2,728 research outputs found

    Content Analysis of Tweets by People with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): Implications for Rehabilitation and Social Media Goals

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    In this Twitter research, 6874 tweets of six adults with traumatic brain injury (TBI) were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively using content classification [1], inductive coding of content themes, socio-linguistic analysis, and computational analysis in KH Coder. The results reflected that participants used Twitter for: (i) supporting others, including people with TBI; (ii) discussing society and culture, popular issues, news, and personal interests; (iii) connecting with others; (iv) sharing their experiences of life after TBI; (v) knowledge via exchanging information; and (vii) advocacy. ‘Emotional expression’, and ‘connection’ were common threads running across themes. Attending to the expressions of people with TBI on Twitter provides important insights into their lived experiences and could inform the development of user-centered cognitive-communication and social participation goals for people with TBI


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    Ovaj rad ponovno istražuje pitanje je li izučavanje turizma znanost, disciplina ili područje. Problem se analizira u sedam faza. Rad prvo istražuje pojam znanosti turizma jer, ako se može dokazati da je turizam metadisciplina, onda ga više ne treba promatrati kao disciplinu. Međutim, s obzirom da je dokazano da to nije tako, treba se usredotočiti na turizam kao disciplinu. Stoga se u sljedećem dijelu daje kratak pregled etimologije discipline. U trećem dijelu opisano je kako je pokrenuta rasprava o turizmu kao disciplini. Četvrto, nakon što smo istražili programe dva vodeća fakulteta društvenih znanosti i sadržaj jedne enciklopedije koja se bavi društvenim znanostima, mogli smo identifi cirati ključne discipline u društvenim znanostima i uvidjeti po čemu se razlikuju od područja koja nastaju preklapanjem više područja i od njihovih primjena. U petom dijelu rad istražuje problem “društvene znanosti turizma”. Šesto, rad analizira ideje intradisciplinarnosti, multidisciplinarnosti, interdisciplinarnosti i postdisciplinarnosti, koja se nedavno pojavila. Tamo gdje je u stvaranje kumulativnog znanja o turizmu uključeno više disciplina društvenih znanosti, takav pluralistički pristup sagledavanju tog fenomena naziva se interdisciplinarnost.This paper revisits the whole question of whether the study of tourism is a science, a discipline or a fi eld. The argument is developed in seven stages. First, the notion of the science of tourism is explored, because, if tourism as a meta-discipline can be substantiated, then a fortiori it is no longer necessary to examine tourism as a discipline. However, as the former is demonstrably not the case, attention needs to focus on the latter. Accordingly, and second, the etymology of a discipline is briefly outlined. Third, there is the contextual advent of tourism as a discipline debate. Fourth, by inspecting the offerings of two leading faculties of social sciences, and an encyclopedia with a similar focus, it is possible to identify the core disciplines in the social sciences and to distinguish them from intersecting fields and applications. Fifth, the issue of “tourism social science” is investigated. Sixth, the ideas of intradisciplinarity, multidisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity and, more recently, postdisciplinarity are analysed. Where more than one social science discipline is involved in obtaining a cumulative knowledge of tourism, this pluralistic form of capturing the phenomenon is referred to as interdisciplinarity


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    Rad daje pregled osnovnih značenja riječi mit u znanosti o turizmu transponirajući uvide u mit iz tri glavne kategorije konceptualne analize: religije, fantazije/neistine i semiotike. Za svaku od kategorija najprije se navodi nekoliko rječničkih i internetskih definicija, a zatim slijede prilozi iz akademskih tekstova koji se bave ovom temom iz jednog ili više ranije spomenutih gledišta. Pregled se oslanja na tekstove Barthesa, Cohena, Danna, Dufoura, Henninga, Nötha, Selwyna, Uzzella i Williamsona. Metodom indukcije istaknuti su ključni elementi defi nicija i akademskih komentara te su potom primijenjeni na turizam.This paper undertakes a preliminary overview of the principal meanings ascribed to myth in tourism studies. It does so by transposing insights from three main categories of conceptual analysis as they relate to myth in general: religion, fantasy/falsehood and semiotics. In each case a few dictionary and online defi nitions are initially offered. Subsequently, contributions are drawn from academic works that examine this theme from the perspectives of one or more of the foregoing classifi cations. In particular, the writings of Barthes, Cohen, Dann, Dufour, Hennig, Nöth, Selwyn, Uzzell and Williamson are drawn upon. From these defi nitions and scholarly commentaries key elements are inductively highlighted and applied to tourism

    Structure of Gallobicchulite. A Combined EXAFS/Neutron Powder Diffraction Refinement

