1,393 research outputs found

    Mechanics of impulse force reduction for mitigating dump truck vibrations under HISLO conditions

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    The deployment of large capacity shovels and dump trucks, for achieving economic bulk production capacities, has resulted in high impact shovel loading operations (HISLO). These large shovels generate high impact forces when loading dump trucks with over 100-ton passes under gravity. The impact forces also generate high frequency shock waves, which cause severe truck vibrations, and thus, expose dump truck operators to high levels of whole body vibrations (WBV). The dynamic impact force generates these vibrations, and thus, there is a need to develop efficient technologies to eliminate or reduce its impact. Existing literature and industry practice show that this problem significantly impacts the health and safety of operators. There exists no fundamental work to address this problem. Thus, the primary objective of this research study is to provide scientific solutions to this problem. This research study develops a rigorous mathematical model to capture the dynamic impact force using all dependent underlying variables. A 3D virtual simulation model for a shovel dumping operation has also been developed using discrete element modeling (DEM) techniques in PFC3D. This model captures material dumping from a P&H 4100XPC shovel (100 tons per pass) into a CAT 793D truck. The results from the mathematical and simulation models showed good agreement. Analysis of the simulation results showed that a percent reduction of 4.88, 7.42, 11.45, 12.01, 15.08 and 17.34 % can be achieved by reducing the dumping height from 7.33 m to 6.33, 6.00, 5.50, 5.33, 5.00 and 4.9 m, respectively. The effect of the impulse force reductions on WBV exposures was examined using the model by Aouad and Frimpong (2013) in MSC ADAMS. Analysis of the results showed that for dumping height reductions to 7.33, 6.33, 6.00, 5.50, 5.33, 5.00 and 4.9 m, the RMS acceleration value of 3.56 m/s2 from Aouad and Frimpong (2013) can be reduced by 10.42, 15.51, 15.53, 15.73, 17.22, 18.85 and 19.61 %, respectively. This is equivalent to a reduction of 3.56 m/s2 to 2.86 m/s2 at a dumping height of 4.90 m. This research is a pioneering effort to address the problems associated with the operator exposures to severe WBV levels. It advances the heavy mining machinery vibrations frontier and contributes significantly to its body of knowledge. The mathematical and simulation models can be used to analyze any HISLO operation to reduce or possibly eliminate WBV exposures. This study ensures workplace safety and operator health under HISLO conditions in surface mining operations --Abstract, page iii

    Computational intelligent impact force modeling and monitoring in HISLO conditions for maximizing surface mining efficiency, safety, and health

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    Shovel-truck systems are the most widely employed excavation and material handling systems for surface mining operations. During this process, a high-impact shovel loading operation (HISLO) produces large forces that cause extreme whole body vibrations (WBV) that can severely affect the safety and health of haul truck operators. Previously developed solutions have failed to produce satisfactory results as the vibrations at the truck operator seat still exceed the “Extremely Uncomfortable Limits”. This study was a novel effort in developing deep learning-based solution to the HISLO problem. This research study developed a rigorous mathematical model and a 3D virtual simulation model to capture the dynamic impact force for a multi-pass shovel loading operation. The research further involved the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning for implementing the impact force detection in real time. Experimental results showed the impact force magnitudes of 571 kN and 422 kN, for the first and second shovel pass, respectively, through an accurate representation of HISLO with continuous flow modelling using FEA-DEM coupled methodology. The novel ‘DeepImpact’ model, showed an exceptional performance, giving an R2, RMSE, and MAE values of 0.9948, 10.750, and 6.33, respectively, during the model validation. This research was a pioneering effort for advancing knowledge and frontiers in addressing the WBV challenges in deploying heavy mining machinery in safe and healthy large surface mining environments. The smart and intelligent real-time monitoring system from this study, along with process optimization, minimizes the impact force on truck surface, which in turn reduces the level of vibration on the operator, thus leading to a safer and healthier working mining environments --Abstract, page iii

