535 research outputs found

    Does Institutions effect growth in Pakistan? An Empirical investigation

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    This paper presents an index of institutionalized social technologies for Pakistan, covering its two main dimensions namely Risk reducing technologies and Anti Rent seeking technologies and in turn covers several social, institutional, political and economic aspects. It is also analyzed empirically whether the overall index as well as sub-indexes constructed to measure the single dimensions affects economic growth. The results show that over all, institutions promote growth in long run for Pakistan. . Therefore for a policy implication, success of any policy could be influenced by the soundness of institutions.institutions; social technologies; pakistan; index; GMM; social capital; growth; narmalization; weighting; aggregation; rent seeking; risk;

    The Causal Relationship between Institutions and Economic Growth: An Empirical Investigation for Pakistan Economy

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    This paper investigates relationship between institutional quality and economic performance in Pakistan using the Johansen-Juselius cointegration technique and the Granger causality test. The study results indicate that Institutions and growth are cointegrated and thus exhibit a reliable long run relationship. The Granger causality test findings indicate that the causality between Institutions and growth is uni-directional. However, there is no short run causality from Institutions to growth and vice versa. Therefore, as a policy implication that institutional quality may cause to the sustainable increase in country’s income in the long run, and success of any policy could be influenced by the soundness of institutions.institutions; social capital; growth; cointegration; index;granger; error correction; Johansen; pakistan

    Institutionalized Social Technologies Index: A Global Perspective

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    This paper presents an index of institutionalized social technologies covering its two main dimensions namely Risk reducing technologies and Anti Rent seeking technologies and in turn covers several social, institutional, political and economic aspects. Specifically it attempted to classify and measure various types of institutions based on a theoretical framework, these institutional indicators are then aggregated to measure cross country institutional qualities of 141 countries. We also test provide a comparison with other major indices.institutions; social technologies; social capital; index; weighting; world; aggregation; principal component; rent seeking; risk; corruption; property rights; index; normalization

    Institutions and Economic Growth: A Cross country Evidence

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    The role of institutions in promoting economic growth and development has generated considerable interest among researchers and practitioners in recent years. This paper explores the role of state institutions in promoting growth using a GMM econometric model. Specifically it attempted to test impact of two dimensions of institutions on growth using recently developed index of institutionalized social technologies and its sub indices namely Risk reducing technologies and Anti rent seeking technologies. The result suggests a strong causal link between institutional quality and economic performance, and also confirms conditional convergence as predicted in the modern theories of growthinstitutions; social technologies; index; GMM; social capital; growth; rent seeking; rent seeking; risk; corruption; property rights

    The Causal Relationship between Foreign Direct Investment and Current Account: An Empirical Investigation for Pakistan Economy

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    This paper investigates relationship between FDI and current account (CA) in Pakistan using the Johansen-Juselius cointegration technique and the Granger causality test. The study results indicate that FDI and CA are cointegrated and thus exhibit a reliable long run relationship. The Granger causality test findings indicate that the causality between FDI and CA is uni-directional. However, there is no short run causality from FDI to CA and vice versa. Therefore, as a policy implication that FDI inflows may cause to the deterioration of the balance of payments in the long run should be taken into account when policy makers decide to implement policies to attract foreign investors.Asia; Pakistan; Cointegration; Granger; causality; FDI; Current Assount; error correction

    Inhaled Insulin: Intrapulmonary or Intranasal?

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    Initial attempts delivered the insulin hormone intramuscularly, intravenously, and eventually subcutaneously. Other routes of administration of the drug were explored. These included oral, rectal, sublingual, buccal, transdermal, vaginal, intramuscular, intrapulmonary, and intranasal delivery systems. The purpose of these latter studies was to determine a noninjectable method to deliver insulin to patients with type 1 and 2 diabetes that would effectively lower blood sugar, control hemoglobin A1c (in much later studies), and allow patients a simpler, less invasive, and more direct control oftheir underlying disease process.  In January 2006 the United States Food and Drug Administration approved Exubera (Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, New York, NY) as the first pulmonary inhaled insulin. In actuality attempts to explore various methods to deliver insulin using intrapulmonary delivery had occurred since1925. &#xb

    Drivers of Profitability in Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) through Du-Pont Equation

