56 research outputs found

    Agriculture ā€“ A Stakeholder in the Causality of Climate Change

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    Uz uvažavanje posebnosti pojedinih znanstvenih disciplina, pristup problematici klimatskih promjena mora biti promotren na interdisciplinarnoj razini i postavljen kao imperativ svih budućih djelovanja. Tek svekolikost ljudske misli i djela, s namjerom točnoga definiranja oblika i razine okoliÅ”noga utjecaja pojedinih gospodarskih djelatnosti, kao i ukazivanje na njih, može rezultirati postavljanjem preciznih ishodiÅ”nih točaka s jasno vidljivim ciljem ā€“ ublaženje i prilagodba klimatskim promjenama. Teme o utjecaju klimatskih promjena na naÅ”e živote, okoliÅ” i općenito na ekosustav svakodnevno i sa sve većom pozornoŔću zauzimaju svekoliki medijski prostor, privlače pozornost javnosti i postaju važnim i neizostavnim pitanjem svakog ozbiljnijega političkog djelovanja. Iz ovoga ugla klimatske promjene projiciraju dva osnovna principa: princip uzročnosti, prema kojem težina posljedica treba biti razmjerna težini odgovornosti i princip niveliranosti, po kojem daljnji postupci moraju biti u skladu smanjenja i ublažavanja nastalih klimatskih oÅ”tećenja, a prvenstveno zaÅ”tite prirodnih životnih temelja. Različite znanstvene discipline imaju različit pristup problemu klimatskih promjena. Međutim, ono Å”to im je objedinjujuća odlika jest zajednička točka interesa koja egzistira u čovjeku, čovječanstvu i u njihovoj egzistenciji. Poljoprivreda je ljudska egzistencijalna osnova koja je značajnim dijelom naruÅ”ena upravo poljoprivredom. Ovaj paradoks proizlazi iz činjenice kako je poljoprivredna proizvodnja značajan onečiŔćivač okoliÅ”a, i značajan dionik u klimatskim promjenama. Posljedično, klimatskim promjenama dovodi se u pitanje osnovna ljudska egzistencijalna potreba, prehrana. Svaka projekcija daljnjega razvoja poljoprivrede, a posebice u dužem vremenskom razdoblju, nužno mora uključivati, pored ekoloÅ”kih, ekonomskih, socioloÅ”kih i klimatski čimbenik. Mogućih rjeÅ”enja ima mnogo, a djelovanje po njima trebalo bi se odvijati u tri osnovna smjera/razine: stagnacija daljnje degradacije okoliÅ”a (prvenstveno atmosfere), ublažavanje uzroka klimatskih promjena i prilagodba utjecajima klimatskih promjena.Taking into account the particularities of individual disciplines, the approach to climate change issues must be examined on an interdisciplinary level and set as an imperative for all future activities. Only the totality of human thought and action, with the intention to correctly define the form and the level of environmental impact of certain economic activities, as well as pointing to them, can result in setting precise starting points with a clearly visible goal - mitigation and adaptation to climate change. Topics on the impact of climate change on our lives, the environment and the ecosystem in general are on a daily basis and with growing attention occupying the overall media space, attracting the public\u27s attention and becoming an important and even essential issue of any serious political action. From this view the climate changes project two basic principles: the principle of causality, according to which the weight of the consequences should be commensurate with the weight of responsibility, and the levelling principle, according to which further actions must be towards reduction and mitigation of climate damage, primarily to protect the natural foundations of life. Different scientific disciplines have different approaches to the problem of climate change. However, what unifies them is the common point of interest that exists in man, humanity and in their existence. Agriculture is a human existential basis that is significantly impaired precisely by agriculture. This paradox stems from the fact that the agricultural production is a significant polluter of the environment, and an important stakeholder in the climate change. Consequently, climate change undermines the basic human existential need, food. Every projection of further agricultural development, especially in the long term, must necessarily include, in addition to environmental, economic and social factors, the climatic factor, as well. There are many possible solutions, and acting according to them should be carried out in three main directions/levels: the stagnation of further environmental degradation (primarily the atmosphere), the mitigation of the causes of climate change, and the adaptation to the impacts of climate changes

    Strategies of Growing Several Sorghum Cultivars as a Post-Harvest Crop in North-Eastern Croatia Condition

