4 research outputs found

    Lathe machining in the era of industry 4.0: Remanufactured lathe with integrated measurement system for CNC generation of the rolling surfaces for railway wheels

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    © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016. Many projects and researches in the field of remanufacturing of specialized lathes are presented in the specialized literature. In the process of design for remanufacturing, a great number of solutions contain different aspects and data important to consider. The paper presents important stages of theoretical and applied research regarding the modernization of a conventional lathe with two working units by adaptation of four driving chains for CNC advance/ positioning movements and improvements of translation couplings, adaptation of CNC equipment for driving and measuring simultaneous both wheels mounted on axle. The reducing of geometrical errors of the running profile is very important in reshaping the worn wheelsets. The lathe remanufacturing process involves the restoration of functional requirements and measurement of the geometric precision. The CNC capabilities of the remanufactured lathe require a database of parametric representation of profiles and rolling surfaces using CAD techniques according to international standards


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    Sarcina la vârsta adolescenţei reprezintă o situaţie specială mai ales în rândul adolescentelor care nu beneficiază de susţinere familială, fiind expuse riscului de a nu primi îngrijiri prenatale corespunzătoare, cu complicaţii pe durata sarcinii şi în timpul naşterii atât pentru mamă, cât mai ales pentru nou-născut. Obiectiv. Scopul lucrării de faţă este de a prezenta patologia şi complicaţiile asociate nou-născuţilor proveniţi din mame adolescente. Material şi metodă. Studiu retrospectiv cuprizând pacienţii internaţi în perioada ianuarie 2013-decembrie 2014, criteriul de includere în studiu fiind vârsta mamei de maximum 17 ani. Rezultate. 66,67% dintre nou-născuţii din studiu au fost prematuri şi 33,33% au fost nou-născuţi la termen. Complicaţiile postpartum au fost mai frecvente şi mai severe în grupul prematurilor comparativ cu nou-născuţii la termen. Corelarea datelor obţinute despre patologia, vârsta de gestaţie şi greutatea la naştere a cazurilor cu vârsta biologică a mamei relevă că mamele cu vârsta de 13-15 ani au născut predominant prematuri comparativ cu cele cu vârsta de 16 şi 17 ani. Mamele prematurilor cu greutate la naştere extrem de mică şi foarte mică au vârsta cuprinsă între 13-15 ani. Concluzii. Sarcina la adolescenţă se asociază cel mai frecvent cu naşterea de copii prematuri. Cu cât vârsta biologică a mamei este mai mică, cu atât riscul de a naşte un prematur este mai mare, complicaţiile asociate fiind mai severe cu cât vârsta de gestaţie şi greutatea la naştere ale prematurului sunt mai mici

    Prevalence and Antimicrobial Resistance of Klebsiella Strains Isolated from a County Hospital in Romania

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    The study evaluated the evolution of the incidence of infections with Klebsiella in the County Clinical Emergency Hospital of Craiova (SCJUC), Romania. Also, we monitored antibiotic resistance over more than two years and detected changes in resistance to various antimicrobial agents. Our study included 2062 patients (823 women and 1239 men) hospitalised in SCJUC during the period 1st of September 2017 to 30 June 2019. In 458 patients (22.21%) from the 2062 total patients, the collected samples (1116) were positive and from those, we isolated 251 strains of Klebsiella spp. We conducted a longitudinal analysis of the prevalence of Klebsiella spp. over calendar months, which showed a prevalence in surgical wards that ranged between 5.25% and 19.49% in June 2018, while in medical wards the variation was much wider, between 5.15% and 17.36% in April 2018. Klebsiella spp. strains showed significant resistance to Amoxicillin/Clavulanate, Aztreonam and Cephalosporins such as Ceftriaxone, Ceftazidime and Cefepime. We examined the possible link with the consumption of antibiotics in the same month by performing a multiple linear regression analysis. The evolution of antibiotic resistance in Klebsiella was correlated with the variation of resistance in other bacteria, which suggests common resistance mechanisms in the hospital environment. By performing the regression for dependency between antibiotic resistance and antibiotic consumption, we observed some correlations between antibiotic consumption and the development of antibiotic resistance after 1, 2 and even 3 months (e.g., resistance to meropenem was influenced by the consumption in the hospital ward of imipenem 1 month and two months before, but only 1 month before by the consumption of meropenem). The clustering of strains showed filiation between multiresistant Klebsiella spp. strains isolated from specific patients from the ICU. The evolution of prevalence and antibiotic resistance in Klebsiella correlated with the resistance in other bacteria, which suggest common resistance mechanisms in the hospital environment, and also with the consumption of antibiotics