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    This research paper aims to investigate the impact of different components of Du-Pont model on firms’ profitability (1) on stand-alone basis, and (2) in the presence of different macro-economic factors. These components include profit margin, total assets turnover and financial leverage. Financial information from five different sectors of Pakistan’s economy comprising of automobile, cement, fertilizer, oil and gas and power & distribution was collected for years ranging from FY2011 to FY2017. Few macro-economic factors such as Exchange Rates, GDP, Inflation, and Interest rates are also taken into consideration. In this paper, LS and GMM regression models have been implied on Du-Pont model (financial ratios) and the results indicate that profit margin is a major driver of profitability amongst all the other factors of Du-Pont across various economic sectors of economy of Pakistan. Hence, the business managers should exert more focus on adjusting the micro-economic factors, perhaps profitability, while adapting to macro-economic factors Keywords: Du-pont, Profitability, Pakistan, GMM, Leverage, Turnover, Sectors DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/10-10-16 Publication date:May 31st 201

    An emerging protagonist: Sodium Glucose Co-transporters (SGLTs) as a burgeoning target for the treatment of diabetes mellitus

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    Contemporary therapies to rationalize the hyperglycaemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) generally involve insulin-dependent mechanisms and lose their effectiveness as pancreatic b-cell function decreases to a greater extent. The kidney emerges out as a novel and potential target to trim down the T2DM. The filtered glucose is reabsorbed principally through the sodium glucose co-transporter-2 (SGLT2), a low affinity transport system, which is present at the luminal surface cells that cover the first segment of proximal tubules. Competitive inhibition of SGLT2 therefore represents an innovative therapeutic strategy for the treatment of hyperglycaemia and/or obesity in patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes by enhancing glucose and energy loss through the urine. Selective inhibitors of SGLT2 reduce glucose reabsorption, causing excess glucose to be eliminated in the urine; this decreases plasma glucose. SGLT2 inhibitors are coupled with osmotic dieresis and loss of weight which aid in reducing blood pressure. The observation that individuals with familial renal glycosuria maintain normal long-term kidney function provides some encouragement that this mode of action will not adversely affect renal function. This novel mechanism of targeting the kidney for the treatment of T2DM is reasonably valuable and is independent of insulin and clutch with the low risk of hypoglycemia

    News vs Sentiments: Impact of Monetary Policy Announcement on Developed and Developing Countries’ Market Performance

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    This paper investigates the impact of monetary policy announcements on the performance of the stock market in twenty countries (10 Developed and 10 developing). Exchange rate changes and changes in bond yield were taken as control. Daily basis Panel data was used with daily frequency for five (5) years (2014 – 2018).  An impact of these selected independent variables on the stock market index is estimated using the regression model and Panel Least Square model. Monetary policy data has been run in three different lags i.e. lag (0), lag (-1, -2, -3, -4), and lag (1, 2, 3, 4) in order to check the availability of monetary policy impact in pre and post announcement dates also, while the other variables run on a single lag. It is observed that the stock market of developed countries has a significant relation with monetary policy announcements, however, these announcements showed an insignificance relation with the stock market index in the case of developing countries. Moreover, exchange rates seem to have a significant effect on markets of both developing and developed countries, whereas bond yield seems to have a significant effect on the stock market of Developing countries only Keywords: monetary policy announcements, stock market index, exchange rates, bond yields, cross country, news, sentiments DOI: 10.7176/JESD/11-7-05 Publication date: April 30th 202

    Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 5/p35/p39: A Novel and Imminent Therapeutic Target for Diabetes Mellitus

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    Present therapies to minify hyperglycaemia and insulin resistance mainly target ATP-sensitive K+ channels (KATP) of pancreatic cells and PPAR-γ to enhance the insulin secretion and potential for GLUT expression, respectively. These current approaches are frequently associated with the various side effects such as hypoglycaemia and cardiovascular adverse events. CDK5 is a serine/threonine protein kinase, which forms active complexes with p35 or p39 found principally in neurons and in pancreatic β cells. Pieces of evidence from recent studies recommend the vital role of CDK5 in physiological functions in nonneuronal cells such as glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in pancreatic cells. Inhibition of CDK5 averts the decrease of insulin gene expression through the inhibition of nuclear translocation of PDX-1 which is a transcription factor for the insulin gene. The present pieces of evidence designate that CDK5 might be a potential drug target for the regulation of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in the treatment of diabetes mellitus