21 research outputs found

    Об одном из вариантов нарушения самосознания у больных латентной шизофренией

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    The article deals with the results of psychological and psychiatric analysis of age regression in patients with latent schizophrenia along with depersonalization, infantilism and social phobia. Clinical and social features of the phenomenon, internal psychological picture of the impairment of age self-consciousness (age regression) as a variant of auto-allopsychic depersonalization are discussed.В статье приведены результаты исследования нарушений возрастного самосознания у больных латентной шизофренией. Рассмотрены клинические проявления, особенности внутренней картины болезни, психологические и социальные аспекты феномена возрастного регресса как одной из разновидностей ауто-аллопсихической деперсонализации

    Borderline mental disorders in patients with prostate cancer

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    Sixty five patients, aged 48-87, with prostate cancer at different stages were studied. Borderline mental disorders were found in all the patients. in the majority of them, affective disorders in the form of anxiety-depressive (52,3%) and astheno-depressive (24,6%) syndromes were observed. Astheno-hypochondriacal and dysphoric syndromes were detected less frequently (in 15,4% and 7,7% of the cases, respectively)

    Borderline mental disorders in patients with prostate cancer

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    Sixty five patients, aged 48-87, with prostate cancer at different stages were studied. Borderline mental disorders were found in all the patients. in the majority of them, affective disorders in the form of anxiety-depressive (52,3%) and astheno-depressive (24,6%) syndromes were observed. Astheno-hypochondriacal and dysphoric syndromes were detected less frequently (in 15,4% and 7,7% of the cases, respectively)

    Impaired Mental Age Self-Consciousness in Latent Schizophrenia

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    BACKGROUND: The topic of research was phenomenon of impaired age self-consciousness in non-psychotic latent schizophrenia patients defined. METHODS: The study sample comprised 141 patients with latent schizophrenia (pseudo neurotic (F21.3 - 64.5%, 91 patients), coenesthopathic (F20.8 - 25.5%, 36 patients) and pseudo psychopathic (F21.4 - 9.9%, 14 patients)) aged 16-31 (average 22.1 years old) in 2007-2019. A follow-up, experimental psychological and clinical study was conducted. RESULTS: The onset of impaired age self-identity was dominated by a radical drop of the subjective age in self-conscious mind of the patients accompanied by a tormented feeling of loss of self-dependence, role autonomy, helplessness, inability of decision making and to be answerable. Patients described this sudden condition as a loss of 'maturity feeling' and return to the juvenile perception of self. In a delusive and unclear manner, phrases such as 'I feel inferior to others as if a helpless child among adults', 'I feel as if my childhood is back' were uttered. Excessive worrying and enlivening of childhood memories were also included. This correlates to occurrence of humble and sometimes dependent/avoidant behavior, feeling of helplessness and fear with respect to caring for one self, rising subordination and suggestibility. CONCLUSIONS: This phenomenon of regress to earlier ontogenetic level of personal development reported as impaired age self-consciousness can thus be regarded as an obligate form of depersonalization in patients with latent schizophrenia


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    Alcoholism is a severe chronic mental illness, often subordinating all aspects of the patient’s life and quickly leading to social degradation. In recent years we observed a certain change in the attitude towards the classical therapeutic approach, which implies a complete abstention from alcohol intake. This was due to the research on pharmacological agents that can affect the brain reinforcement system, thereby reducing craving and decreasing the amount of alcohol consumed. This article describes a clinical case of changing the pattern of alcohol abuse during the use of opioid receptor antagonist naltrexone in the form of injections for the treatment of a patient with severe alcohol dependence, resistant to psychopharmacotherapy. The effectiveness and duration of the treatment course is determined primarily by patients’ motivation or by the interest of persons close to the patient.В данной статье описан клинический случай применения антагониста опиоидных рецепторов налтрексона пролонгированного действия в форме инъекций для лечения пациента с тяжелым случаем алкогольной зависимости, резистентной к психофармакотерапии. Эффективность и продолжительность курса лечения, определяется в первую очередь, мотивацией больных либо заинтересованностью близких пациенту лиц

    Cerebral cryptococcosys with depressive disorder

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    A case of cerebral cryptococcosis is described. Cryptococcus neoformans is the most pathogenic in humans. It often affects lungs, skin, muscles and tissues of the Central Nervous System (CNS). In case of CNS involvement, the main clinically diagnosed form of the disease is cryptococcal meningitis. The authors describe a patient with non-specific symptoms of anxiety—depressive disorder and further development of neurological symptoms and behavioral deviations. © 2018, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All Rights Reserved


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