28 research outputs found

    Dinamika nakupljanja fitata i otpuštanja vode tokom nalivanja zrna kukuruza, II - dinamika otpuštanja vode

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    The seed filling is a functional consequence of two parallel processes: increasing of water content (incorporates substances and serves as a reaction medium in seeds) and increasing of dry matter content (by absorption and polymerisation). The increase of seed weight was occurring up to the moment of maximal polymerisation, when seed started to release water to get into a dormant stage. The aim of this experiment was to examine dynamics of free, hygroscopic and constitution water during seed filling in four populations and six ZP hybrids of maize, as well as, their correlation with phytic and inorganic phosphorus, as well as, soluble proteins. The dominant water form present during the seed filling was free water. Decreasing of its content occurred 30 days after pollination, while the period of maximum seed weight maintenance was observed more in hybrids than in populations. Moreover, the period of intensive seed filling was longer hybrids than in populations. The dynamics of hygroscopic water had sinusoidal trend for all genotypes. The drop in the content of free water during seed filling occurred at the same time as the decrease in the content of constitution water. The alterations in contents of free and constitution water were, to a great extent, related to the phytate accumulation and the decrease of soluble proteins. From the point of view of selection, the genotypes, such as the population 216, with low phytate and moisture contents in seeds, could serve as a basis for breeding programmes of genotypes with a greater dry down rate.Nalivanje semena je funkcionalna posledica dva paralelna procesa: povećanja sadržaja vode (unosi supstance za izgradnju semena i služi kao reakcioni medijum) i povećanja sadržaja suve materije (apsorpcijom i polimerizacijom). Navedeni rast mase se dešava do trenutka kada procesi polimerizacije dostignu svoj maksimum i kada seme počne da otpušta vodu da bi prešlo u stanje mirovanja. Cilj ogleda je bio da se ispita dinamika slobodne, higroskopne i konstitucione vode tokom nalivanja semena kod četiri populacije i šest ZP hibrida kukuruza, kao i njihova korelacija sa fitinskim i neorganskim fosforom i rastvorljivim proteinima. Tokom nalivanja semena kukuruza dominantna forma vode je bila slobodna voda. Smanjenje njenog sadržaja je nastupilo već nakon 30 dana od oplodnje, dok je kod hibrida period zadržavanja maksimalne mase semena, tj. period intenzivnijeg nalivanja bio nešto duži u odnosu na populacije. Dinamika higroskopne vode je imala sinusoidni trend koji je bio sličan kod većine genotipova. Paralelno sa padom slobodne vode tokom nalivanja semena kukuruza bio je prisutan i trend pada konstitucione vode. Promene sadržaja slobodne i konstitucione vode su bile u visokom stepenu vezane za nakupljanje fitata i smanjenje solubilnih proteina. S tačke gledišta odabira genotipova koji bi mogli predstavljati bazu za brzo otpuštanje vlage prilikom zrenja semena trebalo bi uzeti u obzir populaciju 216, koja uporedo ima i niži nivo fitata u semenu

    Dinamika nakupljanja fitata i otpuštanja vode tokom nalivanja semena kukuruza, I - dinamika nakupljanja fitinskog fosfora

