2 research outputs found

    Do speed cameras reduce speeding in urban areas?

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    Abstract This observational study aimed to estimate the prevalence of speeding on urban roadways and to analyze associated factors. The sample consisted of 8,565 vehicles circulating in areas with and without fixed speed cameras in operation. We found that 40% of vehicles 200 meters after the fixed cameras and 33.6% of vehicles observed on roadways without speed cameras were moving over the speed limit (p < 0.001). Motorcycles showed the highest recorded speed (126km/h). Most drivers were men (87.6%), 3.3% of all drivers were using their cell phones, and 74.6% of drivers (not counting motorcyclists) were wearing their seatbelts. On roadway stretches without fixed speed cameras, more women drivers were talking on their cell phones and wearing seatbelts when compared to men (p < 0.05 for both comparisons), independently of speed limits. The results suggest that compliance with speed limits requires more than structural interventions

    Instrumentos para avaliação do tabagismo: uma revisão sistemática Instruments used to evaluate smoking habits: a systematic review

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    O tabagismo é um dos principais responsáveis pela carga de doenças no mundo, causando uma a cada oito mortes. Conhecer os instrumentos que caracterizam o uso do tabaco é o primeiro passo para desenvolver pesquisas qualificadas e comparativas para enfrentar esse desafio. O objetivo foi identificar instrumentos e comparar domínios temáticos utilizados em pesquisas populacionais para avaliação do tabagismo nos últimos 5 anos. Foi realizada revisão sistemática em publicações de setembro de 2002 a setembro de 2007. Os termos utilizados foram: (Smok* or tobacco) AND (Questionnaire or scale or score or instrument or assessment or form) AND (*cultural* or translat* or valid* or reproduc* or psychomet*). Foram selecionados 186 artigos do total de 2236. Em apenas 91 havia citação dos instrumentos utilizados. Os principais temas foram perfil e prevalência (38%), dependência (24%) e motivação (10,8%). Questionários definidos foram empregados em 96% dos estudos de dependência. Já nas pesquisas de perfil e prevalência 79% utilizaram questionários próprios. A transparência e a padronização dos instrumentos e a preferência pelo uso de questionários validados são quesitos essenciais para a qualidade e reprodutibilidade das pesquisas sobre o tabagismo.<br>Smoking is one of the most important causes of illness in the world, responsible for one out of every eight deaths. To know the instruments that characterize the use of tobacco is the first step to develop reliable and comparable research to tackle this challenge. The objective was to identify and compare instruments and domains used in population-based studies over the past five years aiming to determine smoking patterns. A systematic review was conducted on articles published from September 2002 to September 2007. The terms used were: (*Smok or tobacco) AND (Questionnaire or scale or score or instrument or assessment or form) AND (*cultural* or translat* or valid* or reproduc* or psychomet*). Out of 2,236 references, 186 articles were selected, of which only 91 informed the instruments used. From the 91 manuscripts, 49 distinct instruments were identified. The main topics were profile and prevalence (38%), dependence (24%) and motivation (10.8%). The researchers used standard instruments in 96% of studies of addiction. The majority of articles about profile and prevalence (79%) used self-developed questionnaires. The transparency and standardization of instruments and the preference for the use of validated questionnaires are crucial areas for quality and reproducibility of research on smoking