20 research outputs found

    GIS for precision farming – senzor monitoring at "Moara Domneasca" Farm, UASVM of Bucharest

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    Precision farming is an intelligent way of approaching agricultural activities, which involves the use of advanced machines and technologies to streamline the agricultural process and ensure the control of agricultural production. Practicing precision farming represents, for Romanian farms, the best step towards progress, based on the technologies in the field, from automatic GPS systems to soil sensors, helping farmers to obtain the best results in a more efficient way, efficient and simpler, without wasting energy and resources. Part of modern technology is represented by sensors that can monitor different parameters related to soil and atmosphere. The obtained values must be monitored and processed in some agricultural applications, as well as of the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) that allow the spatialization of the data and the creation of specific thematic maps, which come to the support of the farmers for optimal decisions. For the monitoring of the agricultural land, images taken with a drone (eBee Classic UAV) were used, which were the basis for making the maps needed to place the Teralytic sensors for monitoring the following soil parameters: Humidity, Salinity, Soil temperature, pH, Nitrates, Potassium, Phosphorus, at three different depths (15 cm, 45 cm and 91 cm). The research has shown the importance of using GIS techniques in spatializing the data obtained from these sensors and developing specific thematic digital maps that support farmers to make decisions regarding the programming of various agricultural works depending on the type of crop

    Process for Stabilization of Heavy Metals From Solid Waste Resulting in the Process of Acid Mining Water Treatment

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    The technology and the installation of acid mine water treatment by bioaccumulation, is realized in three distinct stages, namely: the primary stage, consisting of raw water capture, treatment with neutralizing and coagulating chemical reagents, solid phase settling and sludge treatment, [I, II , IV, V], the secondary stage, consisting in the removal of heavy metals and the neutralization of acidity by passing the effluent of the first stage, through a battery of phytoextraction cells, [III],using for this purpose truncated cells. In the tertiary stage, the stabilization of heavy metals in the thickened clearing and the aerial part of the sedge takes place

    Software applications for the use of aerial images in precision agriculture

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    Precision agriculture represents a new branch developed due to the new technologies, which represents, for most farmers, a challenge in their use in order to obtain improved productions from year to year, and the conservation of the potential of agricultural lands. Determining the problems of agricultural crops, was done recently through field inspections, which requires a great deal of time. The emergence of drones, dedicated applications for using the results obtained with the help of drones and other new technologies, such as multi-spectral satellite imagery, opens a new perspective for farmers, which allows them to obtain better results in the field of crops but also the conservation of agricultural land. The use of drones and the applications dedicated to the processing of the data obtained with them, will allow to increase the efficiency of the farms and also to conserve the potential of agricultural lands. It will be possible to determine precisely the areas in which to intervene in case of drought / excess humidity, deficiency / excess of nutrients. Also, yeld maps can be made that will highlight the distribution and density of the plants on the surface, the number of berries / fruits, etc. Early detection of weeds, fungi and other pests in crops, to prevent their spread as well as various diseases. At present, more and more farmers are convinced of the efficiency of drone application and precision agriculture applications. In addition to these solutions, farmers also need machines dedicated to the application of the results obtained with these technologies (agricultural equipment equipped with GPS, sensors for various climatic and soil parameters, variable nozzles for seeders and fertilizers, motion / rotation sensors, counters, etc.)

    Characterization of the national local maize landraces

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    Maize is one of the most important crops in Romania. In the mountainous and sub-mountainous areas there has been a great variety of local landraces, which have been replaced over time by maize hybrids. The local maize landraces preserved in the Suceava Genebank are the result of collecting from all country areas, both through the care of RICTP Fundulea and the Agricultural Research Stations: Suceava, Turda, Șimnic, Lovrin, Albota, Podu Iloaiei and Geoagiu (1957-1975), as well as of the collecting laboratory within Suceava Genebank (1990-2021). The paper presents the results of the characterization of 1358 local maize landraces obtained within 30 years. Morpho-physiological observations, biochemical and genetic analyzes were performed, both at Suceava Genebank and at the other research institutions. The characterization of local landraces has led to the identification of gene sources useful for maize breeding of the important characteristics (yield capacity, precocity and quality, resistance to low temperatures and to Fusarium infection). A significant number of populations have shown good agronomic stability, and can be considered potential sources of genes for improving the tolerance of maize to biotic and abiotic stress factors and the quality of new created hybrids, which in addition to high yield capacity to have a high protein content, to be resistant to low temperatures and to Fusarium infection


