2 research outputs found

    Viljan att komma tillbaka : En kvalitativ studie om motivation och lojalitet hos unga vuxna som Äterbesöker Gröna Lund

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    For many years, the experience and entertainment industry overall has had strong growth and become something that is important for the current tourism in big cities. Repeatable experiences mean that there is a second-hand value of the experience and that it is possible to implement again. This means that visiting attractions, such as Gröna Lund, are places that allow visitors to experience their roller coasters and other experiences several times, which leads to more frequent visits. The intention of this study is to investigate what motivates young adults to repeatedly visit the amusement park Gröna Lund repeatedly. Interviews have been conducted with seven respondents aged 20–25 who return to Gröna Lund several times a year. An interview with Gröna Lund’s project manager at the marketing department has also been conducted. The interviewers’ answers have been analyzed along with selected theories of loyalty development, push and pull factors and the communications process. The result shows that all respondents have a loyalty to Gröna Lund and are motivated to visit the park both through the promotion of Gröna Lund on social media, but also through the products that the park offers, mainly rides and concerts. It turns out that they are also motivated to return to Gröna Lund, with family and friends, as a tradition

    ”Men det Ă€r vĂ€l det hĂ€r med tryggheten dĂ„ [
]” : En kvalitativ undersökning om sammanhĂ„llning, gemenskap och trygghet mellan fast och tillfĂ€lligt anstĂ€llda.

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    Temporary employment has become more common on the labor market. In 1990, time-limited employments corresponded to 9 percent of all employments in Sweden. Today, time-limited employments account for 17.9 percent of the entire labor market. In this context, it is interesting to investigate how the occupational categories that employs temporary employees most, to investigate the employees' experiences of cohesion and community within these professions. The purpose of this study is to increase understanding of how cohesion is affected by the widespread use of temporary employment in these workplaces and to gain a deeper insight into the employees' perceived job security. Previous research talks about the importance of social relations between different groups and the importance of community in the workplace, and also highlights the difficulty of establishing contact and equal cohesion of employment. The theoretical starting points we have used are Guy Standing Precariat (2013) and Elias and Scotson The Established and the Outsiders (1999). The result of this study shows that the experience of occupational safety depends largely on our respondents' type of employment, however the result does not clearly indicate a difference between permanent and temporary employees in terms of cohesion and community experiences depends on the form of employment. Though, we have found several other explanations, such as work experience, for these differences.TillfÀlliga anstÀllningar har blivit allt vanligare pÄ arbetsmarknaden. FrÄn att tidsbegrÀnsade anstÀllningar har motsvarat 9 procent av alla anstÀllda 1990, motsvarar tidsbegrÀnsat anstÀllda idag 17,9 procent av hela arbetsmarknaden i Sverige. Det Àr med denna bakgrund intressant att undersöka hur de yrkeskategorier som utnyttjar tillfÀlligt anstÀllda mest, för att undersöka de anstÀlldas upplevelser kring sammanhÄllning och gemenskap inom dessa yrken. Syftet med denna studie Àr att öka förstÄelsen för hur sammanhÄllningen pÄverkas genom utbredd anvÀndning av tillfÀlliga anstÀllningar pÄ arbetsplatser och fÄ en djupare inblick i de anstÀlldas upplevda arbetstrygghet. Den tidigare forskningen talar om vikten av de sociala relationerna mellan olika grupper och hur betydelsefullt det Àr med gemenskap pÄ arbetsplatsen, och belyser ocksÄ svÄrigheter att skapa kontakt och lika sammanhÄllning över anstÀllningsformerna. De teoretiska utgÄngspunkter vi har anvÀnt oss av Àr Guy Standings Prekariatet (2013) och Elias och Scotson Etablerade och outsiders (1999). Resultatet av denna studie visar att upplevelsen av arbetstrygghet till stor del beror pÄ respondenternas arbetsform, men skillnaden mellan fast och tillfÀlligt anstÀllda visar inte tydlig att skillnaden i upplevelser om sammanhÄllning och gemenskap, beror pÄ anstÀllningsformen. Utan att vi istÀllet funnit flera förklaringar till skillnaderna, sÄ som arbetserfarenhet