7 research outputs found
Negli ultimi anni si è sentito molto parlare delle crisi bancarie e delle misure adottate dalle Autorità per porre rimedio al dissesto di questi intermediari. Non sempre le banche riescono a superare una crisi ed è soprattutto in tale situazione che bisogna intervenire a tutela dei depositanti.
L’obiettivo del mio elaborato è cercare di capire come negli anni si sono evolute le misure intraprese per tutelare i depositi e, dopo aver effettuato delle ricerche, ho messo in atto una comparazione tra le linee di intervento adottate in Usa e quelle adottate in Europa concentrandomi, nello specifico, su determinati Paesi europei. Ho studiato il contesto spagnolo, irlandese, francese e tedesco poiché ogni Paese ha una propria caratteristica, riguardo il sistema di tutela dei depositi, che lo contraddistingue dagli altri. Ho inoltre, concentrato la mia attenzione sull’Italia.
Nel dettaglio, il primo capitolo si focalizza principalmente sulle crisi bancarie, si è cercato di comprendere se è possibile identificarle e prevenirle, quali sono le cause dell’insorgere di un dissesto di tali intermediari e gli effetti che producono le crisi bancarie. Più in dettaglio si è osservata la recente crisi bancaria sorta in USA a seguito della crisi dei mutui subprime e come tale crisi ha impattato sull’Europa e sulle banche europee, analizzando anche un effetto della crisi bancaria europea: l’insorgere del sovereign debt crisis.
Il secondo capitolo riporta dei dati riguardo l’evoluzione delle recenti crisi bancarie. Si sono descritte le misure statali adottate e i relativi costi sopportati per risanare le banche americane ed europee e, precisamente, quelle italiane.
Il terzo e il quarto capitolo sono il cuore della tesi. Il terzo tratta i vari strumenti a tutela dei depositi in America e in Europa e si descrivono i vari Fondi osservando come operano:
a. in condizione di crisi dell’intermediario;
b. per rimborsare i depositanti in caso di liquidazione delle banche.
Nel quarto capitolo si affrontano gli stessi argomenti del terzo ma considerando l’Italia come oggetto di studio. In questo capitolo si affronta anche il ruolo assunto da Banca d’Italia per tutelare i depositanti delle banche.
Infine vi è il quinto capitolo che descrive la tanto attesa novità europea desiderata negli ultimi anni: l’Unione Bancaria Europea. Tale progetto si basa su tre pilastri:
1. sistema unico di supervisione bancaria, operativo da novembre 2014;
2. sistema unico di risoluzione delle crisi bancarie, che dovrà entrare in vigore da gennaio 2016;
3. schema comune di tutela dei depositanti.
L’ultimo pilastro è quello che più ci interessa in quest’analisi sia perché riguarda l’assicurazione dei depositi, sia perché non è stato del tutto realizzato come schema comune europeo, ma si è creata un’armonizzazione del funzionamento del sistema di garanzia dei depositi, come si vedrà nel dettaglio nell’elaborato
Bedside echocardiography in internal medicine: which are the key questions and answers for our decision-making?
The advent of portable equipment in the last years has brought ultrasound (US) technology available at patient bedside, giving the opportunity to non-cardiologists to extend cardiac assessment based on physical examination. Bedside echocardiography is a question-driven examination, where simple and often dichotomous answers are searched. It is performed using phased-array probes and bi-dimensional images are visually evaluated to obtain information regarding cardiac size and function, presence of pericardial effusion, gross valvular diseases. Although this approach cannot in any case substitute a standard 2D color-Doppler echocardiography, bedside echocardiography has been demonstrated to maintain a good diagnostic accuracy when limited to basic questions, even in the hands of short-trained non cardiologist physicians. At present the bedside US approach is widely used in different settings and focused echocardiography takes part together with US explorations of lung, abdomen and deep veins in an integrated perspective that perfectly fits with the holistic approach of the internist. In this context we address two typical scenarios encountered in the internal medicine divisions - the patient presenting with dyspnea or nonpost- traumatic hypotension - showing the main questions we can ask to bedside echocardiography for a rapid identification of the determinants of symptoms and consequently for a therapeutic choice based on more objective evidence
Impact of point of care ultrasound on the number of diagnostic examinations in elderly patients admitted to an internal medicine ward
Cost analysis of using point of care ultrasound devices in general medicine department of an hospital in Italy
Stress Echocardiography in Italian Echocardiographic Laboratories: A Survey of the Italian Society of Echocardiography and Cardiovascular Imaging