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    Phytic acid is a phosphorus compound with the widest prevalence in nature; it encompasses 60-80% of seed phosphorus. Phytic acid is considered as an antinutritive compound and it is indigestible by monogastric animals. The lowering of the phytic content in course of increasing of available, i.e. inorganic phosphorus in maize seed could be achieved through breeding of the present populations. Phosphorus metabolism in low-phytic genotypes differs during seed filling. The aim of this experiment was to determine the accumulation of inorganic and phytic phosphorus, as well as, of soluble proteins in seed of four populations and six ZP hybrids, including one potentially low phytic population. The synthesis of storage substances, such as phytate, was the most intensive during the first 30 days of seed filling, which was particularly expressed in hybrids. In seed of populations with a relatively low phytic P content the phytate accumulation lasted during the whole filling period. In accordance with the increase of the phytic P content, the contents of inorganic P and soluble proteins decreased, and this reduction reached its maximum 15-30 days after pollination. It is important to underline that the content of all three examined components was relatively uniform in hybrid seed, while non-uniformity at the level of populations, especially in the content of phytic P can serve as a source of favourable properties for breeders.Fitinska kiselina je najrasprostranjenije jedinjenje koje sadrži fosfor, i to 60-80% ukupnog fosfora u semenu. Ona se smatra antinutritivnom supstancom, jer monogastrični organizmi ne mogu da je svare. Smanjenje sadržaja fitinskog na ime lako pristupačnog, tj. neorganskog fosfora u semenu kukuruza moguće je izvršiti selekcijom genotipova iz postojećih populacija. Kod nisko-fitinskih genotipova kukuruza metabolizam fosfornih jedinjenja je drugačiji prilikom nalivanja semena. Cilj ogleda je bio da se ispita dinamika nakupljanja neorganskog i fitinskog fosfora, kao i rastvorljivih proteina tokom nalivanja semena kod četiri populacije i šest ZP hibrida kukuruza, uključujući i jednu potencijalno nisko-fitinsku populaciju. Tokom prvih 30 dana nalivanja semena kukuruza sinteza skladišnih supstanci, kao što je fitat, bila je najintenzivnija, što je posebno bilo izraženo kod hibrida kukuruza. Kod populacija sa relativno niskim učešćem fitinskog fosfora sinteza fitata je trajala tokom čitavog perioda nalivanja. Srazmerno povećanju sadržaja fitinskog, došlo je do smanjenja sadržaja neorganskog fosfora i rastvorljivih proteina, ali je ono bilo najintenzivnije između 15. i 30. dana od oplodnje. Značajno je istaći da je kod hibrida bio prisutan ujednačen sadržaj sve tri ispitivane komponente, dok neujednačenost na nivou populacija, pogotovo u sadržaju fitinskog fosfora može poslužiti kao izvor pogodnih svojstava za selekcionare

    Determination of free phenolic acids from leaves within different colored maize

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    Along with other plant parts, maize leaves are widely used for making fermented food for cattle, known as silage. Since there have only been a few reports on studies concerning the extraction and determination of phenolic acids from maize leaves, the main goal of this investigation was to evaluate the content of free phenolic acids in the leaves of fifteen different maize inbred lines. Reverse-phase, high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC), with a photodiode array detector (DAD), was performed. Under the optimized chromatographic conditions, referring to short time of sample preparation, small quantities of solvent and direct injection of the extract into HPLC, phenolic acids (i.e., gallic, protocatechuic, caffeic, p-coumaric and ferulic acid) were successfully separated in less than 25 min, indicating that the method could be applied for routine analysis. The efficiency and validation of the method was evaluated by measuring the rate parameters: linearity, limit of detection and quantification, accuracy and precision. The obtained results showed that the most abundant free phenolic acid was p-coumaric acid (23.57 mu g g(-1) dry weight), followed by ferulic and caffeic acids (21.27 and 20.78 mu g g(-1) dry weight, respectively). Principal Component Analysis (PCA) revealed the existence of a link

    Genetička varijabilnost fitina i neorganskog fosfora u populacijama kukuruza

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    Analysis of 60 maize populations was conducted to identify genotypes that had either low or high concentration of phytate. Genetic variability in seed phytate content was observed, with values ranging from 1,147 to 4, 13 g kg-1. Inorganic phosphorus (Pi) concentrations were between 0, 35 and 1, 29 and averaged 0, 65 g kg-1. Three groups of populations were identified as having low, intermediate and high phytate content. The low phytate concentration was measured in eight, intermediate in 25 and high in 27 populations. Positive correlation was found between phytate and protein. Population 216 had the lowest phytate concentration of 1, 14 gkg-1, and a Pi concentration 40% greater than Pi mean but lower than average protein content. This population will be used for further breeding genotypes with low phytate content and good agronomic traits.Analizirano je 60 populacija kukuruza u cilju identifikacije genotipova koji imaju nizak ili visok sadržaj fitina. Utvrđena je genetička varijabilnost u sadržaju fitina u opsegu od 1,147 do 4,13 g kg-1. Sadržaj neorganskog fosfora je bila između 0,35 i 1,29, prosečno 0,65 g kg-1. Tri grupe populacija su identifikovane koje sadrže nizak, srednji i visok sadržaj fitina. U osam populacija izmerena je niska koncentracija fitina, u 25 srednja i u 27 visoka. Pozitivna korelacija je utvrđena između sadržaja fitina i proteina. Populacija 216 ima najnižu koncetraciju fitina 1,14 gkg-1, i Pi koncetraciju 40% veću nego prosek Pi ali niži od proseka sadržaj proteina. Ova populacija će se koristiti za dalju selekciju genotipova sa niskim sadržajem fitina i dobrim agronomskim osobinama

    Alteration of metabolites accumulation in maize inbreds leaf tissue under long-term water deficit

