6 research outputs found

    High-Resolution Cranial Defect Reconstruction by Iterative, Low-Resolution, Point Cloud Completion Transformers

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    Each year thousands of people suffer from various types of cranial injuries and require personalized implants whose manual design is expensive and time-consuming. Therefore, an automatic, dedicated system to increase the availability of personalized cranial reconstruction is highly desirable. The problem of the automatic cranial defect reconstruction can be formulated as the shape completion task and solved using dedicated deep networks. Currently, the most common approach is to use the volumetric representation and apply deep networks dedicated to image segmentation. However, this approach has several limitations and does not scale well into high-resolution volumes, nor takes into account the data sparsity. In our work, we reformulate the problem into a point cloud completion task. We propose an iterative, transformer-based method to reconstruct the cranial defect at any resolution while also being fast and resource-efficient during training and inference. We compare the proposed methods to the state-of-the-art volumetric approaches and show superior performance in terms of GPU memory consumption while maintaining high-quality of the reconstructed defects

    Weigh-in-Motion Site for Type Approval of Vehicle Mass Enforcement Systems in Poland

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    The need to protect road infrastructure makes it necessary to direct the mass enforcement control of motor vehicles. Such control, in order to fulfil its role, must be continuous and universal. The only tool currently known to achieve these goals are weigh-in-motion (WIM) systems. The implementation of mass enforcement WIM systems is possible only if the requirements for their metrological properties are formulated, followed by the implementation of administrative procedures for the type approval of WIM systems, rules for their metrological examination, and administrative regulations for their practical use. The AGH University of Krakow, in cooperation with the Central Office of Measures (Polish National Metrological Institute), has been conducting research in this direction for many years, and, now, as part of a research project financed by the Ministry of Education and Science. In this paper, we describe a unique WIM system located in the south of Poland and the results of over two years of our research. These studies are intended to lead to the formulation of requirements for metrological legalisation procedures for this type of system. Our efforts are focused on implementing WIM systems in Poland for direct mass enforcement. The tests carried out confirmed that the constructed system is fully functional. Its equipment with quartz and bending plate load sensors allows for the comparison of both technologies and the measurement of many parameters of the weighed vehicle and environmental parameters affecting weighing accuracy. The tests confirmed the stability of its metrological parameters. The GVW maximal measurement error does not exceed 5%, and the single axle load maximal measurement error does not exceed 12%. The sensors of the environmental parameters allow for the search for correlations between weighing accuracy and the intensity of these parameters

    Accuracy Maps of Weigh-In-Motion Systems for Direct Enforcement

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    The need to protect road infrastructure and the environment, as well as to increase the safety of road users and to ensure fair conditions of competition in road transport, requires an increase in the efficiency of the elimination of overloaded vehicles from road traffic. The replacement of “manual” vehicle control (carried out by inspectors of the relevant services) by automatic control can ensure that these are highly effective. Such control can be implemented directly on the basis of weighing results obtained from weigh-in-motion (WIM) systems. The high sensitivity of WIM systems to various interfering factors is an obstacle to the full implementation of this goal. This paper presents a concept for accuracy maps determined for direct enforcement WIM systems. The use of such maps allows for the minimization of the probability of an error consisting in classifying a normative vehicle as an overloaded one

    Modeling and Implementation of TEG-Based Energy Harvesting System for Steam Sterilization Surveillance Sensor Node

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    The aim of this work is a proof of concept, that medical Internet of Things (IoT) sterilization surveillance sensors can be powered by using the heat during a steam sterilization procedure. Hereby, the focus was on the use of thermo-electrical generators (TEG) to generate enough power for an ultra-low-power sensor application. Power generation requirement of the sensor was 1.6 mW over the single sterilization cycle. The thermal gradient across the TEG has been achieved using a highly efficient aerogel-foam-based thermal insulation, shielding a heat storage unit (HSU), connected to one side of the TEG. The evaluation of the developed system was carried out with thermal and electrical simulations based on the parameters extracted from the TEG manufacturer’s datasheet. The developed model has been validated with a real prototype using the thermal step response method. It was important for the authors to focus on rapid-prototyping and using off-the-shelf devices and materials. Based on comparison with the physical prototype, the SPICE model was adjusted. With a thermal gradient of 12 °C, the simulated model generated over 2 mW of power. The results show that a significant power generation with this system is possible and usable for sensor applications in medial IoT

    Sensors in the Autoclave-Modelling and Implementation of the IoT Steam Sterilization Procedure Counter

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    Surgical procedures involve major risks, as pathogens can enter the body unhindered. To prevent this, most surgical instruments and implants are sterilized. However, ensuring that this process is carried out safely and according to the normative requirements is not a trivial task. This study aims to develop a sensor system that can automatically detect successful steam sterilization on the basis of the measured temperature profiles. This can be achieved only when the relationship between the temperature on the surface of the tool and the temperature at the measurement point inside the tool is known. To find this relationship, the thermodynamic model of the system has been developed. Simulated results of thermal simulations were compared with the acquired temperature profiles to verify the correctness of the model. Simulated temperature profiles are in accordance with the measured temperature profiles, thus the developed model can be used in the process of further development of the system as well as for the development of algorithms for automated evaluation of the sterilization process. Although the developed sensor system proved that the detection of sterilization cycles can be automated, further studies that address the possibility of optimization of the system in terms of geometrical dimensions, used materials, and processing algorithms will be of significant importance for the potential commercialization of the presented solution

    Deep learning-based framework for automatic cranial defect reconstruction and implant modeling

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    Background and Objective: This article presents a robust, fast, and fully automatic method for personalized cranial defect reconstruction and implant modeling. Methods: We propose a two-step deep learning-based method using a modified U-Net architecture to perform the defect reconstruction, and a dedicated iterative procedure to improve the implant geometry, followed by an automatic generation of models ready for 3-D printing. We propose a cross-case augmentation based on imperfect image registration combining cases from different datasets. Additional ablation studies compare different augmentation strategies and other state-of-the-art methods. Results: We evaluate the method on three datasets introduced during the AutoImplant 2021 challenge, organized jointly with the MICCAI conference. We perform the quantitative evaluation using the Dice and boundary Dice coefficients, and the Hausdorff distance. The Dice coefficient, boundary Dice coefficient, and the 95th percentile of Hausdorff distance averaged across all test sets, are 0.91, 0.94, and 1.53 mm respectively. We perform an additional qualitative evaluation by 3-D printing and visualization in mixed reality to confirm the implant’s usefulness. Conclusion: The article proposes a complete pipeline that enables one to create the cranial implant model ready for 3-D printing. The described method is a greatly extended version of the method that scored 1st place in all AutoImplant 2021 challenge tasks. We freely release the source code, which together with the open datasets, makes the results fully reproducible. The automatic reconstruction of cranial defects may enable manufacturing personalized implants in a significantly shorter time, possibly allowing one to perform the 3-D printing process directly during a given intervention. Moreover, we show the usability of the defect reconstruction in a mixed reality that may further reduce the surgery time