    Increasing polarization: enumerating the consequences of increasing inequality

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    “Remember your humanity. Forget the rest”. (Bertrand Russell in Russell-Einstein Manifesto) In a nutshell, this review is not trying to propagate rocket science or eureka moment that scientifically finds the cure for all the ills of economic inequality like penicillin does for infections. This review is a basic but effective exploration into the true nature of social realities. This review holistically elaborates how economic inequality is leading to increasing polarization in our societies. Two important drivers of increasing inequality are highlighted here as finance and technology and their contributions to higher polarization is detailed. A case study of polarization is followed along with the conclusion

    Philosophical & Sociological Inquires in Material Aspects of the Human Life namely Risk, Finance and Insurance

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    Given how much importance there is of economics and finance in our lives as humans (materialist side is foremost as per Marx), it should be given more importance by Philosophy and Sociology. This brief report is meant to highlight few research paradigms available in Philosophy and Sociology to give its proper social context and provide deep underlying of Risk, Insurance and Finance

    Structural Inequalities and Minority Rights: Analysing the Formal Aspects in Context of Pakistan

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    This study has investigated public perceptions regarding minorities and their rights and examined the legal framework of Pakistan in context of minority rights along with the gaps within the formal system that allow violations and exploitations against the minorities. The research explored the perceptions of both groups regarding religious minorities and minority rights in Pakistan. Content analysis was done comparing the constitution of Pakistan against the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. To collect primary data in-depth interviews of students from the majority religious group and students from minorities groups were conducted. The findings reflect the critical situation being faced by the minorities in Pakistan, due to significant gaps between theory and practice existing in the legal framework. The law protects the minority rights, and they are given all equal rights by the constitution, but the implementation phase seems and remains unfulfilled due to numerous societal and religious factors influencing the formal system. It is recommended to device  inclusive polices to bring equality

    A literature review of rapport management in business meetings

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    A meeting is a planned communicative event where the participants' role is to achieve the discussed objectives. Business English (BE) is often used as the lingua franca for meetings. Studies on BE are becoming a growing interest but there are still limited readily available studies on business meetings, especially on those in the Malaysian context, and even fewer that describe rapport management in meetings. In a meeting, rapport is established when there is a shift in formality in the management of face, sociality rights and interactional goals. This may be the result of the display of the chairperson's power. BE, on the other hand, is used to achieve the communicative purposes that help to promote rapport. By reviewing past studies, this paper explores how the chairperson in local and other cultures establishes rapport through the use of politeness and other communicative strategies in conversational turn-taking. Conversational Analysis (CA) has been used widely to analyse audio and video recordings of meetings as it provides for microanalysis of such turn-taking. Past studies have shown that politeness, small talk, humour and the use of non-verbal expressions are elements of rapport management displayed by the chairperson

    Use of SPAN for Identified Network Traffic via Machine Learning

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    Few years back the number of wireless devices and their use in our daily life has been increased a lot. All devices cell phones, laptops, tablets, camera, TVs, home appliances have become a part of network now. As the network devices are growing and getting connected to each other the security risks are getting higher. All the companies and organizations are now establishing and implanting the public and private wireless networks. Organization have to pay heavy cost to implement and integrate all devices together on a network. As wireless networks are more vulnerable to threats and in security's a huge network all the devices should be identified whenever they enter or leave a network traffic pool the experimental work in this paper will elaborate the methods to identify the network traffic identification under encryption. This paper emphases on identification of devices based on layer 2 functionality by MAC (Media Access Code). Later on, the identification was improved using labeled or tagged traffic methods by use of SPAN (Switch port analyzer technique) technology or protocol with assistance ofVirtual Local Area Network. Many Supervised learning methods were examined during experiment and were referenced on data collected by real time traffic. The network traffic of multiple deceives gradually passes through network so incremental learning method is implemented as classification for streaming data

    The H(n)-move is an unknotting operation for virtual and welded links

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    An unknotting operation is a local move such that any knot diagram can be transformed into a diagram of the trivial knot by a finite sequence of these operations plus some Reidemeister moves. It is known that the H(n)-move is an unknotting operation for classical knots and links. In this paper, we extend the classical unknotting operation H(n)-move to virtual knots and links. Virtualization and forbidden move are well-known unknotting operations for virtual knots and links. We also show that virtualization and forbidden move can be realized by a finite sequence of generalized Reidemeister moves and H(n)-moves