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    Plants reconfigure their metabolic pathways to cope with water deficit. The aim of this study was to determine the status of the physiological parameters and the content of phenolic acids in the upper most ear leaf of maize inbred lines contrasting in drought tolerance in terms of improved plant productivity e.g., increased grain yield. The experiment was conducted under irrigation and rain-fed conditions. In drought-tolerant lines, the effect of water deficit was reflected through a chlorophyll and nitrogen balance index increase followed by a flavonols index decrease. The opposite trend was noticed in drought susceptible inbreds, with the exception of the anthocyanins index. Moreover, in comparison to irrigation treatment, opposite trends in the correlations between grain yield and physiological parameters found under water deficit conditions indicated the activation of different metabolic pathways in defense against water deficit stress. Concerning phenolic acid content, water deficit caused the reduction of protocatechuic, caffeic, and sinapic acid in all inbreds evaluated. However, the highly pronounced increase of ferulic and especially cinnamic acid content under water deficit conditions indicated possible crucial role of these secondary metabolites in preventing the harmful effects of water deficit stress, which, in turn, might be useful in maize breeding selection for drought toleranc

    Uticaj različitih pesticida i napada kukuruznog plamenca na sadržaj fitinskog fosfora u zrnu kukuruza

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    This work aimed to evaluate changes in phytic phosphorus content as the response of three maize hybrids (ZP 457, ZP 5601, and ZP 606) to different pesticide treatments for European Corn Borer (ECB) attacks and, as well as the correlation between damage caused by ECB attack and Pphy content. In the experimental field, maize ears were sampled and dried at a moisture content of 14% for the determination of changes in phytic phosphorus content in the grain. The content of phytic phosphorus was determined using UV / VIS spectrophotometry. Observed results showed the highest content of phytic phosphorus for untreated control for all tested hybrids, compared to pesticide treatments. The content of Pphy in the tested maize kernel samples ranged from 2.12 to 3.40 mg g -1. A significant positive correlation between attacks of larvae and Pphy content could indicate activation of its antioxidative function as a response to damage caused by ECB attack.Cilj ovog rada je procena promene u sadržaju fitinskog fosfora kao odgovora tri hibrida kukuruza (ZP 457, ZP 5601 i ZP 606) na različite tretmane pesticidima protiv napada kukuruznog plamenca, kao i određivanje korelacije između oštećenja biljke izazvane napadom larvi i sadržaja fitinskog fosfora. U oglednom polju uzorkovani su klipovi kukuruza radi određivanja promene sadržaja fitinskog fosfora u zrnu UV/VIS spektrofotometrijom. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali najveći sadržaj fitinskog fosfora za netretiranu kontrolu kod svih ispitivanih hibrida u poređenju sa tretmanima pesticidima. Sadržaj fitinskog fosfora u ispitivanim uzorcima zrna kukuruza kretao se od 2,12 do 3,40 mg g-1. Uočena značajna pozitivna korelacija između napada larvi i sadržaja fitinskog P može ukazivati na aktivaciju njegove antioksidativne funkcije kao odgovor na oštećenja izazvana napadom kukuruznog plamenca

    Application of different methods for measuring carotenoid status in maize grain

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    Maize grain carotenoids are among the most abundant in cereals, exhibiting considerable diversity in the composition profiles. In this experiment, HPLC-DAD was used for lutein and zeaxanthin (predominant carotenoids) and β-carotene (proVA carotenoid) determination in flour of whole maize kernel. In addition, Raman spectroscopy, as a non-destructive method for pretreatment-free and rapid in situ screening of carotenoids status in different kernel regions, was applied. Six yellow maize inbred lines (L1-L6) were evaluated. After the spectral normalization, deconvolution was performed on three individual bands in three observed regions on kernel longitudinal section (aleurone cell layer, floury and vitreous endosperm), for all genotypes. It was found that the mean fitted area and intensity of three main carotenoid bands were the highest at 1520 cm-1, medium at 1155 cm-1 and the lowest for the band at 1007 cm-1, as spectral features used to identify carotenoids and quantify relative carotenoid concentration. Both the highest values for mean band fitted area and intensity observed in the floury endosperm, and the lowest in the aleurone cell layer, were recorded in the same regions for all genotypes evaluated. L1 and L2 exhibited the highest values, while L3 and L4 exhibited the lowest values for the average and total band area. Significant and negative correlation between carotenoid content quantified by HPLC-DAD and bands area fit for vitreous endosperm region obtained by Raman spectroscopy (-0.847; p≤0.05), and between carotenoid content and total bands area (-0.898; p≤0.05) indicated the competition for carbon supplies reflected through increased starch reposition over carotenoids accumulation