6 research outputs found

    Doubly even self-orthogonal codes from quasi-symmetric designs

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    In this paper, we give a construction of doubly even self-orthogonal codes from quasi-symmetric designs. Further, we study orbit matrices of quasi-symmetric designs and give a construction of doubly even self-orthogonal codes from orbit matrices of quasi-symmetric designs of Blokhuis-Haemers type.Comment: 13 page

    The implementation of an urban plan - monitoring and evaluation in the case study of the Detailed Regulation Plan for the Reconstruction of Four Urban Blocks in Vračar

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    Regulation plans have been implemented in Serbia over the past twenty years as the main operational instrument of planning. However, a general, systemic investigation of the effects of their implementation has failed. Because the elements of regulation and the rules for development and construction applied significantly affect the character of urban space, the intention is to point out the need to establish procedures and criteria for regular evaluation of the built environment and the need to continuously re-examine planning attitudes. The input data for redefining the scope and shape of regulation can be obtained by analyzing the planning process and evaluating its results. The chosen case study encompasses the plan for four urban blocks in Vračar and includes the 15-year period since its adoption. The extent to which the Plan has met the set objectives from the point of view of urban planning and conservation will be investigated through an analysis of the results obtained in practice, while failures and possible improvements will be pointed out

    Supporting Pharmacovigilance Signal Validation and Prioritization with Analyses of Routinely Collected Health Data: Lessons Learned from an EHDEN Network Study

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    Introduction: Individual case reports are the main asset in pharmacovigilance signal management. Signal validation is the first stage after signal detection and aims to determine if there is sufficient evidence to justify further assessment. Throughout signal management, a prioritization of signals is continually made. Routinely collected health data can provide relevant contextual information but are primarily used at a later stage in pharmacoepidemiological studies to assess communicated signals. Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the feasibility and utility of analysing routine health data from a multinational distributed network to support signal validation and prioritization and to reflect on key user requirements for these analyses to become an integral part of this process. Methods: Statistical signal detection was performed in VigiBase, the WHO global database of individual case safety reports, targeting generic manufacturer drugs and 16 prespecified adverse events. During a 5-day study-a-thon, signal validation and prioritization were performed using information from VigiBase, regulatory documents and the scientific literature alongside descriptive analyses of routine health data from 10 partners of the European Health Data and Evidence Network (EHDEN). Databases included in the study were from the UK, Spain, Norway, the Netherlands and Serbia, capturing records from primary care and/or hospitals. Results: Ninety-five statistical signals were subjected to signal validation, of which eight were considered for descriptive analyses in the routine health data. Design, execution and interpretation of results from these analyses took up to a few hours for each signal (of which 15–60 minutes were for execution) and informed decisions for five out of eight signals. The impact of insights from the routine health data varied and included possible alternative explanations, potential public health and clinical impact and feasibility of follow-up pharmacoepidemiological studies. Three signals were selected for signal assessment, two of these decisions were supported by insights from the routine health data. Standardization of analytical code, availability of adverse event phenotypes including bridges between different source vocabularies, and governance around the access and use of routine health data were identified as important aspects for future development. Conclusions: Analyses of routine health data from a distributed network to support signal validation and prioritization are feasible in the given time limits and can inform decision making. The cost–benefit of integrating these analyses at this stage of signal management requires further research

    Стратегија одрживог урбаног развоја Републике Србије до 2030. године [награда 28. Међународни салон урбанизма]

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    Влада Републике Србије је 13.јуна 2019.године усвојила националну политику урбаног развоја. Стратегија представља кохерентан сет одлука, вођених од стране националне владе кроз процес сарадње различитих актера у формулисању заједничке визије и циљева, којима се усмерава дугорочни трансформативни, продуктивни, инклузивни и резилијентан урбани развој. Ослања се на интегрални и координисани приступ решавању кључних и ургентних питања урбаног развоја, како би се побољшао квалитет живота унапређењем коришћења територијалног/урбаног капитала и креативних ресурса, и подстицањем раста (иновативне) урбане економије и ефикасноог управљања урбаним развојем. Посебан допринос стретегије је постигнути политички консензус у дефинисању 6 приоритетних националних програма урбаног развоја. Посред традиционалних, стратегија уводи и иновативне управљачке инструменте, који су од значаја за европске интеграције Србије; они ће омогућити доступност финансирања урбаног развоја из различитих извора, укључујући националне, ЕУ и глобалне фондове

    Technical and logical methods for improving the process of urban planning in Serbia

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    The subject of the paper is an analysis of the methodology for developing urban plans, considered in a normative, organizational and interest context. Based on current legislation defining the content and procedure for adopting a plan, and the institutional framework that defines the participants in the planning process, a basic methodological model for a planning solution was formed, which was then improved in the context of the collaborative planning paradigm. Starting from the assumption that harmonizing the different interests represents the “grey zone” of planning in Serbia, the paper explores various methodological steps that would give a space for better cooperation between all stakeholders, and therefore contribute to the improvement of procedures for developing plans and the quality of the planning solutions themselves. On the basis of this research, a methodology for urban planning is defined as a logical and technical method of successively configuring a planning solution in a normative, organizational and interest context. Through analysis of the application of the methodological model in practice and a case study, it was confirmed that the method of producing a plan that includes timely and meaningful cooperation can reconcile the interests of the different stakeholders in planning