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    Recent climate changes lead toward possibility of using longer period of higher temperatures after winter crops harvest for establishing post-harvest crop, such is sorghum. It can produce significant biomass, useful both for feed and bioenergy, even in drier summers, with reduced soil tillage preparation. The trial was set up in Poljanci, Croatia, in years 2015 and 2016 as a split-plot design with foliar fertilizers and sorghum cultivars treatments, established by diskharrowing soil after winter wheat harvest in mid-July, and harvested before autumn frosts at the end of November. Foliar fertilizers treatments were C) Control (no fertilization), B) Biological (Condi agro) and M) Mineral (EcoTop Folimax) foliar fertilizers. Cultivars used in trial were KSH3723, KSH3724, Lemnos, Leonie, Merlin, Sammos, Santos, Sole, Tarzan and Zerberus. Foliar fertilizer treatments B and M showed higher dried biomass yield for 7 and 11% in comparison with C, respectively. Difference between treatments were higher at fresh biomass yield. Treatments B and M showed 12 and 22% higher fresh biomass yield than C, respectively. Regarding the tested sorghum cultivars, the highest fresh biomass yield was recorded for Leonie (32933 kg ha-1), followed by Lemnos (27467 kg ha-1) and KSH3724 (26600 kg ha-1), whereas the lowest yield was recorded for Zerberus (19600 kg ha-1)

    Cover crops in conservation agriculture

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    Konzervacijska poljoprivreda sa svojim temeljnim principima (trajna pokrovnost tla, minimalna obrada i plodored) jedan je od najučinkovitijih sustava za prilagodbu poljoprivredne proizvodnje nepovoljnim uvjetima klimatskih promjena. Brojne prednosti konzervacijske poljoprivrede dodatno su izražene integracijom pokrovnih usjeva u plodored. Pokrovni usjevi uvode se u inovativne sustave biljne proizvodnje u svrhu poboljŔanja kemijskih, fizikalnih i bioloŔkih svojstava tla uz pozitivan utjecaj na bioraznolikost i doprinos održivosti poljoprivredne proizvodnje. Cilj ovoga rada je pregledno prikazati neke od glavnih uloga pokrovnih usjeva u konzervacijskoj poljoprivredi s osvrtom na zaŔtitu tla od erozije, konzervaciju vode i hraniva te utjecaj na organsku tvar i strukturu tla.Conservation agriculture with its basic principles (permanent soil cover, minimal soil disturbance and crop rotation) is one of the most effective tools for adapting agricultural production to the adverse conditions of climate change. The numerous advantages of conservation agriculture are further expressed by the integration of cover crops into the crop rotation. Cover crops are introduced into innovative plant production systems for the purpose of improving the chemical, physical and biological properties of the soil with a positive impact on biodiversity and contributing to the sustainability of agricultural production. The aim of this paper is to present some of the main roles of cover crops in conservation agriculture with emphasis on soil erosion protection, water and nutrient conservation, and the impact on organic matter and soil structure


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    Although organic crop production has numerous advantages, concerns about economic sustainability, both environmental and financial, make farmers reluctant to convert their conventional production into the organic production. Certain agricultural methods, such as second crop use, can alleviate some problems regarding soil tilth, erosion prevention, nutrients availability and weed control, thus contributing toward more sustainable crop production. Also, the added value crop growth, such as maize (Zea mais L.) hybrid\u27s parental line production, with lower yields but higher prices, can contribute to sustainability of organic production. In order to test the hypothesis that the use of second crops can contribute toward the sustainability of organically grown maize after soybean (Glycine max L.) as a previous crop in the crop rotation, the experimental site was established in Valpovo, Croatia, in the eutric brown soil type, during the years 2005 and 2006. The experimental design was set up as a CRBD in four repetitions, with six second crop treatments: CT ā€“ Control, without second crop; WW ā€“ winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) second crop; RY ā€“ rye (Secale cereale L.) second crop; FP ā€“ fodder pea (Pisum arvense L.) second crop; WP ā€“ mixture of WW and FP; and RP ā€“ mixture of RY and FP. In order to assess the soil surface protection and evaluate the weed suppression, the second crop coverage had been recorded. Regarding the economic sustainability, the second crop use depending costs were analysed in relation to the extra produced maize yield. The RY treatment had the highest profitability, followed by WW, RP and O. The WP and FP revealed lower relative profitability than O, thus presenting the evidence of sustainability risk of these treatments.Premda ekoloÅ”ka poljoprivreda ima brojnih prednosti, zabrinutost zbog održivosti, i ekoloÅ”ke i ekonomske, farmere često odvraća od prijelaza s konvencionalne proizvodnje na ekoloÅ”ku. Intenzifikacijom plodoreda uporabom postrnih usjeva, mogu ukloniti neke probleme vezane za ugorenost tla, prevenciju erozije, dostupnost hraniva i suzbijanje korova, doprinoseći na taj način održivosti proizvodnje usjeva. Također, uzgoj usjeva s dodatnom vrijednoŔću, kao Å”to su roditeljske linije za proizvodnju hibrida kukuruza (Zea mais L.), s nižim prinosima ali viÅ”om cijenom, može pridonijeti održivosti (profitabilnosti) ekoloÅ”ke proizvodnje. U namjeri da se potvrdi hipoteza da postrni usjevi mogu doprinijeti održivosti ekoloÅ”kog uzgoja kukuruza u dvopoljnom plodoredu sa sojom (Glycine max L.) kao prethodnim usjevom, postavljeno je pokuÅ”aliÅ”te u Valpovu, Hrvatska, na eutričnom smeđem tlu, tijekom 2005. i 2006. godine. Pokus je postavljen kao potpuno slučajan blok raspored u četiri ponavljanja, sa Å”est tretmana postrnih usjeva: CT ā€“ kontrola, bez postrnih usjeva; WW ā€“ ozima pÅ”enica (Triticum aestivum L.); RY ā€“ ozima raž (Secale cereale L.); FP ā€“ stočni graÅ”ak (Pisum arvense L.); WP ā€“ smjesa WW i FP; te RP ā€“ smjesa RY i FP. U cilju određivanja zaÅ”tite povrÅ”ine tla i evaluacije suzbijanja korova, zabilježena je pokrivenost postrnim usjevima. Glede isplativosti, analizirani su relativni troÅ”kovi upotrebe postrnih usjeva u odnosu na dodatno proizvedeni urod kukuruza. RY tretman je zabilježio najviÅ”u profitabilnost, a pratili su ga tretmani WW, RP i O. Tretmani WP i FP pokazali su se manje profitabilni od O, time pružajući dokaze o rizičnoj održivosti ovih tretmana


