12 research outputs found

    Stereo vision and acuity tests within a virtual reality set-up

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    Dankert T, Heil D, Pfeiffer T. Stereo vision and acuity tests within a virtual reality set-up. In: Latoschik ME, Staadt O, Steinicke F, eds. Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realität - 10. Workshop der GI-Fachgruppe VR/AR. Shaker Verlag; 2013: 185-188.The provision of stereo images to facilitate depth perception by stereopsis is one key aspect of many Virtual Reality installations and there are many technical approaches to do so. However, differences in visual capabilities of the user and technical limitations of a specific set-up might restrict the spatial range in which stereopsis can be facilitated. In this paper, we transfer an existent test for stereo vision from the real world to a virtual environment and extend it to measure stereo acuity

    Navigating and selecting in the virtual supermarket: review and update of classic interaction techniques

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    Renner P, Dankert T, Schneider D, Mattar N, Pfeiffer T. Navigating and selecting in the virtual supermarket: review and update of classic interaction techniques. In: Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realitaet: 7. Workshop der GI-Fachgruppe VR/AR. Aachen: Shaker Verlag; 2010: 71-82.Classic techniques for navigation and selection such as Image-Plane and World in Miniature have been around for more than 20 years. In the course of a seminar on interaction in virtual reality we reconsidered five methods for navigation and two for selection. These methods were significantly extended by the use of up-to-date hardware such as Fingertracking devices and the Nintendo Wii Balance Board and evaluated in a virtual supermarket scenario. Two user studies, one on experts and one on novices, revealed information on usability and efficiency. As an outcome, the combination of Ray-Casting and Walking in Place turned out to be the fastest

    Trouble-based group dynamics in real-world HRI - Reactions on unexpected next moves of a museum guide robot.

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    Gehle R, Pitsch K, Dankert T, Wrede S. Trouble-based group dynamics in real-world HRI - Reactions on unexpected next moves of a museum guide robot. Presented at the 24th International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (Ro-MAN)

    Referential practices. Effects of a museum guide robot suggesting a deictic ‘repair’ action to visitors attempting to orient to an exhibit

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    Pitsch K, Dankert T, Gehle R, Wrede S. Referential practices. Effects of a museum guide robot suggesting a deictic ‘repair’ action to visitors attempting to orient to an exhibit. In: 2016 25th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN). IEEE; 2016

    How to Open an Interaction Between Robot and Museum Visitor?

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    Gehle R, Pitsch K, Dankert T, Wrede S. How to Open an Interaction Between Robot and Museum Visitor? In: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction - HRI '17. New York, NY: ACM Press; 2017: 1

    Effects of a robot’s unexpected reactions in robot-to-group interactions

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    Gehle R, Pitsch K, Dankert T, Wrede S. Effects of a robot’s unexpected reactions in robot-to-group interactions. Presented at the IIEMCA 2015, Kolding, Denmark

    Engagement Detection During Deictic References in Human-Robot Interaction

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    Dankert T, Goerlich M, Wrede S, Gehle R, Pitsch K. Engagement Detection During Deictic References in Human-Robot Interaction. In: Social Robotics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Cham: Springer Nature; 2016: 930-939