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    It’s the Combination: Scientific Data Review of the First Corn Silage to Bring Together Fiber and Starch Digestibility

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    This information was presented at the 2017 Cornell Nutrition Conference for Feed Manufacturers, organized by the Department of Animal Science In the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University. Softcover copies of the entire conference proceedings may be purchased at http://ansci.cals.cornell.edu/extension-outreach/adult-extension/dairy-management/order-proceedings-resources.A recent study compared a newly developed brown midrib 3 corn silage with floury endosperm to a conventional corn silage and a brown midrib 3 corn silage for high-producing Holstein cows. The combination of greater rumen fiber and starch fermentability of the new hybrid resulted in greater efficiency of solids-corrected milk production and milk nitrogen efficiency compared with the brown midrib and conventional hybrids


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    U svjetlu recentnog napretka u dostupnosti interneta glas turista dobija na važnosti, a stara praksa jednostrane komunikacije od gore prema dolje, kojom se koristila turistička industrija, zamjenjuje se demokratskim oblicima online komunikacije od dolje prema gore. Nigdje ova zamjena uloga nije tako dobro vidljiva kao kod "putobloga" (travelblog), dnevničkog zapisa iz prve ruke koji je u stalnom porastu i čije neprestano ažuriranje i interaktivne kvalitete doprinose evoluciji javne samo-začete verbalne razmjene koja se odvija među jednakima. Ova studija preispituje nekoliko primjera iz ovog žanra. Istovremeno želi dati alternativni teorijski temelj koji bi obuhvatio popratne promjene koje se ubrzano događaju u odnosu na identitet turista.In the light of recent advances in internet accessibility, the toudst has been given far greater "voice", and the old pattern of top-down, unilateral communication from the industry has been substituted with more democratic forms of bottom-up conversations online. Nowhere is this role reversal more evident than in the "travelblog", a dramatically increasing first-hand, diary-like account whose constant updating and interactive qualities contdbute to the evolution of public, self-initiated verbal exchange among equals. This study examines a few examples of the genre. At the same time, it seeks to provide an alternative theoretical grounding that can accommodate the concomitant changes that are rapidly occurring with respect to toudst identity

    Gravitational Microlensing Evidence for a Planet Orbiting a Binary Star System

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    The study of extra-solar planetary systems has emerged as a new discipline of observational astronomy in the past few years with the discovery of a number of extra-solar planets. The properties of most of these extra-solar planets were not anticipated by theoretical work on the formation of planetary systems. Here we report observations and light curve modeling of gravitational microlensing event MACHO-97-BLG-41, which indicates that the lens system consists of a planet orbiting a binary star system. According to this model, the mass ratio of the binary star system is 3.8:1 and the stars are most likely to be a late K dwarf and an M dwarf with a separation of about 1.8 AU. A planet of about 3 Jupiter masses orbits this system at a distance of about 7 AU. If our interpretation of this light curve is correct, it represents the first discovery of a planet orbiting a binary star system and the first detection of a Jovian planet via the gravitational microlensing technique. It suggests that giant planets may be common in short period binary star systems.Comment: 11 pages, with 1 color and 2 b/w Figures included (published version

    Magnetic phase diagram of cubic perovskites SrMn_1-xFe_xO_3

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    We combine the results of magnetic and transport measurements with Mossbauer spectroscopy and room-temperature diffraction data to construct the magnetic phase diagram of the new family of cubic perovskite manganites SrMn_1-xFe_xO_3. We have found antiferromagnetic ordering for lightly and heavily Fe-substituted material, while intermediate substitution leads to spin-glass behavior. Near the SrMn_0.5Fe_0.5O_3 composition these two types of ordering are found to coexist and affect one another. The spin glass behavior may be caused by competing ferro- and antiferromagnetic interactions among Mn^4+ and observed Fe^3+ and Fe^5+ ions.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, revtex, accepted to Phys. Rev.

    Tourism policy and destination marketing in developing countries: the chain of influence

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    Tourism marketers including destination marketing organisations (DMOs) and international tour operators play a pivotal role in destination marketing, especially in creating destination images. These images, apparent in tourist brochures, are designed to influence tourist decision-making and behaviour. This paper proposes the concept of a “chain of influence” in destination marketing and image-making, suggesting that the content of marketing materials is influenced by the priorities of those who design these materials, e.g. tour operators and DMOs. A content analysis of 2,000 pictures from DMO and tour operator brochures revealed synergies and divergence between these marketers. The brochure content was then compared to the South African tourism policy, concluding that the dominant factor in the chain of influence in the South African context is in fact its organic image