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    The winter barley crop growing has not been adequately researched regarding soil tillage systems, especially in crop rotation with the soybean, both crops gaining importance as food or fodder. Also, productivity of such crop rotation in low nitrogen environment is especially interesting for organic crop growing, where mineral nitrogen fertilization is not allowed. The research on two soil tillage systems, the conventional one, based on mouldboard ploughing (PLOW) and reduced soil tillage, based on discharrowing (DISC), with no other nitrogen source except symbiotic soybean bacterial fixation, was conducted at the experimental site BokÅ”ić (Croatia), during the seasons 2004/05 and 2005/06. Results showed low but stable yields of winter barley, between 2.1 and 2.6 t ha-1, where PLOW treatment recorded lower yield than DISC in 2005, and usual soybean yields (between 2.8 and 3.4 t ha-1), with higher soybean grain yields for PLOW only in 2006. The absolute mass and hectolitre mass did not show any statistical differences among treatments either.Uzgoj ozimog ječma nije adekvatno istražen glede sustava obrade tla, posebice u plodoredu sa sojom, a oba usjeva dobivaju na važnosti kao hrana za ljude ili krma za životinje. Isto tako, produktivnost ovakvog plodoreda u uvjetima niske gnojidbe duÅ”ikom je osobito zanimljiva za ekoloÅ”ku poljoprivredu, gdje koriÅ”tenje mineralnih duÅ”ičnih gnojiva nije dopuÅ”teno. Istraživanje dvaju sustava obrade tla, konvencionalnog, baziranog na oranju lemeÅ”nim plugom (PLOW), te reduciranog, baziranog na tanjuranju (DISC), bez ikakvog izvora duÅ”ika osim duÅ”ika simbiotski vezanog kvržičnim bakterijama na soji, provedeno je na pokuÅ”aliÅ”tu BokÅ”ić (Hrvatska), tijekom sezona 2004/05-2005/06. Rezultati su pokazali niske ali stabilne urode ozimog ječma, između 2.1 i 2.6 t ha-1, gdje je na PLOW tretmanu zabilježen niži prinos nego na DISC tretmanu u 2005. godini, te uobičajene urode soje (između 2.8 i 3.4 t ha-1), s viÅ”im urodima zrna soje na PLOW tretmanu samo u 2006. godini. Razlike apsolutne i hektolitarske mase među tretmanima nisu bile statistički opravdane


