubers), Bologna, with a very high stalk yields, becomes the most suitable area. The highest sugar content in roots, stalks and tubers of both crops was found in the Udine tria

    A mechanistic mathematical model for describing and predicting the dynamics of high-affinity nitrate intake into roots of maize and other plant species

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    A fully mechanistic dynamical model for plant nitrate uptake is presented. Based on physiological and regulatory pathways and based on physical laws, we form a dynamic system mathematically described by seven differential equations. The model evidences the presence of a short-term positive feedback on the high-affinity nitrate uptake, triggered by the presence of nitrate around the roots, which induces its intaking. In the long run, this positive feedback is overridden by two long-term negative feedback loops which drastically reduces the nitrate uptake capacity. These two negative feedbacks are due to the generation of ammonium and amino acids, respectively, and inhibit the synthesis and the activity of high-affinity nitrate transporters. This model faithfully predicts the typical spiking behavior of the nitrate uptake, in which an initial strong increase of nitrate absorption capacity is followed by a drop, which regulates the absorption down to the initial value. The model outcome was compared with experimental data and they fit quite nicely. The model predicts that after the initial exposure of the roots with nitrate, the absorption of the anion strongly increases and that, on the contrary, the intensity of the absorption is limited in presence of ammonium around the roots

    Effect of meteorological and agronomic factors on maize grain contamination by fumonisin

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    Fumonisins are toxic secondary metabolites produced by fungi such as F.verticilloides. Maize is commonly colonized by several spoilage fungi both in pre- and post-harvest conditions. Field infection prevention is the best solution to contain contamination, using practices aimed at restricting plant stress and limiting the propagation of the disease. This work is focused on understanding the effect of environmental factors on the production of fumonisins in Friuli Venezia Giulia (NE Italy) on maize crops. The analysis has been performed on a dataset covering a period of 14 years (from 2000 to 2013), recording fumonisins contamination and daily meteorological data (air temperature, RH, Rain, Wind speed) for 13 different drying plants and for three different harvest times (early, medium and late). The drying plants collect grain production from an area of about 70.000-100.000 ha. Data were analyzed by full factorial ANOVA and a multiple regression approach was performed using STATA and SEMoLa software. ANOVA test pointed out a significant effect of factors \u201cyear\u201d and \u201charvest time\u201d (p<0.01) for fumonisin content. Instead, location had no significant effect. The best regression model (R2=0. 65, 2... observation) detected a significant correlation between fumonisin concentration and meteorological data in the period from 15th to 31st July. High fumonisin contents were positively correlated with daily thermal excursion, minimum temperature and wet conditions in this period. Silk drying and harvest time resulted as the key factors to contain and study fumonisins contamination in maize. Results will be used to implement a more complex dynamic model

    Impacts of Climate Change on SOC Dynamic and Crop Yield of Italian Rainfed Wheat-Maize Cropping Systems Managed with Conventional or Conservation Tillage Practices

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    There is still uncertainty on the ability of conservation tillage (i.e., reduced- RT and no till - NT) in contributing to the resilience of cropping systems to climate change pressures (Powlson et al 2016). RT or NT can improve soil physical and biological proprieties thus increasing water holding capacity and fertility, stabilizing soil structure and enhancing soil biodiversity and functions. They are also frequently proposed as mitigation practices as they can contribute to increase soil organic carbon (SOC) compared to conventional moldboard ploughing practices (Gonzalez-Sanchezet al., 2012). However, SOC increase occurs mostly in the upper soil layer but not always in the deeper profile (Haddaway et al., 2016) where SOC measurements are less frequently measured. In this study, we used data obtained from long term field experiments(LTE) coupled with three crop simulation models in order to assess the long-term effects of different tillage management practices on crop yield and on changes in SOC stocks in both superficial (0-20cm) and deeper layers (20-50cm) in Mediterranean rainfed cereal cropping systems at current and future climate scenarios

    CLIMAK: a stochastic model for weather data generation

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    BACKGROUND. Many human activities and ecological processes are affected by climatic conditions. Despite the difficulties in long term meteorological forecast-ing, a statistical description of climate is possible and used for planning purposes and strategic decisions. With this aim, stochastic models for the generation of daily weather data have been developed (Climak). The generated meteorological data can be used: a) to perform Monte Carlo simulations with determin-istic models (e.g., crop growth and ecological models, models for climate risk assessment); b) to better clas-sify the climates; c) to assess environmental scenar-ios for the effects of climatic changes by “what if” procedures; d) to spatially interpolate the climate pa

    CLIMATICA (information system for climatic data management)

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    CLIMATICA, is a software for management of climatic data. The software has different features like the possibility of control and validation of data, the conversion of date formats and of the units of the variables, the calculation of statistical indexes. CLIMATICA can perform management operations on climatic dataset (fusion of more datasets by rows or by columns, reduction of the dataset dimensionality with estimation of statistics), on metadata (input and modification), on variables (deletion, generation and re-calculation) and on records (search, sorting, deletion and input). There are also procedures for interpolation and reconstruction of missing data using multiple linear regression, non-linear regression, neural networks and moving statistics (moving average, etc.). CLIMATICA also includes the weather generator Climak for the estimation of climatic parameters from historical data and for the generation of meteorological variables to evaluate risks or to create climatic scenarios. The management of datasets can be made either by dialog windows or by commands, which also allows the automation of procedures. CLIMATICA presents a wide flexibility that permits to be adapted to specific requirements