4 research outputs found

    Distribution of individual <i>var</i>/PfEMP1-DBL1α types in the organs of fatal paediatric malaria hosts.

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    <p>Each pie graph represents all DBL1α variants from a single organ of an individual host shown in the brain (A), heart (B) and gut (C). Case numbers are shown in the upper left corner of each graph and they are arranged by diagnostic group (CM, cerebral malaria; PC, parasitaemic controls). These charts are identical to those in Fig. 2 except that sections are shaded to highlight the DBL1α types that were detected in the highest number of different hosts. Further information on these can be found in <a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1004537#ppat.1004537.s004" target="_blank">S1 Table</a>. The two DBL1α types detailed in results are marked with an asterisk.</p

    Clinical details of patients.

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    a<p>months,</p>b<p>hours:minutes,</p>c<p>parasites/l in peripheral blood,</p>d<p>pneumonia (Streptococcus),</p>e<p>malaria parasitaemic with non-malarial cause of death,</p>f<p>meningoencephalitis.</p><p>Clinical details of patients.</p

    Distribution of individual <i>var</i>/PfEMP1-DBL1α types in fatal paediatric malaria hosts.

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    <p>100 DBL1α tags were amplified and sequenced from each tissue biopsy and different sequence variants identified. Each pie graph represents all DBL1α types from a single organ of an individual host shown in the brain (A), heart (B) and gut (C). Case numbers are shown in the upper left corner of each graph and they are arranged by diagnostic group (CM, cerebral malaria; PC, parasitaemic controls). Tags are coloured by whether they are classified as group A-like <i>var</i> types (green) or non-group A (blue).</p

    Expression of <i>var</i> gene groups in the organs of paediatric hosts.

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    <p>Primers specific for <i>var</i> groups A, B and C were used to measure their relative expression in tissue biopsies from fatal paediatric malaria patients. Panels A–C display hosts within diagnostic groups CM2 (A), CM1 (B) and parasitaemic controls (C). Panels D–F represent <i>P. falciparum</i> populations in the brain (D), heart (E) and gut (F) of HIV-infected (HIV+) and uninfected (HIV-) hosts. Each dot point represents analysis from a single organ biopsy from one patient and the horizontal lines depict the mean level of expression for each group. In panels D–F, CM2/PC hosts are denoted by filled shapes and CM1 patients with open shapes. * p<0.05, ** p<0.005.</p