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    The second crop use in organic agriculture is a known method of maintaining the soil tilth, soil protection against environmental deterioration, soil nutrients conservation and even the weed control. The nitrogen conservation from previous leguminose crop is even more important, especially in the organic agriculture where use of N-fertilizers is the strictly forbiden, and second crops can be used as a catch crops for nutrients in rotation prior to the crops with the high N requirement. The choice of the proper second crop has, however, been insufficiently investigated, especially for agri-environmental conditions of the Panonian agricultural area in Croatia. The second crop experiment was established in Valpovo, Croatia, in the eutric brown soil type, during the years 2005 and 2006. The aim of the experiment was to investigate the effects of different second crops and their combinations on maize (Zea mais L.) yield and yield components in organic agriculture after soybean (Glycine max L.) in crop rotation. The experimental design was set up as a CRBD in four repetitions, with soybean as a previous crop in crop rotation. The six second crop treatments were: O ā€“ Control, without second crop; WW ā€“ winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) second crop; RY ā€“ rye (Secale cereale L.) second crop; FP ā€“ fodder pea (Pisum arvense L.) second crop; WP ā€“ mixture of the WW and FP; and RP ā€“ mixture of RY and FP. The WW treatment had the highest second crop dry mass, whereas FP had the lowest dry mass. The highest plant density was recorded for FP, and it was higher than the RP plant density, which also had the lowest plant height. The achieved maize yields were the highest for RY, but they were not significanlty different from the O, RP, and WW treatments. However, the yield achieved by RY treatment was significantly higher than the yields recorded for WP and FP treatments. The absolute mass and hectolitre mass did not show any statistical differences among treatments.Upotreba postrnih usjeva u ekoloÅ”koj/organskoj poljoprivredi je priznata metoda za održavanje ugorenosti tla, zaÅ”tite tla protiv vremenskih neprilika, konzervacije hraniva u tlu te čak i borbe protiv korova. Konzervacija duÅ”ika od prethodnog leguminoznog usjeva je čak važnija funkcija, posebice u ekoloÅ”koj poljoprivredi gdje je upotreba mineralnih duÅ”ičnih gnojiva izrijekom zabranjena, te postrni usjevi mogu poslužiti za čuvanje duÅ”ika od ispiranja iz tla za sljedeći usjev u plodoredu s visokim zahtjevima za duÅ”ikom. Nažalost, izbor postrnih usjeva nije dostatno istražen, posebice za agroekoloÅ”ke uvjete u Hrvatskoj. Stoga je postavljen pokus u Valpovu, Republika Hrvatska, na eutričnom smeđem tlu, tijekom 2005. i 2006. godine, s ciljem da se istraže učinci različitih postrnih usjeva i njihovih kombinacija na komponente prinosa i prinos kukuruza (Zea mais L.) u ekoloÅ”koj (organskoj) poljoprivredi, a u plodoredu iza predusjeva soje (Glycine max L.). Pokus je postavljen kao potpuno slučajan blok raspored u četiri repeticije, sa Å”est tretmana postrnih usjeva: CT ā€“ kontrola, bez postrnih usjeva; WW ā€“ ozima pÅ”enica (Triticum aestivum L.); RY ā€“ ozima raž (Secale cereale L.); FP ā€“ stočni graÅ”ak (Pisum arvense L.); WP ā€“ mjeÅ”avina WW i FP; te RP ā€“ mjeÅ”avina RY i FP. WW tretman imao je najveću masu postrnih usjeva, dok je FP imao najmanju masu postrnih usjeva. NajguŔći sklop zabilježen je na FP tretmanu, značajno viÅ”i nego sklop na RP tretmanu, koji je također imao i najnižu visinu stabljika usjeva kukuruza. Ostvareni prinosi kukuruza bili su najviÅ”i na RY tretmanu, no nisu bili signifi-kantno različiti od O, RP i WW tretmana. Ipak, prinos zabilježen na RY tretmanu bio je signifikantno viÅ”i od prinosa na WP i FP tretma-nima. Apsolutna i hektolitarska masa nije se statistički razlikovala između tretmana

    Effects of Biochar and Sugar Factory Lime Application on Soil Reaction in Acidic Soils

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    Soil reaction, expressed as a pH value, is an indicator of acidity or alkalinity. The soil acidic reaction causes increased mobility of aluminium in the soil and can have negative effects on root growth. Plants grow and develop in soils of different soil reactions, but the optimum soil reaction is between slightly alkaline and slightly acidic. The aim of this research was to determine the impacts differences between the effects of biochar and sugar factory waste lime on soil reaction in acid soils. The research was carried out on stationary field trials at two locations on acid soils in Osijek-Baranja and Virovitica-Podravina County, Croatia. The treatments were: C - control, B1 - 5 t ha-1, B2 - 10 t ha-1, B3 - 15 t ha-1 of biochar and L optimal dose of sugar factory waste lime that was calculated for each field trial location. Two steps of sub factors were also applied, F0 - without fertilization and F1 ā€“ with recommended fertilization. Soil samples were taken in V3 and silking stages of maize growth from 0-25 cm. The average soil pH value in V3 stage of maize growth was 5.42 and in silking was 5.93. The highest pH values in both stages of maize growth were measured in treatment with liming. The lowest hydrolytic acidity was measured at the liming treatment, while all other treatments had a significantly higher value compared to lime. sugar factory lime is optimal conditioner if we want fast and cheap raise in soil pH values, but it must be noted that together with liming we usually must implement many other soil restauration measures, like humization, especially in degraded soils. Key words: biochar, sugar factory waste lime, acid soil, soil restauration measures, soil reactio
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