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    Intelligence competitiveness has already started to build its road in the company’s long term strategies. Nonetheless, business executives continue to look for ways to apply information technology strategically to their businesses. Using information managers manage to communicate, to convey their knowledge about markets, competitors, products, services and operations. Even if data and information are all over there are few amounts of managers that realize the importance of them to the success of the business. This article will review competitive forces and competitive information systems strategies for gaining competitive advantages, explain concepts of value chain, value co-opetition (competition and cooperation), and discuss innovation strategy. Co-opetition is a strategy whereby companies cooperate and compete at the same time with their competitors, complementors (i.e. hardware and software businesses), customers, suppliers. The article discuss an important dimension of information system, identifies competitive advantages and enhancing competitive strategies thought information systems

    CID sindromul în sarcină cauzat de decesul antenatal al fătului (review-ul literaturii)

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    Disciplina de obstetrica si ginecologie, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, IMSP Institutul Mamei si a CopiluluiBackground. Intrauterine death of the fetus is an indicator of maternal and perinatal health. This pathology is often complicated by disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), caused by intrauterine retention of the stillbirth. Objective of the study. To study the literature review on the factors influencing the development of DIC syndrome in antenatal death of the fetus. Material and methods. Data analysis of 100 publications from databases: Medline, Embrase, PubMed, Medscape, MedGen, BioSample. Results. According to the study conducted in India (Swapnil Patel, 2014) in 80 patients with intrauterine death of the fetus, DIC was a complication in 18 cases (22.5%). In the study conducted in the US (Katherine Gold, 2006), it was shown that DIC occurs 4 weeks after fetal death in 2% of cases: out of 543 births - DIC syndrome was developed in 9 cases (2%). The study from Australia (Dana Muin, 2017) assessed 91 patients with antenatal death who developed DIC syndrome; the author did not find the correlationa between the degree of maceration and the risk of DIC syndrome. In the same time, the studies determined the more the dead fetus is in uterine cavity, the higher is the risk of developing DIC syndrome. Conclusions. Antenatal death of the fetus with prolonged fetal retention (>8 days), leads to pathological changes in the coagulation system with the development of DIC syndrome.Introducere. Moartea intrauterină a fătului este un indicator al sănătății materne și perinatale. Această patologie frecvent se complică cu CID, cauzat de reținerea intrauterină a fătului mort cu grad sever de macerare. Scopul lucrării. Review-ul literaturii despre factorii ce influențează dezvoltarea CID sindromului în moartea antenatală a fătului. Material și metode. Analiza datelor a 100 publicații din bazele de date: Medline, Embrase, PubMed, Medscape, PubChem, MedGen, BioSample. Rezultate. Conform datelor studiul efectuat în India (Swapnil Patel, 2014), din 80 paciente cu moartea intrauterină a fătului, cu CID s-a complicat în 18 cazuri (22,5%). În studiul efectuat în SUA (Katherine Gold, 2006), din 543 de nașteri cu moarte antenatală a fătului, CID sindromul s-a dezvoltat în 9 cazuri (2%). Celelalte 97 de studii sunt caz-control, pe un număr mic de pacienți și conform cerințelor contemporane nu pot fi utilizate ca recomandări. În studiul din Austria (Dana Muin, 2017), au fost analizate 91 de cazuri cu moartea antenatală a fătului, care au dezvoltat și sindromul CID, și nu s-a constat corelația între gradele de macerare fetală și riscul de a dezvolta CID. Totodată, analiza studiilor efectuate demonstrează că, cu cât este mai mare timpul aflării fătului mort în uter, cu atât mai mult creste probabilitatea de a dezvolta CID. Concluzii. Moartea antenatală a fătului cu reținerea fetală îndelungată ( >8 zile), conduce la modificări patologice în sistemul de coagulare, cu dezvoltarea sindromului CID