Background: The Italian Society of Echography and Cardiovascular Imaging (SIECVI) conducted a national survey to understand the volumes of activity, modalities and stressors used during stress echocardiography (SE) in Italy. Methods: We analyzed echocardiography laboratory activities over a month (November 2022). Data were retrieved through an electronic survey based on a structured questionnaire, uploaded on the SIECVI website. Results: Data were obtained from 228 echocardiographic laboratories, and SE examinations were performed in 179 centers (80.6%): 87 centers (47.5%) were in the northern regions of Italy, 33 centers (18.4%) were in the central regions, and 61 (34.1%) in the southern regions. We annotated a total of 4057 SE. We divided the SE centers into three groups, according to the numbers of SE performed: <10 SE (low-volume activity, 40 centers), between 10 and 39 SE (moderate volume activity, 102 centers) and >= 40 SE (high volume activity, 37 centers). Dipyridamole was used in 139 centers (77.6%); exercise in 120 centers (67.0%); dobutamine in 153 centers (85.4%); pacing in 37 centers (21.1%); and adenosine in 7 centers (4.0%). We found a significant difference between the stressors used and volume of activity of the centers, with a progressive increase in the prevalence of number of stressors from low to high volume activity (P = 0.033). The traditional evaluation of regional wall motion of the left ventricle was performed in all centers, with combined assessment of coronary flow velocity reserve (CFVR) in 90 centers (50.3%): there was a significant difference in the centers with different volume of SE activity: the incidence of analysis of CFVR was significantly higher in high volume centers compared to low - moderate - volume (32.5%, 41.0% and 73.0%, respectively, P < 0.001). The lung ultrasound (LUS) was assessed in 67 centers (37.4%). Furthermore for LUS, we found a significant difference in the centers with different volume of SE activity: significantly higher in high volume centers compared to low - moderate - volume (25.0%, 35.3% and 56.8%, respectively, P < 0.001). Conclusions: This nationwide survey demonstrated that SE was significantly widespread and practiced throughout Italy. In addition to the traditional indication to coronary artery disease based on regional wall motion analysis, other indications are emerging with an increase in the use of LUS and CFVR, especially in high-volume centers
Organization and Activity of Italian Echocardiographic Laboratories: A Survey of the Italian Society of Echocardiography and Cardiovascular Imaging
Background: The Italian Society of Echocardiography and Cardiovascular Imaging (SIECVI) conducted a national survey to understand better how different echocardiographic modalities are used and accessed in Italy. Methods: We analyzed echocardiography laboratory activities over a month (November 2022). Data were retrieved via an electronic survey based on a structured questionnaire, uploaded on the SIECVI website. Results: Data were obtained from 228 echocardiographic laboratories: 112 centers (49%) in the northern, 43 centers (19%) in the central, and 73 (32%) in the southern regions. During the month of observation, we collected 101,050 transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) examinations performed in all centers. As concern other modalities there were performed 5497 transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) examinations in 161/228 centers (71%); 4057 stress echocardiography (SE) examinations in 179/228 centers (79%); and examinations with ultrasound contrast agents (UCAs) in 151/228 centers (66%). We did not find significant regional variations between the different modalities. The usage of picture archiving and communication system (PACS) was significantly higher in the northern (84%) versus central (49%) and southern (45%) centers (P < 0.001). Lung ultrasound (LUS) was performed in 154 centers (66%), without difference between cardiology and noncardiology centers. The evaluation of left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction was evaluated mainly using the qualitative method in 223 centers (94%), occasionally with the Simpson method in 193 centers (85%), and with selective use of the three-dimensional (3D) method in only 23 centers (10%). 3D TTE was present in 137 centers (70%), and 3D TEE in all centers where TEE was done (71%). The assessment of LV diastolic function was done routinely in 80% of the centers. Right ventricular function was evaluated using tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion in all centers, using tricuspid valve annular systolic velocity by tissue Doppler imaging in 53% of the centers, and using fractional area change in 33% of the centers. When we divided into cardiology (179, 78%) and noncardiology (49, 22%) centers, we found significant differences in the SE (93% vs. 26%, P < 0.001), TEE (85% vs. 18%), UCA (67% vs. 43%, P < 0001), and STE (87% vs. 20%, P < 0.001). The incidence of LUS evaluation was similar between the cardiology and noncardiology centers (69% vs. 61%, P = NS). Conclusions: This nationwide survey demonstrated that digital infrastructures and advanced echocardiography modalities, such as 3D and STE, are widely available in Italy with a notable diffuse uptake of LUS in the core TTE examination, a suboptimal diffusion of PACS recording, and conservative use of UCA, 3D, and strain. There are significant differences between northern and central-southern regions and echocardiographic laboratories that pertain to the cardiac unit. This inhomogeneous distribution of technology represents one of the main issues that must be solved to standardize the practice of echocardiography